Must Read Our Constitutional Republic is at war!

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What is this about?? After certifying that Biden would become president in the middle of the night, you can CLEARLY see him exchange a handshake as well as receive some sort of token.
Republican Congressman Brad Wenstrup is the one handing him the coin
What is this about?? After certifying that Biden would become president in the middle of the night, you can CLEARLY see him exchange a handshake as well as receive some sort of token.
Republican Congressman Brad Wenstrup is the one handing him the coin

View attachment 11823

Maybe he is handing him a Donald Trump coin? Lin Wood just posted it on his page in Parler.😂🤷‍♀️
“I swear on my honor as a newly elected politician that I will accept no bribe money....unless I can do it without getting caught.”

If, and I mean IF, there are any more elections, there will be a BIG change in Republicans that are in the House and Senate! People are gong to remember how there ball less Republicans acted and will vote for the ones that show Real Patriotism!
My Man Ted Nugent!!!

Dear Vice President Biden,

Although I refused to listen to it, I understand that during your presidential acceptance speech, you were calling for the unity of Trump supporters.

I remember four years ago my President Trump also called for unity.

I remember how Congressional members of your Democratic Party responded by boycotting his inauguration.

I remember how you and your Democratic party cheated and used the greatest law enforcement institution of this country to spy on my President Trumps campaign.

I remember how you and your Democratic Party created a fake Russian dossier to try and impeach my President Trump.

I remember how your speaker of the house ripped up my President Trumps beautiful State of the Union speech on National TV.

I remember how you and your Democratic Party tried to impeach my President Trump over a Ukraine phone call. You accused my President Trump of pay to play. Come to find out Joe, it was really you and your son Hunter.

I remember how you and your Democratic Party blamed my President Trump over a pandemic that he had nothing to do with.

I remember how you and your Democratic Party encouraged rioting and looting of my great United States of America.

I remember how you and your Democratic Party used the media to spread lie after lie about my President Trump.

I remember how you and your Democratic Party stole the election from my President Trump.

This Trump supporter remembers all that Joe and will NOT be unifying with your Democratic Party.

This Trump supporter will be giving you the same respect you gave my President Trump.

Your abject criminal dishonesty is treasonous.

Ted Nugent Sends Biden a Letter Telling Him Where To Shove It

will never purchase a product that is made or shipped from GA because of the stupid people in government. Nothing against normal folks but GA gov sucks.
No offense taken but we did vote some of these azzholes into office! We fell for there demoncratic lies even tho they pretended to be Republicans! It is time for me to leave this state as soon as possible!
I blame anyone who has EVER voted for a Democrat politician for the loss of our once great country. The loss of our Republic started several generations back too. Anyone who has ever voted for a politician that promised "something for nothing" is at fault. In my opinion these misguided ignorant fools are what has led us to where we are today. What few freedoms and liberties that we had left will soon be gone under a Biteme and Cameltoe regime, with the help of the spineless wimps in the Repubic party that always compromise and make deals with the Dems.
I'll be flying my flag at half mast for awhile in memory of what we've lost.
Well if anyone who ever voted for a politician that promised something for nothing is at fault, I can't find a politician who hasn't promised that. They all promise a bunch of garbage when they're running. Every single one of them. And then they don't represent us citizens, and that is the job they're supposed to be doing.
But I do feel we lost the republic, and that makes me pretty sad, too.
I can attest to the banker part lol. I worked for Bank of America. Super corrupt; I quit lol. Didn't like the way they wanted me to word things to customers, or tell me information to withhold from customers, etc. It all just made me feel...DIRTY lmao. ...Good pay though, but yeah, not worth it in the long run lol. MY SOUL COSTS A BIT MORE THAN THAT thank you very much! Lmao. XD
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will never purchase a product that is made or shipped from GA because of the stupid people in government. Nothing against normal folks but GA gov sucks.

