Must Read Our Constitutional Republic is at war!

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There was over 20 million votes illegally cast and another 5+ million switched from Trump to Biden. Our courts are corrupt from top to bottom. Our Constitution is being shredded. Its just about Trump. There will be no chance of Trump being relected or any candidate that is against the globalist. The Democrats are 100% controlled by the globalist.

You can't see a damn thing, your blinded by your twisted belief system. You are the enemy of our country. You are my enemy. The type of country your fighting for bye supporting the democrats is not one you will like, yet you blindly support and defend them. Your gaslighting is some of the best, you should go work for the democrat party.

Your a piece of garbage that will be taken out with the rest of the trash by Patriots if you keep to your convictions, but I bet you will change your toon real quick when that time comes. I bet you will become a good constitutional patriot then.
My, aren’t we taking this a bit too personally. Enemy, garbage.... your belief in unreal facts has clouded your judgement beyond common sense. If you ever took the time to actually read my posts you would know that I’m not a fan of the democratic party either. But I am even less of a fan of a delusional tyrant that lies constantly and is a corrupt sopranos wannabe. My best advice is drink a cold beer, relax and get your **** back together.
I seem to remember Hillary conceding and she congratulated trump. I doubt it was a sincere call but she had enough class to make it at least.
Brent, I also seem to remember her saying just a couple months ago how Trump "Stole" the election from her in 2016! She may have conceded in words but not in action and heart!
Brent, I also seem to remember her saying just a couple months ago how Trump "Stole" the election from her in 2016! She may have conceded in words but not in action and heart!
I threw in the line about not being sincere, but that she had the decency to hold herself and congratulate him and move aside when she lost was what I was saying.
That's because she did lose, despite her cheating.
She lost the electoral vote but won the majority. But that still means she lost. As far as the cheating accusations anyone can say things but it dosent make them true.
@ Rellgar

What you put in your link is the beginning of the end, there is the death of any democracy if you arrest people prematurely. I have what read in the German space but the article was not good, I think that will start here now then also, one picks at demos already now prematurely certain people out, even if you have done nothing except to demonstrate peacefully.

I expect that between January and February in many countries of Europe riots up to civil war comes, here but not because of an election, but because of Corona.
We have a choice here to submit to the government and watch many of our jobs and freedom be lost, or take all measures to save our jobs and send these Corona dictators from the government to hell, the people are slowly waking up, it doesn't take much and they are standing up.
The Dark State and the storm troops provoke you in such a way that you defend yourself, if someone takes up arms rashly, he will do the Dark State and its henchmen a big favor, it would quickly lead to the storm troops suspecting the country and Scour weapons and there is a first-class civil war, you should think about who this will be of use in the end.
I know you can't just stand by and watch, but they are cheap provocations by the state and you have to answer them with other means.
Maybe coincidence, I'm reading a good book right now, it actually contains two stories. In short, the new US president (not named Jo in the book) loses his wife in an assassination attempt.
Since he cannot ban gun ownership in the US, he bans the sale of ammunition nationwide, and that sets off a lot of civilians, which then leads to conflict between the government and the people, much like the state of arbitrary arrests you and I are in now.
I hope the real Jo doesn't read the book, it could serve him as a dream template, if you don't know the book yet it is called "The Washington Decree".
So, what does everyone think is going to happen today and/or tomorrow? I hate the anxiety that it’s giving me. I’ve been waiting for Trump to do something, and all the chatter from people like Lin Wood and Sidney Powell make me hopeful, yet nothing has happened yet. I know you all told me to be patient, and I usually am, but this is different. My fear isn’t so much the craziness that could ensue if Trump retains office (I’m adequately prepared now!), but more so if nothing at all happens and Biden is President even though there’s sworn affidavits that election fraud occurred alongside other evidence. It just makes me sick to my stomach to envision what the next three months might be like under Biden, never mind the next four years and beyond. I don’t think there will ever be a fair election again, and you can bet that our freedoms will not be retained. :/ I’m praying that the will of God be done, but I’m also pretty nervous about what that might be.😬 You all seem like you might know something I don’t - so treat me like a daughter and tell me what you’d tell your own child who was worried. Lol. I’m hoping our provisions are used to get through a time of unrest instead of being used to survive socialism or communist regime takeovers.
So, what does everyone think is going to happen today and/or tomorrow? I hate the anxiety that it’s giving me. I’ve been waiting for Trump to do something, and all the chatter from people like Lin Wood and Sidney Powell make me hopeful, yet nothing has happened yet. I know you all told me to be patient, and I usually am, but this is different. My fear isn’t so much the craziness that could ensue if Trump retains office (I’m adequately prepared now!), but more so if nothing at all happens and Biden is President even though there’s sworn affidavits that election fraud occurred alongside other evidence. It just makes me sick to my stomach to envision what the next three months might be like under Biden, never mind the next four years and beyond. I don’t think there will ever be a fair election again, and you can bet that our freedoms will not be retained. :/ I’m praying that the will of God be done, but I’m also pretty nervous about what that might be.😬 You all seem like you might know something I don’t - so treat me like a daughter and tell me what you’d tell your own child who was worried. Lol. I’m hoping our provisions are used to get through a time of unrest instead of being used to survive socialism or communist regime takeovers.

Do not look for anything positive to happen tomorrow. It won’t. Do look for our President to execute EO 13848 and the Insurrection Act after tomorrow. Be prepared. Have water, food and medicines for at least 2 weeks.
Maybe coincidence, I'm reading a good book right now, it actually contains two stories. In short, the new US president (not named Jo in the book) loses his wife in an assassination attempt.
Since he cannot ban gun ownership in the US, he bans the sale of ammunition nationwide, and that sets off a lot of civilians, which then leads to conflict between the government and the people, much like the state of arbitrary arrests you and I are in now.
I hope the real Jo doesn't read the book, it could serve him as a dream template, if you don't know the book yet it is called "The Washington Decree".

I read a scenario where the US govt simply banned the TRANSPORT of guns, ammo, componants and reloading kit, and increased taxation hugely on what folks could buy. And IIRC he hammered the gun and ammo makers with massive licence fes and taxes driving most out of business.

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