Must Read Our Constitutional Republic is at war!

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I WILL SAY THIS AND GO FEED UP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

this election results are going to stand,,,Trump won't be able to get it overturned ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and the reason is simple,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

both partys know if it is proven the public will lose faith in the election process ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

you can think what you want but Trump did this to himself the Democrats hated him his own party does not really like him ,,big tech,,,the media,,,the FBI and CIA did all they could to undermine him,,,,,,the fix was in,,,,,,and nothing was going to stop it

even Trump knew it,,,that was why the big rush to fill that last Supreme Court Seat,,,it is a lasting legacy that even the Democrats can do nothing about
Go on back to your fantasy world where you find aliens. You are a worthless being. No one CARES what you think or say.

Wow. When one of the gentle ladies start tearing into you, it's time to go sleep it off.
Hence why you're a failure when it comes to this country. "You're either for us or against us" is a dangerous mentality...and completely unrealistic. I'm not sleeping, nor am I ignorant to truth of the system that's gotten us here so far. Honestly, you think they're all out to throw you in prison ?Do you think that if Biden's elected you'll get a knock at the door, "they" will take your guns and "they" will throw you in jail? That's a scary fantasy you live in, and I'm thinking you're the one who needs to wake up.
Democrat Senator Sheldon Whitehouse suggested using RICO to arrest climate skeptics.

Daniel Johnson, Deputy Executive Editor of Salem News, when asked if Republicans should be arrested said:
"The short answer is 'Yes.' The long answer is 'Of course.' The definitive answer is: 'In many, if not most cases, they should be rounded up, stripped of their citizenship and deported to Madagascar.'"

Keith Oberman said:
“Trump can be and must be expunged….His enablers…the Mike Lee’s, the William Barr’s and the Sean Hannity’s and the Mike Pence’s…and the Amy Coney Barrett’s must be prosecuted and convicted and removed from our society”’

Journalist Mark Hertsgaard wrote:
“Climate change denial should be a crime...murder is murder...we should punish it as such.”

Kyle Jurek, a Sanders staffer from Iowa, said that labor camps were beneficial for the Soviet Union and further suggesting that they could be used to re-educate both Trump supporters and billionaires.

Martin Weissgerber another Sanders staffer said
“I’m telling you. Guillotine the rich.”
Democrat Senator Sheldon Whitehouse suggested using RICO to arrest climate skeptics.

Daniel Johnson, Deputy Executive Editor of Salem News, when asked if Republicans should be arrested said:
"The short answer is 'Yes.' The long answer is 'Of course.' The definitive answer is: 'In many, if not most cases, they should be rounded up, stripped of their citizenship and deported to Madagascar.'"

Keith Oberman said:
“Trump can be and must be expunged….His enablers…the Mike Lee’s, the William Barr’s and the Sean Hannity’s and the Mike Pence’s…and the Amy Coney Barrett’s must be prosecuted and convicted and removed from our society”’

Journalist Mark Hertsgaard wrote:
“Climate change denial should be a crime...murder is murder...we should punish it as such.”

Kyle Jurek, a Sanders staffer from Iowa, said that labor camps were beneficial for the Soviet Union and further suggesting that they could be used to re-educate both Trump supporters and billionaires.

Martin Weissgerber another Sanders staffer said
“I’m telling you. Guillotine the rich.”
Fake news.
There will be no successions and there will be no destruction of our republic.

Even tho you are quite eloquent in your speech here, you should turn on your "auto correct" so that we can really understand what you are really trying to say...
SUCCESS, is a word meaning to prevail and do well in an undertaking of sorts.
SUCCESSIONS; ALTHOUGH is sounds to be a correct use of the base word SUCCESS, would be interpreted by an outlander, could be taken to mean a series of SUCCESSFUL undertakings...
If I am understanding the rest of your text, then I ASSUME, you were trying to utilise the word: SECEDE, which to most of us, is a word used to describe the process of "leaving" or getting out of a group of something...such as a group of STATES, meaning the United States of America.
Just as you are quite convinced that NO states will or are planning to secede from the USA, although it is being seriously discussed in TEXAS, the rest of those here are not only entitled to ALSO be quite convinced that IT COULD HAPPEN.
AND THAT MR. PARAHUNTER, is why this site is NOT a SURVIVAL site, but instead it is called a
PRE-PPING SITE. (did you notice that I used the hyphen?) The part of the word PREPPING which means
"PRE"; as in "prepare"... as I would describe myself as not being a survivalist, but instead a PREVIVALIST.
And many persons here are PREparing for the possible need of being ready for something which might--or---might not happen.
Your use of the eloquent speech here, ONLY IN MY HUMBLE OPINION, is just like those others in all the websites in and on the internet, is another sort of rather disturbing "long-range" insult towards those who have a different set of experiences and opinions or at least their own right of different interpretations of their personal experiences and lifes stories. And to use your own words:
"You're either for us or against us" is a dangerous mentality...and completely unrealistic
You are using this platform to "attempt" to take away the very God given and Constitutional rights of persons who have been here for each other for many years now, to practice these rights to speak of their personal thoughts and fears so that OTHERS here with the same thoughts could, can and will be able to convey their thoughts also, in order to maybe placate or even wipe away these possible fears and turn the others fears into just a foggy memory, or, give them the needed advice to "make it through a personal hard time" and be thankful for the other person which they have never even seen but instead only see an Avatar here and a Fake name or nickname...
Relax, spread your thoughts and lack of fears, accept that others have different thought and fears, or lack thereof, learn to see the other side, be ready to accept the others for being different and above all: Remember to LIVE FREE! GARY
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What we SHOULD be focused on is repairing relations on both sides of the political spectrum; Republican and Democrat, Liberal and Conservative. If you don't think a middle ground can be reached than you're the problem, not the Democrats, not the liberals, and not the Republicans or conservatives. People on this forum need to grow up and realize they're not in a Tom Clancy novel.