Why? it would make more sense in identifying and not buying, hiring, contracting using anything and everything from DEM voters.

will never purchase a product that is made or shipped from GA because of the stupid people in government. Nothing against normal folks but GA gov sucks.
Believe me, the people of Georgia are fit to be tied and are going to do something about it. We have multiple recall petitions going around. Nobody in Georgia believes Georgia actually voted for Sleepy Joe.
When the legislature comes into session they will be talking about decertifying Biden's electors. They have the evidence.
Believe me, the people of Georgia are fit to be tied and are going to do something about it. We have multiple recall petitions going around. Nobody in Georgia believes Georgia actually voted for Sleepy Joe.
When the legislature comes into session they will be talking about decertifying Biden's electors. They have the evidence.

A person would have to be an outright fool to believe biden won in Georgia! Just watch for yourself the ON AIR steal of 10s of thousands of votes from Trump to biden! Not to mention the SCAM recounts that proved one thing without a doubt...they are guilty as hell! If you are innocent, you don’t HIDE and SHRED and stop Republicans observers from LEGALLY Observing!
So far I've only ever elected conservative candidates, but less so to do with their party affiliation and moreso with to do with whether they sounded better than the other candidate; if the republican candidate was a total moron and the democratic candidate actually made some sense, I'd probably have to vote democrat. So far as I've been legal to vote though, the DNC has always seemed to pick the worst possible candidate they could find lol. Siege: Four Veterans Give Their Firsthand Account on Thursday’s Protest at US Capitol

By Ben Wetmore
Published January 8, 2021 at 8:06am


There was a small group that was on the front line during the storming of the US Capitol on Wednesday after traitor Mike Pence stabbed Trump and America in the back

They asked not to use their names or identifying information because they are unsure whether federal authorities will pursue them, or if they will be harassed by left-wing doxxers.

They verified their stories with video and pictures of the event. I will quote their comments as “Adam,” “Bill,” “Charles,” and “Doug.”

Most importantly they all related that the crowd was completely non-violent and the police instigated the violence against the protesters before they even got on the Capitol grounds.

“We were on the sidewalk first, up against some metal barricades and bleachers, waiting for President Trump to come speak at the Capitol at 1 PM. Ten minutes before, thousands of people were on the street chanting “F*** you Nancy” and “Stop the Steal” on a megaphone and people were getting upset because we had just found out that Vice President Mike Pence had gone back on a previous statement indicating he would question the certification of electors. As the crowd found out that they had been betrayed yet again by the GOP establishment, lied to by someone as cowardly as Mike Pence, people’s anger was visible,” said Charles. “They unrolled a massive banner of vampire Nancy Pelosi and it charged up the crowd.”

“The streets were jam-packed, of everyday people: grandmas, children, families, lawyers, doctors, people from all walks of life. This was an American crowd,” said Bill.


They Were Hitting Old Men and Women

“These families moved to the interior barricades, it wasn’t aggressive, just peaceful. This is where the cops came in and used overwhelming force. We were on the line with the barricade and out come the metal batons and they started hitting Trump protesters as hard as they possibly could. They were hitting old men and old women, people who for some reason brought their families to the event. I couldn’t believe that there were young kids walking in this crowd, but the police were targeting the kids and hitting them with a baton across the head. It was vicious.” according to Charles.

“They were regular police at this point,” said Bill.

This action by police brought the crowd to a fever pitch, where they were demanding that they be treated respectfully, but instead, the police began either pepper spraying or tear-gassing the crowd. They then fought their way through four layers of barricades.

As they were storming the Capitol, “There was one guy who climbed up a tower and could oversee the entire battle, he knew exactly what to say, and he was steering people into the Capitol. It was straight out of the movie ‘Enemy at the Gates’ when the Soviet Commissars were shouting at people to move ahead. He was super old, this guy was clearly a combat vet. I can still hear him, ‘if you don’t move forward, Biden moves in!’ – This guy was a real pro, and was shouting at people that “every step forward” and to “close the gaps” and that turning back was turning our backs on Trump. He said if we didn’t move forward, that Pence was going to give us Biden Communism. He was 50 feet in the air and commanding the whole scene. He was telling people to pass bottled water ahead and other resources.” said Charles.

