Must Read Our Constitutional Republic is at war!

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I don't care how many guns you have, or what caliber they are, or even how many rounds of ammo you have; you only have two hands. And it only takes one bullet to take down a domestic terrorist who thinks they're fighting in a civil war.

Goes both ways. And Defending ones on land with lots of weapons have served many countries well...who beat large forces.
It appears to be a well planned and orchestrated coup against the American Citizens to steal our country, our freedoms and wealth.

Man, they sure pulled a fast one on us. I thought for sure martial law would be the way these evil people would take control, but they used the magicians trick of having us watch one hand while the other hand steals your wallet.
Who says the US military would slaughter their own citizens? Some would, some would not take action, and some would subversively or actively oppose such actions.

The best would be for the military to stand aside, and let the people work it out. Maybe a handful of National Guard guys involved, but that would be minimal.
I'm sure the Taliban and Iraqi politicians and military thought the exact, same thing.

Thinking you can take up arms against the American military and have any kind of a chance is laughable. Take every "militant prepper" on this site with all their guns and all their training (running around the woods on a weekend, dressed up like GI Joe) and they wouldn't last 6 months against the US Army Reservists, much less the full American Military. And that's how it should be; The US Armed Forces would turn any insurgent "army" thinking they're going to start a "civil war" into a grease stain before they could reload their ARs twice. Hell, most city SWAT teams are far better equipped and trained than most so-called militia members.

Here's what will happen: the politics will play out and the election results will be finalized. Trump, IF he looses (results pending), will tuck his little tail and leave the White House and yes, we'll be under a Democrat president for at least the next four years. Boo hoo, get over it. We've survived a democrat administration in the past, we will again without any problems that aren't started by idiots. After that time everybody, well those who aren't felons, on this forum will be able to vote for their next President. That's how the system works per our government and constitution. Thoughts of a civil war or any state, including Texas, succeeding from the Union are just wet dreams by people who hope something like that happens to make their lives relevant again.

What we SHOULD be focused on is repairing relations on both sides of the political spectrum; Republican and Democrat, Liberal and Conservative. If you don't think a middle ground can be reached than you're the problem, not the Democrats, not the liberals, and not the Republicans or conservatives. People on this forum need to grow up and realize they're not in a Tom Clancy novel.

Goes both ways. And Defending ones on land with lots of weapons have served many countries well...who beat large forces.
I'm sure the Taliban and Iraqi politicians and military thought the exact, same thing.

Thinking you can take up arms against the American military and have any kind of a chance is laughable. Take every "militant prepper" on this site with all their guns and all their training (running around the woods on a weekend, dressed up like GI Joe) and they wouldn't last 6 months against the US Army Reservists, much less the full American Military. And that's how it should be; The US Armed Forces would turn any insurgent "army" thinking they're going to start a "civil war" into a grease stain before they could reload their ARs twice. Hell, most city SWAT teams are far better equipped and trained than most so-called militia members.

Here's what will happen: the politics will play out and the election results will be finalized. Trump, IF he looses (results pending), will tuck his little tail and leave the White House and yes, we'll be under a Democrat president for at least the next four years. Boo hoo, get over it. We've survived a democrat administration in the past, we will again without any problems that aren't started by idiots. After that time everybody, well those who aren't felons, on this forum will be able to vote for their next President. That's how the system works per our government and constitution. Thoughts of a civil war or any state, including Texas, succeeding from the Union are just wet dreams by people who hope something like that happens to make their lives relevant again.

What we SHOULD be focused on is repairing relations on both sides of the political spectrum; Republican and Democrat, Liberal and Conservative. If you don't think a middle ground can be reached than you're the problem, not the Democrats, not the liberals, and not the Republicans or conservatives. People on this forum need to grow up and realize they're not in a Tom Clancy novel.
you sound like a DEMOCRAT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,just what do you think you are doing here,,,,go back to your basement at moms house
I'm sure the Taliban and Iraqi politicians and military thought the exact, same thing.

Thinking you can take up arms against the American military and have any kind of a chance is laughable. Take every "militant prepper" on this site with all their guns and all their training (running around the woods on a weekend, dressed up like GI Joe) and they wouldn't last 6 months against the US Army Reservists, much less the full American Military. And that's how it should be; The US Armed Forces would turn any insurgent "army" thinking they're going to start a "civil war" into a grease stain before they could reload their ARs twice. Hell, most city SWAT teams are far better equipped and trained than most so-called militia members.