Sir, there is NO middle ground with socialists, they are relentless, Every version of socialism ALWAYS evolves into oppression, repression, supression and totalitarianism. And usually involves genocide, secret police and the end of freedom. The current party may be called the DEMOCRATIC party but like what happened in the UK, Italy, spain and germany those moderate left leaning parties are now fully infiltrated by the FAR left like Corbyns marxists in the UK did . Your Dems are now being taken over by AOC and her marxist friends.
people we are screwed,,,,I am certain I will not like any of Bidens policy's but he is in charge and there is not one thing we can do about it,,,,,hopefully next election we can get him out of there,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,maybe

No Sir, that is EXACTLY the point I have tried to explain. BIDEN is not and will NOT be in charge, he is mentally weak, easily manipulated, elderly and clearly not very smart. Sir I suggest you look for who ever is behind him to see who is pulling his strings. I'll wager Hilary RC and AOC will be there somewhere. you are not getting a DEMOCRAT President you are getting a toothless Democrat puppet being controlled by the FAR left.
Odd innit that when some democrats talk about sub dividing some states to create new states with a massive bias in favour for the democrats. OR they talk about California / Oregon / Washington Ceding to create a socialist powerhouse on the Pacific coast They say "This Could happen" . Yet when some republicans suggest a group of Sovereign states democratically voting to withdraw from the US of A like the UK just voted to leave the EU the left says NO WAY. It simply reaffirms what I have been saying for decades that the LEFT only like DEMOCRACY when it goes in THEIR favour, but as soon as its going against them their true anti democracy violent totalitarian nature is exposed.

If, IF SOVEREIGN states VOTE democratically to join a POLITICAL UNION ( EU, USSR at the end, Yugoslavic Republic, or the USA) they can DEMOCRATICALLY vote to LEAVE.

FOR OVER 60 long YEARS the US fought and encouraged the member states of the USSR to become democratic and vote themselves OUT of the USSR. The Federal US could never justify not respecting the similar identical wishes of ITS OWN democractic SOVEREIGN states to cede from the Union.
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If President Kamala Harris and Vice President AO Cortez get their way there will be no more elections...........

what difference will there be? You can have elections that are like a banana republic where you only count the votes that you want to count. Or you just eliminate the vote like China did. Same thing. We're in the first stage now.
No Sir, that is EXACTLY the point I have tried to explain. BIDEN is not and will NOT be in charge, he is mentally weak, easily manipulated, elderly and clearly not very smart. Sir I suggest you look for who ever is behind him to see who is pulling his strings. I'll wager Hilary RC and AOC will be there somewhere. you are not getting a DEMOCRAT President you are getting a toothless Democrat puppet being controlled by the FAR left.
I know he is a puppet,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,that is why we are screwed so badly,,,,
I have read the comments this morning,,,some of you are going out there pretty far now,,,,,,

I am not happy with this election,I can see change coming,the 3 that worry me the most is open borders and just what will happen with the oil industry,and lets not forget the 2nd amendment ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,we survived 8 years of OBAMA,,,,I believe we can get thru Biden term also,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

it is time to get your popcorn out and watch the show,,,4 years I hope you have lots of popcorn
GG, you missed one monster point. With Kamala in the WH, for 2022, there will be zero vote security. They will 'investigate' any voter fraud as well as they investigated the Hunter laptop. Smoke screen, and 'nothing to see here'. The Senate will fall to a democrat majority. And... that will be the end of genuine elections in this country. Ever.
GG, you missed one monster point. With Kamala in the WH, for 2022, there will be zero vote security. They will 'investigate' any voter fraud as well as they investigated the Hunter laptop. Smoke screen, and 'nothing to see here'. The Senate will fall to a democrat majority. And... that will be the end of genuine elections in this country. Ever.
bud all we can do is sit back and watch,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,or are you planning to be rid of those in office now,to eliminate them would not even touch the head of the snake,,,,

naw this will have to run it's course ............. now go ahead and bitch about this,,,,,but as for me,,,,I know we have lost the war
Fake news.
Fake news? Really?
Why, because you didn't hear it on MSNBC?? No it is NOT "Fake news"
Since you are too lazy to find out the truth for yourself...

