Must Read Our Constitutional Republic is at war!

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Some members disappoint me, not that it will matter to them. I understand that. What I can't understand is why you are so willing to back down so soon? This election has been nothing but corrupt and a fraud from the get go. . . Mainstream is just backing the corruption. As a patriot, we need to stand up together if our voice is to be heard and back our elect President if that is who you truly believe in. We are trying to make the issues heard and if it is not, we may have to up the game which is something I really dont want to have to do. . . That would mean a civil war. I dont want to head that way, BUT I will if that means that I can help keep voting as a freedom of our nation. . . The Dems cheated in this election, and they will just continue from here on out if they get away with it scott free. BTW I truly believe they stole the election back in 2012 but it was more secretive, This time, did you notice how blatant they were?

I am with you100%!! Ultimately this isn’t about Trump or even biden. It is about the future of our election system. Will we allow them to corrupt it like a damn banana republic without a WAR in the streets if necessary? Or to have our Constitution ripped up in front of our eyes and do nothing?? Will that be our LEGACY for all eternity to our Grandchildren?? I say, over my dead body. stand by my statement. It’s obvious that Trump didn’t get “anything approaching an honest vote count.” One of the better crime scene investigations I’ve seen is “The 2020 Election: Fuckery Is Afoot,” by blogger Correia45, and I’ve posted others as well. As the litigation-filled days go by, we’re sure to find out more about the Democrats’ electoral fraud.
I won’t venture a guess as to whether such disclosure and litigation will ultimately lead to awarding Trump the election, but I have my doubts. The corruption runs too deep. If Biden wins, his camarilla will try to explain away the obvious with talk of glitches and anomalies, all of which mysteriously broke their way. They shouldn’t bother; they’ll be fooling no one and it just adds to the rage.
Good often emerges from even the worst situations. The good emerging from this one is that the veil is completely lifted, the election provides transcendent clarity. Many have already peaked under the veil. Those who refuse to grasp what is now appallingly obvious are too dense, deluded or corrupt to be of concern, and should be left to whatever ignominious ends fate has in store for them.
This election has made it made perfectly clear that we live in a corruptocracy. We can’t vote corruptocracy out any more than the people of the Soviet Union could have voted out communism (also a corruptocracy) and for the same reason: the vote itself is fundamentally corrupt. If Trump loses, it clearly discredits the notion embraced by the losers of every election: wait til next time. Next time is likely to be even more corrupt.
What’s clear to those of us who voted for Trump is if we want to get back what we cherish about America, we’re going to have to fight for it. Freedom is not free, and neither are individual rights, the rule of law, capitalism, peace, or the opportunity to build a better life.
Although I and others have suggested some sort of semi-amicable divorce for our bitterly divided country, that’s not going to happen because of the nature of the division. As I said in “The Corruptocracy,” the division is between the productive class and those it supports.

After this election there are undoubtedly millions of disgusted Trump supporters who would embrace a split in a heartbeat, but peaceful secession is precluded by the fundamental flaw at the core of every collectivist ideology: governments don’t produce, they steal. Leaches never desires separation. The blue needs the red; man cannot live on high tech, media, crony capitalism, and finance alone.
The battle is joined, collectivists versus producers. Tactically, there’s no dumber strategy than waging war against those who support you, but their pretensions notwithstanding, collectivists are never all that bright.
If Biden is declared the winner, Covid-19 restrictions are no longer necessary to hamstring the economy, discredit Trump, and justify mail-in voting fraud. The precedents have been set and a scary germ story can always be concocted when needed to frighten and subjugate those who are easily frightened and subjugated. If the collectivists have a brain in their collective head they’ll quickly lift all the restrictions to resuscitate economies so their collectivist governments will have something to steal. On any honest accounting for pension and medical liabilities, most of them are already bankrupt.
SLL reader SW Richmond recently commented:

if one looks at this map:
2016 Electoral Map by county. “Centralia” states are predominantly red. can see the geographic answer to our problem: “Centralia”.
Centralia includes the entire South except Virginia, extends north and west to the mountain states, Midwest and Arizona. “Centralia” has copious access to ports and harbors, energy, food, internal transportation, manufacturing, fresh water, military assets including nukes. Centralia does not include VA, MD, PA, NY, etc, nor CA, OR, WA. MN, IL, WI and MI can choose. We may desire to include Jefferson. A not-so-great migration would ensue much like during the dust bowl. Voter registrations could be reviewed before migrants were accepted.
This is not a drill. It is about survival.
This most definitely is not a drill, it is about the paramount issue that defines human history and philosophy: who decides the terms of an individual’s survival, the individual or those who rule by violence in the name of divine right, the collective, some other vicious justification, or naked force?
The idea of individual rights protected by the government was the foundation of the American experiment. It was and has been imperfectly realized; it is an ideal and humanity rarely attains its ideals. Government is and always will be the antithesis of that still revolutionary ideal. The US government’s massive expansion has been at the cost of the people’s liberty and has destroyed most of their rights. That destruction has been ongoing since the beginning of the republic and Trump has done nothing to stop or reverse it. Philosophical insight and consistency are not among his virtues.
Nevertheless, a Biden administration will be worse, much worse. The Democrats now openly aspire to the collectivist ideal—the complete subjugation of the individual to the state. We’ve gotten a preview of coming attractions with coronavirus totalitarianism, which has obliterated the few freedoms and joys left to Americans. For the millions of Americans who voted for him, including me, Trump represented the last, best hope for what we consider the American way of life.
What an outstanding read Dr Henley! This hit me hard...

”Those who refuse to grasp what is now appallingly obvious are too dense, deluded or corrupt to be of concern, and should be left to whatever ignominious ends fate has in store for them.”

and this...

“This most definitely is not a drill, it is about the paramount issue that defines human history and philosophy: who decides the terms of an individual’s survival, the individual or those who rule by violence in the name of divine right, the collective, some other vicious justification, or naked force?”
Thank you for being the voice of reason. You're right, it's not the most popular stance to take, but it is the most level-headed and realistic.

Thank you, again.

I have been following,,,I have done some ranting of my own,but I am past that now,,,we aren't going to rise up and have a revolution we are to civilized for that to happen,,,,

I will ride this out,,,,I am not a damned DEMOCRAT, I will not rant and rave for the next 4 years about losing,,,,,,,the rest of you can bitch all you want,,,it is not going to change a thing

now go ahead be mad at me I don't care
You're right. I'm sorry, let me clarify; Cherry-picked news taken out of context.

Is that better?

Fake news? Really?
Why, because you didn't hear it on MSNBC?? No it is NOT "Fake news"
Since you are too lazy to find out the truth for yourself...

Here is Senator Whitehouse's Washington Post Op Ed:
Here is Daniel Johnson's article in Salem News:
Here is a video of Keith Oberman:

Here is Mark Hertsgaard's article in The Nation:
Here is a video of Kyle Jurek:
Exclusive Video of former FBI Deputy Director McCabe testifying before a Congressional committee....

All just more words, and more words. Here's how this will play out; Trump will lose his bid to have the preliminary results overturned. The results will be finalized and he will again protest again he will sue. More conspiracy based, false information will fly around the Internet and Social media. Then, finally, in January of 2021 Biden will be inaugurated as President.

People on this forum and others like it will complain. They will post pages of "just" protest supported by shaky (at best) posts from other forums and news sites which support their claims. Confirmation bias and sounding-board replies will ensue, and that will occur for the next four years. The "civil war" will be one of pointless words and rambling posts on the Internet....nothing more.

And after those four years you'll get to actually DO one more thing.... vote. The economy might be worse, it might be better. Foreign relations may be more unstable, or far more stable. Immigration may be better, or worse....and on and on, but you'll still only get one vote for whichever candidate you prefer. I can say this, though; every thought about Biden that's been voiced on here is speculation based on twisted verbiage taken out of context or, worse still, manipulated to imply a false agenda of socialism. I don't agree with all of Biden's proposals, not by a long shot, but do I think he's a socialist, or communist? No, not at all.