I saw one older woman bleeding profusely, it looked like her eye came out of the socket.

“We could tell that the 200 riot police were being very careful to stay behind the barricades, so we thought that denying that to them would cause them to be less vicious. There were metal connectors that we grabbed and then threw back at them like javelins. That then caused the barricades to come loose and by then, people were so angry that they started beating up the cops for attacking the kids and grandmothers. There was one very obese cop in particular, he was shooting people on purpose in the eyes with pellet pepper packs that was causing horrible injuries. I saw one older woman bleeding profusely, it looked like her eye came out of the socket. We were coming for that ******* when we tore down the barricades, but later when they saw that it turned into a fair fight, they fled,” said Bill.

“They tried to gas us. I’ve experienced tear gas before, and this wasn’t normal. It smelled different, its color was different in the air, and it stung a lot more. You couldn’t breathe. But what was happening was that it was just windy enough where it was kind of hitting the front line guys hard but then dissipating through the crowd and not having the intended effect,” said Bill.

This was when, according to the small group, protesters started disassembling the metal barricades to protect the police.

The pandemonium of the police running away from the crowd and being attacked by some, revealed that a larger force was ‘flanking’ them on one side, expecting to come in and trap the large group of angry protesters whipped up by police brutality. Just then, they were hit by repeated concussion grenades or ‘flash bangs’ of some type that stunned them all.

“It was coordinated on all sides, the cops were hitting us with six cans of tear gas at once, and multiple grenades. They were shooting at the same time. It felt like a shooting gallery, and they were the aggressors. They were shooting into the crowd several rows back really for no reason,” said Charles.

After the barricades came down and one of the last grenades exploded, “It caused me to kind of reset and wake up, and my ears are ringing and then in the sunlight, you see the Capitol right in front of you and you realize what has to happen next,” said Adam.

The police were moving forward and advancing, and about to take control of the protesters.

“So we see this happening, and we realize what’s about to happen, these vicious cops are about to hurt all these people and then likely arrest us all and there’s no way to retreat without being trampled, so I turn to the guys around me and yell out, ‘Mama didn’t raise no bitch’ and so we threw the barricades aside and rushed the Capitol. We had them on the run and we knew they couldn’t stop us. We used the scaffolding from Biden’s inauguration platform to get into the complex,” said Doug.


Adam added, “They put us in this situation where we had no options. We couldn’t go back against the crowd, we were being pushed into these cops, and the cops were cracking skulls with metal batons for no reason. Then we could see that they were about to make things even worse. They made this situation and gave us no other options.”

The scene took on a life of its own after that, they said. Where battles with the vicious Capitol Police and other police forces outside continued, as many rushed into the Capitol, while others who were curiosity seekers entered the Capitol.

When asked how people got to the higher levels of the Capitol, Bill explained, “Oh that was hilarious. Someone noticed the crane for Biden’s inauguration stand and took control over it. It became the magic lift for getting people up into the building. It was like Bob the Builder and his magic lift for sieging the illegal Pence certification.”

“There was something that told me that actually entering the building was too far, so I stayed outside, but it was tempting. The police were still trying to hurt our people, and there was this surreal moment when a large group of Grandmas came up and sat down on the Capitol steps. They were blocking the entrance for many protesters, but they were tired and didn’t have anywhere else to sit. It felt like they thought Mike Pence was going to come out and give them ice cream, juice boxes, and a personal tour. They had no idea what they were in the middle of, and none of us really did. No one was a professional protester here, they were just forced by necessity to move forward or get cracked in the head by a baton,” said Adam.

One of the victorious women in these clashes with the cops, a 70ish year old gray-haired woman, was fighting with the cops and when they ran away they left one of their helmets behind. Charles said, “People were getting serious injuries and we were still winning. We aren’t tired of winning. So this Grandma had her victory and she took that helmet like it was her enemy’s skull, and she walked over to the podium where Biden was going to give his inauguration and she held it up and gave a roar.”
One thing you should know, almost all European governments will get Sleeping Jo's ass, you will kneel in front of him, you will worship him, and you will thank him for knocking Trump off the chair. You will draw Jo into the Paris climate agreement and show him ways and means to disarm the people and to restrict the people's demoretic rights and to squeeze more taxes from the people, Greetings from Green Economy.