Here is Senator Whitehouse's Washington Post Op Ed:
Here is Daniel Johnson's article in Salem News:
Here is a video of Keith Oberman:

Here is Mark Hertsgaard's article in The Nation:
Here is a video of Kyle Jurek:
Fake news? Really?
Why, because you didn't hear it on MSNBC?? No it is NOT "Fake news"
Since you are too lazy to find out the truth for yourself...

Here is Senator Whitehouse's Washington Post Op Ed:
Here is Daniel Johnson's article in Salem News:
Here is a video of Keith Oberman:

Here is Mark Hertsgaard's article in The Nation:
Here is a video of Kyle Jurek:

well if they are coming over to see me I better be ready,,,,,I will have TEA and Cookies waiting for them,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,over 70 million people voted TRUMP they are not going to go door to door to get rid us,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,this is laughable the sad thing is you believe it

it's time for you to come in out of the rain DR,,,you are getting wet
Losing to Biteme and Camletoe are NOT like losing to just a couple of democrats. They are Marxist commies who will change our country forever! We will not recover from them. No they aren't coming for us individually. They don't have to. What they will do is raise taxes, destroy the oil industry, open the borders, grant citizenship to millions of illegals, pack the Supreme Court, give state hood to DC and Pourto Rico, lock down the country, shred our constitution and nationalize our retirement accounts. All their words not mine. Energy prices will double, triple or quadruple. Millions more will be forced on government programs and millions of businesses will close. If we think that government schools are bad now just wait until the B/H indoctrination programs begin. There is NO "sitting" back and riding this out and waiting for better times. Our Constitutional Republic is over forever. Without Trump in office the Repubics will revert back to cowards and compromise the rest of our Rights and Liberty's away.
Losing to Biteme and Camletoe are NOT like losing to just a couple of democrats. They are Marxist commies who will change our country forever! We will not recover from them. No they aren't coming for us individually. They don't have to. What they will do is raise taxes, destroy the oil industry, open the borders, grant citizenship to millions of illegals, pack the Supreme Court, give state hood to DC and Pourto Rico, lock down the country, shred our constitution and nationalize our retirement accounts. All their words not mine. Energy prices will double, triple or quadruple. Millions more will be forced on government programs and millions of businesses will close. If we think that government schools are bad now just wait until the B/H indoctrination programs begin. There is NO "sitting" back and riding this out and waiting for better times. Our Constitutional Republic is over forever. Without Trump in office the Repubics will revert back to cowards and compromise the rest of our Rights and Liberty's away.

That's the best one-paragraph summary I've seen anywhere. Including proper spellings! (Biteme, Camletoe, and Re-pubics)
well if they are coming over to see me I better be ready,,,,,I will have TEA and Cookies waiting for them,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,over 70 million people voted TRUMP they are not going to go door to door to get rid us,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,this is laughable the sad thing is you believe it

it's time for you to come in out of the rain DR,,,you are getting wet
You haven't been following the discussion GG. Let me recap...

Parahunter said: If you don't think a middle ground can be reached than you're the problem, not the Democrats, not the liberals, and not the Republicans or conservatives.

I said:
What is the middle ground with people who openly want to destroy this country and throw conservatives in prison?

Note I said
"Want to" and the far left absolutely does want to. Whether they can or not is a different discussion.

Parahunter said "Honestly, you think they're all out to throw you in prison ?"

I gave examples.

Parahunter called that "Fake News"

I then gave him the sources.