You can either accept the current situation and progress your preps forward, or you can deny and protest. I suggest the's better psychologically, and the results to accept are inevitable, regardless. One thing's for sure, though; there will be no actions against democrats nor liberals, regardless. There will be no 'civil war' and there doesn't need to be. Political and peaceful action within the Constitutional system that we have (including a well formed system of checks and balances) is all that's needed. For those who think now is the time for action, those people expect the actions to be performed by someone else. And for those who think a civil war will break out are only performing mental masturbation. So, try this for once; instead of propagating unfounded conspiracies and talking about we're at the point of no return or the point of non-negotiation; instead become part of the solution. Try negotiating, reasoning, understanding other points of view while sharing your own point of view and reasoning at the same time. Maybe that will help.

Peace, people. stand by my statement. It’s obvious that Trump didn’t get “anything approaching an honest vote count.” One of the better crime scene investigations I’ve seen is “The 2020 Election: 性交ery Is Afoot,” by blogger Correia45, and I’ve posted others as well. As the litigation-filled days go by, we’re sure to find out more about the Democrats’ electoral fraud.
I won’t venture a guess as to whether such disclosure and litigation will ultimately lead to awarding Trump the election, but I have my doubts. The corruption runs too deep. If Biden wins, his camarilla will try to explain away the obvious with talk of glitches and anomalies, all of which mysteriously broke their way. They shouldn’t bother; they’ll be fooling no one and it just adds to the rage.
, much worse. The Democrats now openly aspire to the collectivist ideal—the complete subjugation of the individual to the state.
We’ve gotten a preview of coming attractions with coronavirus totalitarianism, which has obliterated the few freedoms and joys left to Americans. For the millions of Americans who voted for him, including me, Trump represented the last, best hope for what we consider the American way of life.
More unpopular news, but I feel the need to post it anyway. This is taken from the NBC News site, NOT MSNBC.

Watchdog group finds no evidence to support Trump's election fraud claims
An international group invited by the Trump administration to observe the presidential election found no evidence to support the president's claims of fraud, it said in a report.

The Organization of American States sent 28 observers from 13 countries to watch elections in several states, including Georgia and Michigan, at all stages including early voting and on Election Day, as well as vote tabulation, at the invitation of the U.S. Department of State.

But noting that Trump had claimed he has only lost in those states because of "fraud," the organization wrote: "The OAS observers deployed in the battleground states of Michigan and Georgia did not witness any of the aforementioned irregularities."

More unpopular news, but I feel the need to post it anyway. This is taken from the NBC News site, NOT MSNBC.

Watchdog group finds no evidence to support Trump's election fraud claims
All just more words, and more words. Here's how this will play out; Trump will lose his bid to have the preliminary results overturned. The results will be finalized and he will again protest again he will sue. More conspiracy based, false information will fly around the Internet and Social media. Then, finally, in January of 2021 Biden will be inaugurated as President.

People on this forum and others like it will complain. They will post pages of "just" protest supported by shaky (at best) posts from other forums and news sites which support their claims. Confirmation bias and sounding-board replies will ensue, and that will occur for the next four years. The "civil war" will be one of pointless words and rambling posts on the Internet....nothing more.

And after those four years you'll get to actually DO one more thing.... vote. The economy might be worse, it might be better. Foreign relations may be more unstable, or far more stable. Immigration may be better, or worse....and on and on, but you'll still only get one vote for whichever candidate you prefer. I can say this, though; every thought about Biden that's been voiced on here is speculation based on twisted verbiage taken out of context or, worse still, manipulated to imply a false agenda of socialism. I don't agree with all of Biden's proposals, not by a long shot, but do I think he's a socialist, or communist? No, not at all.

You can either accept the current situation and progress your preps forward, or you can deny and protest. I suggest the's better psychologically, and the results to accept are inevitable, regardless. One thing's for sure, though; there will be no actions against democrats nor liberals, regardless. There will be no 'civil war' and there doesn't need to be. Political and peaceful action within the Constitutional system that we have (including a well formed system of checks and balances) is all that's needed. For those who think now is the time for action, those people expect the actions to be performed by someone else. And for those who think a civil war will break out are only performing mental masturbation. So, try this for once; instead of propagating unfounded conspiracies and talking about we're at the point of no return or the point of non-negotiation; instead become part of the solution. Try negotiating, reasoning, understanding other points of view while sharing your own point of view and reasoning at the same time. Maybe that will help.