Here's what will happen: the politics will play out and the election results will be finalized. Trump, IF he looses (results pending), will tuck his little tail and leave the White House and yes, we'll be under a Democrat president for at least the next four years. Boo hoo, get over it. We've survived a democrat administration in the past, we will again without any problems that aren't started by idiots. After that time everybody, well those who aren't felons, on this forum will be able to vote for their next President. That's how the system works per our government and constitution. Thoughts of a civil war or any state, including Texas, succeeding from the Union are just wet dreams by people who hope something like that happens to make their lives relevant again.

What we SHOULD be focused on is repairing relations on both sides of the political spectrum; Republican and Democrat, Liberal and Conservative. If you don't think a middle ground can be reached than you're the problem, not the Democrats, not the liberals, and not the Republicans or conservatives. People on this forum need to grow up and realize they're not in a Tom Clancy novel.

And that's what I'm talking about. We can't speak like adults on this page/forum. Your first instinct is to resort to insult and lash out like we're on a playground. You can't address the fact that people on this forum are talking about civil war and "taking up arms" against the government when that's as unrealistic as any idea on the farthest conspiracy theory website.

I mean honestly, do you seriously think there will be a civil war? Do you honestly believe states will succeed from the Union? When will that start? You've already indicated, apparently, that it'll be Texas as to who will be first, but as far as the civilian population, who's going to start it? You? "Rellgar?" Talking about sitting in a mothers basement, you boast and bluster but when it comes to action you will do a grant total of nothing if Biden happens to win and Trump goes back to his tower. There's not a heart or soul on this page that will actual take steps....but that's a good thing, since that means you'll just be the first arrest or the first grease stain on the street in front of your van down by the river.

It's just sad that on a page for preparedness you pick these little fantasies and engage in this mental masturbation about something that will never come to pass, in my lifetime nor my grandchildren's lifetimes. You're not some hero, fighting for democracy against an evil pedophile ring of satanists. You're a prepper who's supposed to be an adult and deal with adult politics in a reasonable and responsible fashion. Don't like Biden's politics? Tough crap, keep voting republican or, better yet, libertarian, and be part of the solution, not part of the problem.

you sound like a DEMOCRAT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,just what do you think you are doing here,,,,go back to your basement at moms house
That's all you can DO? ....type three little letters? Lots of words from you, including the little manifesto at the start of this thread. I was really confused as to whether or not that was a Tom Clancy fan fiction story or a skit from Saturday Night Live. Lots of action. Arm-chair heroes like you are all over the 'Net, but the first time you get shot at, if it were to actually happen, you'll **** your pants and cry for your mother dropping that expensive AR to the ground and holding your hands out against the scary army man.

It's a good thing no real civil war is coming. If you were some kind of protector or defense against it we'd all be screwed, but keep bolstering your emotional short comings by talking garbage on forums like these. The sounding board and feed back you get here will amplify your own unrealistic fantasies and give you a weak sense of purpose for a little while longer.

Meanwhile the real world goes on, giving you more targets for your pathetic and unfounded conspiracies. Sad, really. If you wrote a bit more eloquently you could author books with all the fiction and fantasy in your head. Ah well, go back to polishing your gun in your bunker and keep waiting for that civil war that will never come.

If you don't think a middle ground can be reached than you're the problem, not the Democrats, not the liberals, and not the Republicans or conservatives.
What is the middle ground with people who openly want to destroy this country and throw conservatives in prison? Only destroy half the country and throw only half the conservatives in prison?

That's all you can DO? ....type three little letters? Lots of words from you, including the little manifesto at the start of this thread. I was really confused as to whether or not that was a Tom Clancy fan fiction story or a skit from Saturday Night Live. Lots of action. Arm-chair heroes like you are all over the 'Net, but the first time you get shot at, if it were to actually happen, you'll **** your pants and cry for your mother dropping that expensive AR to the ground and holding your hands out against the scary army man.

It's a good thing no real civil war is coming. If you were some kind of protector or defense against it we'd all be screwed, but keep bolstering your emotional short comings by talking garbage on forums like these. The sounding board and feed back you get here will amplify your own unrealistic fantasies and give you a weak sense of purpose for a little while longer.

Meanwhile the real world goes on, giving you more targets for your pathetic and unfounded conspiracies. Sad, really. If you wrote a bit more eloquently you could author books with all the fiction and fantasy in your head. Ah well, go back to polishing your gun in your bunker and keep waiting for that civil war that will never come.
damn you are just trying so hard to get banned,,,,,,,you are comical,,,an obvious Bidden supporter here to stir the pot,,,,,,well you just knock yourself out there bud your time here should be short
That's all you can DO? ....type three little letters? Lots of words from you, including the little manifesto at the start of this thread. I was really confused as to whether or not that was a Tom Clancy fan fiction story or a skit from Saturday Night Live. Lots of action. Arm-chair heroes like you are all over the 'Net, but the first time you get shot at, if it were to actually happen, you'll **** your pants and cry for your mother dropping that expensive AR to the ground and holding your hands out against the scary army man.

