Must Read Our Constitutional Republic is at war!

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Lol, I knew it was really Antifa pretending to be Trumpers. We're not generally stupid enough to break our nations laws, let alone do something as extreme as STORMING THE CAPITAL. I don't think the response was overkill at all, but I do agree mistakes were made on all sides.
I'll say this much very sadly but this morning I now believe that The Republican Party is now as much part of the problem as the Dems are. How on earth can patriots ever trust the republican politicians after their moral cowardice.
You are missing the part BP where they were LET IN . There is video and pictures of Trump supporters stopping antifa (with their signature tattoes and helmets) from breaking windows. There are lots of pictures being shared of Trump supporters with those who were already in the building smiling FOR THE CAMARA.

This was deep state planned for the evil msm reporting.
@bigpaul : Lol, if you try to break into the House Chambers of any Capital Building let alone THE Capital Building, you're a goshdarn fool if you expect anything LESS than security and secret service all pulling their guns on you. As it should be in my opinion lol.

I'm guessing you are much younger than me Nora, but that is NOT how a free and democratic country works, its how a police state works. The building was NOT UNDER ATTACK by terrorists, extremists or foreigners, it was being OCCUPIED by the very people it was supposed to represent a very different thing. If the crowd had attacked the building with guns then the response would have been just, but it was NOT attacked it was occupied like that state capital building in I think Michigan was.
Siding with the opposition? How so?
they passed the election result without adressing the genuine if likely wrong concerns of the citizens, the PEOPLE , it would have done no harm to delay the process a few weeks until the grievence were fully investigated.
FEDS attacking the PEOPLE who were protesting, killing 4. Evidence of election fraud being turned away by the courts, right of lawful assembly trodden on, mass public concern by about 50 percent of the people tossed aside like garbage, corrupt politicians being led into the house by armed paramils, mass media censored so only pro dem messaging gets out , telecommunications being cut off, How very south american and totalitarian can you get, it mirrors the way Hugo Chavez came to power in Venezuela.
The politics of places like Libya or Zimbabwe or Venezuela or Argentina on display but coming from America, AMERICA for heavens sake. I for one am one bloody terrified European watching African / south American type politics unfurling on our TV from the US.
If you think storming the Capitol was done by anybody but Trump supporters you're playing with yourself. The video is clear, the images are clear; Trump supporters, 100% were the only ones who charged the barricades, bust through the police lines, and invaded one of our own government buildings. Yes "you" and others like you are stupid enough to break our nation's laws because the far right delusionality believes they're fighting an oppressive government who's trying to steal an election....which is completely false and an utter, unfounded lie. The election results are completely legitimate. Biden won. Trump a LANDSLIDE. Done deal...and neither antifa nor BLM had anything at all to do with the invasion of one of our country's most sacred buildings. That's all on the Trump supporters.

The election results were certified by Congress in the late-night, early-morning hours after the Capitol was reclaimed from the domestic, Trump supporting terrorists who stormed it. Congress proved, heroically, that they would not be intimidated nor bullied by these traitorous pieces of ****, and, with Pence at the fore, confirmed Biden's Presidency-elect.

Then little Donnie Dump did the right thing, too; he rolled like a bitch in heat and said there will be a peaceful transition...which we all knew was going to happen anyway, but at least Trump showed a sliver of human decency as President. Still some of us here will just continue to live in the fantasy world where Trump somehow won the election against all odds. Yeah....remember that silent majority everybody on this site talked about in the days and weeks before Nov 3rd? Well they came out and voted, indeed...for Biden because they knew Trump was a piece of ****. Reality check, the true American people spoke, and they decided they didn't want an ineffective, failed businessman, talk show host with a mob-boss mentality and megalomania who is literally married to a Vegas stripper to be their President for another 4 years.

Add to this the fact that the Georgia election for the senate flipped, too, and you're looking at 4 solid years with Democrats in complete control of Congress and the White House. In addition, the supposed "ultra conservative" Supreme Court has surprisingly ruled frequently and often on the side of moderation, NOT exclusively toward the right wing as was expected. We find ourselves here because in 2015 someone decided it was a great idea to put that vile piece of filth Donald Trump on the Republican ticket. Now the Republicans have a LOT of damage control and repair to do to become a valid political party again. Thankfully Trump's political career is 100% over and unrecoverable after yesterday's events by his (and only his) supporters.

Everything I've said in this post is Truth. You can continue to spin the narrative, scream in your loudmouth ways about conspiracy and what not, but on January 20, 2021 Joe Biden will be sworn in as the legitimate President of the United was voted by the majority of Americans who all followed the election process, fairly, utilized by this country. Aside from the grumbling and whining, there's nothing you, nor anybody on this site, can do, nor will do, about the results of the 2020 election.