Peace, people.

What will say if the opposite ends up happening and fraud is proven and a war occurs or Trump is sworn in for a second term? I know we will not hear a peep from you then, so tell us now what you basic response will be?
False. I'd accept the recount results, 100%. Like now, I wouldn't participate in any violence (except for strictly defense) in that situation, either.

Despite my words and what you're reading into them, I'm not a Biden supporter, nor am I socialist nor communist. I'm a moderate libertarian. I believe there's a 3rd road, and it involves peace and well as adhering to the constitution.

I know that's not something you want to hear/read.

What will say if the opposite ends up happening and fraud is proven and a war occurs or Trump is sworn in for a second term? I know we will not hear a peep from you then, so tell us now what you basic response will be?
Then we deal with it appropriately at that time, politically. We don't assume or speculate anything. We don't read into things, threats, or shadows that aren't there. The courts will back us, we have law enforcement which will support the law....the supreme court to interpret the's like we have a whole system to prevent "non-adherence" to the Constitution. That system will work.

And to that end, violence only begets violence. Sitting here boasting about a civil war, or making claims regarding violence being the only answer will get no where at all....other than into prison or the grave.

And what if the government doesn't adhere to the Constitution, what then?
False. I'd accept the recount results, 100%. Like now, I wouldn't participate in any violence (except for strictly defense) in that situation, either.

Despite my words and what you're reading into them, I'm not a Biden supporter, nor am I socialist nor communist. I'm a moderate libertarian. I believe there's a 3rd road, and it involves peace and well as adhering to the constitution.

I know that's not something you want to hear/read.

I have no problem hearing that, I even agree. Its the naive belief that peace and negotiation can work with a group of people that don't want peace and will only negotiate if they get what they want. They don't follow the constitution, they circumvent it or ignore it. Because in there minds the end justifies the means.

The fraud in favor of the Democrats is massive and astonishing. Its evidence is being discovered every hour in all area's.
Then we deal with it appropriately at that time, politically. We don't assume or speculate anything. We don't read into things, threats, or shadows that aren't there. The courts will back us, we have law enforcement which will support the law....the supreme court to interpret the's like we have a whole system to prevent "non-adherence" to the Constitution. That system will work.

And to that end, violence only begets violence. Sitting here boasting about a civil war, or making claims regarding violence being the only answer will get no where at all....other than into prison or the grave.

Its happening right now, watch it, the time is now and over the next few weeks.
I am nearly 61, disabled and a good shot! I have nothing to lose but more to gain. I Will be there to fight! If nothing else, to fight and give others a chance to escape to fight another day! God Bless Us All!
P.S. Yes, I should have included that we All Pray for Peace! I do not want war, I prefer to save my ammo for target shooting, I am just saying I will be there if need be! Thanks for reminded me Jayson!
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China believes they have a Win-Win scenario right now.

If Biden wins he's in their pocket. The CCP literally said he was "in our pocket. " 在我们的口袋里 - their words.

If Trump prevails and is inaugurated then they expect widespread violence to tear the country apart, which weakens the U.S. which is also a win for them.
China believes they have a Win-Win scenario right now.

If Biden wins he's in their pocket. The CCP literally said he was "in our pocket. " 在我们的口袋里 - their words.

If Trump prevails and is inaugurated then they expect widespread violence to tear the country apart, which weakens the U.S. which is also a win for them.

Trump has Military in place to stop internal terrorists. We the patriots are ready to join them.
I have no problem hearing that, I even agree. Its the naive belief that peace and negotiation can work with a group of people that don't want peace and will only negotiate if they get what they want. They don't follow the constitution, they circumvent it or ignore it. Because in there minds the end justifies the means.

The fraud in favor of the Democrats is massive and astonishing. Its evidence is being discovered every hour in all area's.
Sounds like typical PELOSI negotiations!!!!

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