Even tho you are quite eloquent in your speech here, you should turn on your "auto correct" so that we can really understand what you are really trying to say...
SUCCESS, is a word meaning to prevail and do well in an undertaking of sorts.
SUCCESSIONS; ALTHOUGH is sounds to be a correct use of the base word SUCCESS, would be interpreted by an outlander, could be taken to mean a series of SUCCESSFUL undertakings...
If I am understanding the rest of your text, then I ASSUME, you were trying to utilise the word: SECEDE, which to most of us, is a word used to describe the process of "leaving" or getting out of a group of something...such as a group of STATES, meaning the United States of America.
Just as you are quite convinced that NO states will or are planning to secede from the USA, although it is being seriously discussed in TEXAS, the rest of those here are not only entitled to ALSO be quite convinced that IT COULD HAPPEN.
AND THAT MR. PARAHUNTER, is why this site is NOT a SURVIVAL site, but instead it is called a
PRE-PPING SITE. (did you notice that I used the hyphen?) The part of the word PREPPING which means
"PRE"; as in "prepare"... as I would describe myself as not being a survivalist, but instead a PREVIVALIST.
And many persons here are PREparing for the possible need of being ready for something which might--or---might not happen.
Your use of the eloquent speech here, ONLY IN MY HUMBLE OPINION, is just like those others in all the websites in and on the internet, is another sort of rather disturbing "long-range" insult towards those who have a different set of experiences and opinions or at least their own right of different interpretations of their personal experiences and lifes stories. And to use your own words:

You are using this platform to "attempt" to take away the very God given and Constitutional rights of persons who have been here for each other for many years now, to practice these rights to speak of their personal thoughts and fears so that OTHERS here with the same thoughts could, can and will be able to convey their thoughts also, in order to maybe placate or even wipe away these possible fears and turn the others fears into just a foggy memory, or, give them the needed advice to "make it through a personal hard time" and be thankful for the other person which they have never even seen but instead only see an Avatar here and a Fake name or nickname...
Relax, spread your thoughts and lack of fears, accept that others have different thought and fears, or lack thereof, learn to see the other side, be ready to accept the others for being different and above all: Remember to LIVE FREE! GARY

Very thoughtfully and succinctly said Gary! Brainwashed, unable to think for themselves people like him will never go along with allowing Free Speech and Freedom of thought. Just MHO.
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You haven't been following the discussion GG. Let me recap...

Parahunter said: If you don't think a middle ground can be reached than you're the problem, not the Democrats, not the liberals, and not the Republicans or conservatives.

I said:
What is the middle ground with people who openly want to destroy this country and throw conservatives in prison?

Note I said
"Want to" and the far left absolutely does want to. Whether they can or not is a different discussion.

Parahunter said "Honestly, you think they're all out to throw you in prison ?"

I gave examples.

Parahunter called that "Fake News"

I then gave him the sources.

no beef,,,,,
I am am inclined to believe that we lost,,,yeah it is going to suck,,,,they will do things we don't like,,,,,,are they going to come after Trump Supporters,only those who threaten violence over losing have anything to worry about,,,is it the end of the world,,,,,,,,no

4 years from now we will have the chance to get them out of office ,,,,,just hang in there WE WILL GET THRU THIS
Then why reply? Seems like you care more than you claim.

Last response to you.

My grandchildren would be laughing right now if reading what you wrote! 😄 Their response would be “hahaha he did a biden!” You see, even at their young ages they understand stupid comments. But they have the advantage of being raised properly.
I have been following,,,I have done some ranting of my own,but I am past that now,,,we aren't going to rise up and have a revolution we are to civilized for that to happen,,,,

I will ride this out,,,,I am not a damned DEMOCRAT, I will not rant and rave for the next 4 years about losing,,,,,,,the rest of you can bitch all you want,,,it is not going to change a thing

now go ahead be mad at me I don't care
Sir, there is NO middle ground with socialists, they are relentless, Every version of socialism ALWAYS evolves into oppression, repression, supression and totalitarianism. And usually involves genocide, secret police and the end of freedom. The current party may be called the DEMOCRATIC party but like what happened in the UK, Italy, spain and germany those moderate left leaning parties are now fully infiltrated by the FAR left like Corbyns marxists in the UK did . Your Dems are now being taken over by AOC and her marxist friends.

Spot on Bill! Anyone with even a minimum of synapse happening in their brain has figured this out. In fact, dems/socialist have been pushing anti freedom of speech for some years now. They have in fact come close to ONLY allowing thoughts, ideas and stance on subjects to be PERMITTED in public. Look at the evidence...

Colleges and universities have all but prohibited in the classroom or on campus any speech that disagrees with killing babies (even after birth, aka partial birth abortion), selling murdered baby “parts”, Christianity, Conservatism, Police Lives Matter, White Lives Matter...and it goes on and on.

Facebook, Twitter, instagram all have prohibited speech they don’t agree with! No such thing as allowing both sides to discuss issues.

And now the msm has taken it upon themselves to Shut Down an American President’s LAWFUL RIGHT to address the American Citizenry on the most important issue of our time...The Right to FAIR ELECTIONS without FRAUD!!! Haven’t we all read about these type of tyrannical actions in banana republics, communist countries and tyrannical governments? MSM should have aired the President’s speech and then aired the other viewpoint. But NO they are so afraid of the TRUTH of this fraudulent election going out, they took away OUR RIGHT to hear our President!!!

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