Oh, and the little wet dream about a "civil war"? The BEST (or worst) that will come out of that pretend fantasy may be small pockets of civil unrest over the next few days or weeks that will quickly be put down by local law enforcement. Nothing more than that.

Enjoy your country for the next 4 years. You've earned it.

Lol, I knew it was really Antifa pretending to be Trumpers. We're not generally stupid enough to break our nations laws, let alone do something as extreme as STORMING THE CAPITAL. I don't think the response was overkill at all, but I do agree mistakes were made on all sides.
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Remember the Fed clamp down at Ruby Ridge and Waco how the feds totally ignored the rules and laws of a Constitutional Republic, well from where I sit yesterday was pretty much the same thing.
You are missing the part BP where they were LET IN . There is video and pictures of Trump supporters stopping antifa (with their signature tattoes and helmets) from breaking windows. There are lots of pictures being shared of Trump supporters with those who were already in the building smiling FOR THE CAMARA.

This was deep state planned for the evil msm reporting.
Here you go. Antifa provocateur in typical Antifa gear trying to break the window amid boos and shouts of "Antifa Antifa" but then tackled by a Trump supporter.

I saw pictures of people in a parliament in Libya I think it was, MP's being assaulted in the chamber, never thought I'd see it in America, and if I did I expected it to be BLM or the "woke" brigade, not MAGA.

Your media, and ours for that matter, are showing exactly what was planned. There is video and photos out there of the MAGA folks being LET IN. Also of them taking pictures with the SECRUITY GUARDS and other government people. BLM/ANTIFA was very much involved! Brought in by DC police by the busload. An ex FBI identified numerous inside the capitol as those same people. Don’t be brainwashed by your dishonest media.
they passed the election result without adressing the genuine if likely wrong concerns of the citizens, the PEOPLE , it would have done no harm to delay the process a few weeks until the grievence were fully investigated.

It was their job to pass the election result because the States had already certified their own results, (justly or unjustly). It would go against the Constitution to have done anything BUT pass the election result regardless of their personal feelings about it. :confused:

I agree though; the grievances should definitely be investigated along with the hundreds of affidavits. This election was clearly rigged by the Democratic mainstream media and the captains of industry in social media; it's because of their dangerous rhetoric that liberals felt free to tamper with ballots and commit fraud in order to win; they've been brainwashed to believe that right-wingers are no better than Nazis; why WOULDN'T they try to cheat to win?

What the senate did though was anything but siding with the opposition; they actually followed the laws and the Constitution and tried to do what was best for We the People, possibly knowing that they'd look bad in the process; kinda courageous if you ask me. *shrugs*
It was their job to pass the election result because the States had already certified their own results, (justly or unjustly). It would go against the Constitution to have done anything BUT pass the election result regardless of their personal feelings about it. :confused:

I agree though; the grievances should definitely be investigated along with the hundreds of affidavits. This election was clearly rigged by the Democratic mainstream media and the captains of industry in social media; it's because of their dangerous rhetoric that liberals felt free to tamper with ballots and commit fraud in order to win; they've been brainwashed to believe that right-wingers are no better than Nazis; why WOULDN'T they try to cheat to win?
Check Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution. The Federal Government has a responsibility to GUARANTEE a republican form of government in the states. A fraudulent election is not a Republican form of government.
Hopefully in the coming days that will prove vital in maintaining Trump as our true elected President. *shrugs*

If not I'm sure we'll fix it so that the 2024s election will be far superior to the methods we were forced to use this year.

Don't quite think it's time to storm the Capital though lmao. I'd never condone that under any circumstances anyway; my policy is to run and hide, and if others try to fight me, only then will I fight back. War is rarely the answer, and I'm not in the business of starting fights; I finish them mwahaha lol. 😈
This election was a sham. I don't think there will be any more elections. The powers that be decided this one, and will continue to do so. I found interesting the republican vote when they reconvened went way down. The news explanation said that republicans were upset that they were stormed, so decided not to side with Trump. That makes no sense at all. If states are presenting opinion showing voter fraud, how senators "feel" about being evacuated should not of played into it.
The media is also a sham.
This election was a sham. I don't think there will be any more elections. The powers that be decided this one, and will continue to do so. I found interesting the republican vote when they reconvened went way down. The news explanation said that republicans were upset that they were stormed, so decided not to side with Trump. That makes no sense at all. If states are presenting opinion showing voter fraud, how senators "feel" about being evacuated should not of played into it.
The media is also a sham.

Yesterday had a lot of planned scams. Think about it. biden writing a speech that clear at the spur of the moment?? Riiight. That man can hardly put a cohesive thought together.

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