It's a good thing no real civil war is coming. If you were some kind of protector or defense against it we'd all be screwed, but keep bolstering your emotional short comings by talking garbage on forums like these. The sounding board and feed back you get here will amplify your own unrealistic fantasies and give you a weak sense of purpose for a little while longer.

Meanwhile the real world goes on, giving you more targets for your pathetic and unfounded conspiracies. Sad, really. If you wrote a bit more eloquently you could author books with all the fiction and fantasy in your head. Ah well, go back to polishing your gun in your bunker and keep waiting for that civil war that will never come.

Your an ignorant fool who obviously didn't bother to study history. Just your one belief that we can't have a civil war now or in the future is proof you have no clue as to what your proclaiming.

History has already proven you 100% wrong, since we have already had one civil war in this country.

You know nothing about me and are wrong on almost every claim, I admit I do keep my gun polished.
Hence why you're a failure when it comes to this country. "You're either for us or against us" is a dangerous mentality...and completely unrealistic. I'm not sleeping, nor am I ignorant to truth of the system that's gotten us here so far. Honestly, you think they're all out to throw you in prison ?Do you think that if Biden's elected you'll get a knock at the door, "they" will take your guns and "they" will throw you in jail? That's a scary fantasy you live in, and I'm thinking you're the one who needs to wake up.

What is the middle ground with people to openly want to destroy this country and throw conservatives in prison? Only destroy half the country and throw only half the conservatives in prison?

I'm not here to stir any pot, only add a dose of reality to otherwise good, if delusional, people. There will be no civil war. There will be no socialist take over of the country. There will be no successions and there will be no destruction of our republic. You just need to realize that. Ban me if you like, it won't change the fact that in six months, one year, four years, you'll have to re-invent your conspiracies or shoe-horn them into a slightly different situation, with different names for the villains and heroes, but the same goes on without a collapse of our country, financially nor politically.

damn you are just trying so hard to get banned,,,,,,,you are comical,,,an obvious Bidden supporter here to stir the pot,,,,,,well you just knock yourself out there bud your time here should be short
I'm sure the Taliban and Iraqi politicians and military thought the exact, same thing.

Thinking you can take up arms against the American military and have any kind of a chance is laughable. Take every "militant prepper" on this site with all their guns and all their training (running around the woods on a weekend, dressed up like GI Joe) and they wouldn't last 6 months against the US Army Reservists, much less the full American Military. And that's how it should be; The US Armed Forces would turn any insurgent "army" thinking they're going to start a "civil war" into a grease stain before they could reload their ARs twice. Hell, most city SWAT teams are far better equipped and trained than most so-called militia members.

Here's what will happen: the politics will play out and the election results will be finalized. Trump, IF he looses (results pending), will tuck his little tail and leave the White House and yes, we'll be under a Democrat president for at least the next four years. Boo hoo, get over it. We've survived a democrat administration in the past, we will again without any problems that aren't started by idiots. After that time everybody, well those who aren't felons, on this forum will be able to vote for their next President. That's how the system works per our government and constitution. Thoughts of a civil war or any state, including Texas, succeeding from the Union are just wet dreams by people who hope something like that happens to make their lives relevant again.

What we SHOULD be focused on is repairing relations on both sides of the political spectrum; Republican and Democrat, Liberal and Conservative. If you don't think a middle ground can be reached than you're the problem, not the Democrats, not the liberals, and not the Republicans or conservatives. People on this forum need to grow up and realize they're not in a Tom Clancy novel.

You spent time rambling for nothing. Thanks, but I donā€™t see any of this the way you do. Have a nice day.
people we are screwed,,,,I am certain I will not like any of Bidens policy's but he is in charge and there is not one thing we can do about it,,,,,hopefully next election we can get him out of there,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,maybe

He will be dead before that...or at the very least unable to say his own name.
You've already indicated, apparently, that it'll be Texas as to who will be first, but as far as the civilian population, who's going to start it? You? "Rellgar?" Talking about sitting in a mothers basement

If you're going to insult someone, at least aim it at the right person (GG wrote that, not Rellgar)

"You're either for us or against us" is a dangerous mentality...and completely unrealistic.

I don't know... it works well for God.

To say that it is not possible is YOU not preparing for the possible. Probable? Unknown. Do you think this republic can continue down this path and never fail? You're kidding yourself. It's not 'if', but 'when'.

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