I would like to tell you something else, but Europe's elite welcomes this choice that you had, regardless of whether it was an unfair election or whether you were manipulated, the governments here do not care because similar means are already being used here.
Europe's governments only expect the demented Jo to go the green way, a few thousand more US soldiers stationed in Poland and Germany and the weather is good again with the types of rice in China, globalization above all and next you probably want Uncle Putin off the scene disappear because that also disturbs the idea.

Personally, I find this path very questionable and absolutely cannot approve of it, all alarm bells should sound for everyone if the election of tech corporations and social media are manipulated, but our governments in Europe do not care, for them Only money and power count. The American and European people have only two paths left, either we chase these criminal governments and types like Gates, Soros and Schwab to hell, or they will enslave us for the next 10 years so that we will never get out of them again, except through ours Demise. Siege: Four Veterans Give Their Firsthand Account on Thursday’s Protest at US Capitol

By Ben Wetmore
Published January 8, 2021 at 8:06am

View attachment 11825
There was a small group that was on the front line during the storming of the US Capitol on Wednesday after traitor Mike Pence stabbed Trump and America in the back

They asked not to use their names or identifying information because they are unsure whether federal authorities will pursue them, or if they will be harassed by left-wing doxxers.

They verified their stories with video and pictures of the event. I will quote their comments as “Adam,” “Bill,” “Charles,” and “Doug.”

Most importantly they all related that the crowd was completely non-violent and the police instigated the violence against the protesters before they even got on the Capitol grounds.

“We were on the sidewalk first, up against some metal barricades and bleachers, waiting for President Trump to come speak at the Capitol at 1 PM. Ten minutes before, thousands of people were on the street chanting “F*** you Nancy” and “Stop the Steal” on a megaphone and people were getting upset because we had just found out that Vice President Mike Pence had gone back on a previous statement indicating he would question the certification of electors. As the crowd found out that they had been betrayed yet again by the GOP establishment, lied to by someone as cowardly as Mike Pence, people’s anger was visible,” said Charles. “They unrolled a massive banner of vampire Nancy Pelosi and it charged up the crowd.”

“The streets were jam-packed, of everyday people: grandmas, children, families, lawyers, doctors, people from all walks of life. This was an American crowd,” said Bill.


They Were Hitting Old Men and Women

“These families moved to the interior barricades, it wasn’t aggressive, just peaceful. This is where the cops came in and used overwhelming force. We were on the line with the barricade and out come the metal batons and they started hitting Trump protesters as hard as they possibly could. They were hitting old men and old women, people who for some reason brought their families to the event. I couldn’t believe that there were young kids walking in this crowd, but the police were targeting the kids and hitting them with a baton across the head. It was vicious.” according to Charles.

“They were regular police at this point,” said Bill.

This action by police brought the crowd to a fever pitch, where they were demanding that they be treated respectfully, but instead, the police began either pepper spraying or tear-gassing the crowd. They then fought their way through four layers of barricades.

As they were storming the Capitol, “There was one guy who climbed up a tower and could oversee the entire battle, he knew exactly what to say, and he was steering people into the Capitol. It was straight out of the movie ‘Enemy at the Gates’ when the Soviet Commissars were shouting at people to move ahead. He was super old, this guy was clearly a combat vet. I can still hear him, ‘if you don’t move forward, Biden moves in!’ – This guy was a real pro, and was shouting at people that “every step forward” and to “close the gaps” and that turning back was turning our backs on Trump. He said if we didn’t move forward, that Pence was going to give us Biden Communism. He was 50 feet in the air and commanding the whole scene. He was telling people to pass bottled water ahead and other resources.” said Charles.

I saw one older woman bleeding profusely, it looked like her eye came out of the socket.

“We could tell that the 200 riot police were being very careful to stay behind the barricades, so we thought that denying that to them would cause them to be less vicious. There were metal connectors that we grabbed and then threw back at them like javelins. That then caused the barricades to come loose and by then, people were so angry that they started beating up the cops for attacking the kids and grandmothers. There was one very obese cop in particular, he was shooting people on purpose in the eyes with pellet pepper packs that was causing horrible injuries. I saw one older woman bleeding profusely, it looked like her eye came out of the socket. We were coming for that ******* when we tore down the barricades, but later when they saw that it turned into a fair fight, they fled,” said Bill.

“They tried to gas us. I’ve experienced tear gas before, and this wasn’t normal. It smelled different, its color was different in the air, and it stung a lot more. You couldn’t breathe. But what was happening was that it was just windy enough where it was kind of hitting the front line guys hard but then dissipating through the crowd and not having the intended effect,” said Bill.

This was when, according to the small group, protesters started disassembling the metal barricades to protect the police.

The pandemonium of the police running away from the crowd and being attacked by some, revealed that a larger force was ‘flanking’ them on one side, expecting to come in and trap the large group of angry protesters whipped up by police brutality. Just then, they were hit by repeated concussion grenades or ‘flash bangs’ of some type that stunned them all.

“It was coordinated on all sides, the cops were hitting us with six cans of tear gas at once, and multiple grenades. They were shooting at the same time. It felt like a shooting gallery, and they were the aggressors. They were shooting into the crowd several rows back really for no reason,” said Charles.

After the barricades came down and one of the last grenades exploded, “It caused me to kind of reset and wake up, and my ears are ringing and then in the sunlight, you see the Capitol right in front of you and you realize what has to happen next,” said Adam.

The police were moving forward and advancing, and about to take control of the protesters.

“So we see this happening, and we realize what’s about to happen, these vicious cops are about to hurt all these people and then likely arrest us all and there’s no way to retreat without being trampled, so I turn to the guys around me and yell out, ‘Mama didn’t raise no bitch’ and so we threw the barricades aside and rushed the Capitol. We had them on the run and we knew they couldn’t stop us. We used the scaffolding from Biden’s inauguration platform to get into the complex,” said Doug.


Adam added, “They put us in this situation where we had no options. We couldn’t go back against the crowd, we were being pushed into these cops, and the cops were cracking skulls with metal batons for no reason. Then we could see that they were about to make things even worse. They made this situation and gave us no other options.”

The scene took on a life of its own after that, they said. Where battles with the vicious Capitol Police and other police forces outside continued, as many rushed into the Capitol, while others who were curiosity seekers entered the Capitol.

When asked how people got to the higher levels of the Capitol, Bill explained, “Oh that was hilarious. Someone noticed the crane for Biden’s inauguration stand and took control over it. It became the magic lift for getting people up into the building. It was like Bob the Builder and his magic lift for sieging the illegal Pence certification.”

“There was something that told me that actually entering the building was too far, so I stayed outside, but it was tempting. The police were still trying to hurt our people, and there was this surreal moment when a large group of Grandmas came up and sat down on the Capitol steps. They were blocking the entrance for many protesters, but they were tired and didn’t have anywhere else to sit. It felt like they thought Mike Pence was going to come out and give them ice cream, juice boxes, and a personal tour. They had no idea what they were in the middle of, and none of us really did. No one was a professional protester here, they were just forced by necessity to move forward or get cracked in the head by a baton,” said Adam.

One of the victorious women in these clashes with the cops, a 70ish year old gray-haired woman, was fighting with the cops and when they ran away they left one of their helmets behind. Charles said, “People were getting serious injuries and we were still winning. We aren’t tired of winning. So this Grandma had her victory and she took that helmet like it was her enemy’s skull, and she walked over to the podium where Biden was going to give his inauguration and she held it up and gave a roar.”
Has anyone seen anything on social media to back this up? Pictures or videos?


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