Must Read Our Constitutional Republic is at war!

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@BillMasen : Like it or not, Bill, but it is highly ILLEGAL to haul off and OCCUPY a federal building in our Nations Capitol; go and try to "occupy" the oval office; go on, I dare ya, just don't be surprised if you get your occupying butt riddled with bullets lmao. XD What these people did, regardless of whether they were antifa or trump supporters, was stupid and illegal; they rattled the cage and they got bit; that's what happens when you try to illegally pick a fight. Breaking in and barricading the national symbol for Democracy is very much a threat that needs to be taken very seriously and swiftly. It's unfortunate what happened, but they brought it on themselves when they decided to start acting crazy.
@BillMasen : Like it or not, Bill, but it is highly ILLEGAL to haul off and OCCUPY a federal building in our Nations Capitol; go and try to "occupy" the oval office; go on, I dare ya, just don't be surprised if you get your occupying butt riddled with bullets lmao. XD What these people did, regardless of whether they were antifa or trump supporters, was stupid and illegal; they rattled the cage and they got bit; that's what happens when you try to illegally pick a fight. Breaking in and barricading the national symbol for Democracy is very much a threat that needs to be taken very seriously and swiftly. It's unfortunate what happened, but they brought it on themselves when they decided to start acting crazy.
But Mon Cheri that is EXACTLY what the Anti Brett Cavanagh protestors did, without being shot, gassed or arrested, and Pelosi CONGRATULATED them???
@BillMasen : Like it or not, Bill, but it is highly ILLEGAL to haul off and OCCUPY a federal building in our Nations Capitol; go and try to "occupy" the oval office; go on, I dare ya, just don't be surprised if you get your occupying butt riddled with bullets lmao. XD What these people did, regardless of whether they were antifa or trump supporters, was stupid and illegal; they rattled the cage and they got bit; that's what happens when you try to illegally pick a fight. Breaking in and barricading the national symbol for Democracy is very much a threat that needs to be taken very seriously and swiftly. It's unfortunate what happened, but they brought it on themselves when they decided to start acting crazy.

Did you not see where they MOVED the railing, had someone direct them to which door and then open the door for them?
@Amish Heart : I'll fight back when they try to physically stop me from taking my guns and running for the hills, or try to capture me once I've reached the hills and made a home for myself. From there it'd be a matter of living off the land, and doing recon missions to figure out who the hell the enemy is and how to take them down with my sniper rifle and guerrilla warfare strategies with my millennial friends ala RED DAWN mwahahaha lol.

Until they actually pose a physical threat to me though; a clear and present danger, I'm keeping my guns holstered and trying to negotiate and compromise within reason; declaring war is the LAST thing I'd do lol. That's just SMART survival strategy right there lol.

@BillMasen : Yeah, they were criminals too; and so were all the Democratic elected officials who helped them get away with it. Just because a bunch of deranged maniacs on the opposition's side does something illegal and crazy, doesn't mean we should haul off and do the same darn thing lol; if anything, it means we SHOULDN'T do the same things they do, specifically because it's illegal and crazy, and we have a duty to everyone who's ever died for our country and our freedom to do our very utmost in pursuit of law and order. Rallying for a WAR is counterproductive to that cause of justice that young soldiers have paid the ultimate sacrifice for.

They'll draw first blood, ILLEGALLY; not me. After that all bets are off. =P
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@Amish Heart : I'll fight back when they try to physically stop me from taking my guns and running for the hills, or try to capture me once I've reached the hills and made a home for myself. From there it'd be a matter of living off the land, and doing recon missions to figure out who the hell the enemy is and how to take them down with my sniper rifle and guerrilla warfare strategies with my millennial friends ala RED DAWN mwahahaha lol.

Until they actually pose a physical threat to me though; a clear and present danger, I'm keeping my guns holstered and trying to negotiate and compromise within reason; declaring war is the LAST thing I'd do lol. That's just SMART survival strategy right there lol.

@BillMasen : Yeah, they were criminals too; and so were all the Democratic elected officials who helped them get away with it. Just because a bunch of deranged maniacs on the opposition's side does something illegal and crazy,doesn't mean we should haul off and do the same darn thing lol; if anything, it means we SHOULDN'T do the same things they do, specifically because it's illegal and crazy, and we have a duty to everyone who's ever died for our country and our freedom to do are very utmost in pursuit of law and order. Rallying for a WAR is counterproductive to that cause of justice that young soldiers have paid the ultimate sacrifice for.

They'll draw first blood, ILLEGALLY; not me. After that all bets are off. =P
Mon Cheri learn from an old soldier, Before you get INTO a firefight make sure you two ways out. Let the OTHER guy die for his cause, so long as you are alive they cannot win.
@GeorgiaPeachie : Lmao, if you're referring to that fourteen second little video a couple pages back, I'm gonna need A LOT MORE than just FOURTEEN seconds to have ANY idea WHAT the hell was goin' on there lol! 😂
@GeorgiaPeachie : I don't have the time; chances are it would just upset me anyway lol. I know the world's goin' to hell; I don't need to actively seek out instances of injustice to understand that lol. I'd rather watch cartoons and play video games! Lol. 🎮🤟
Whats the Difference between the Comunist Chinese blocking blogs, web sites, online media sources, Newspapers, Protests etc in Hong Kong and What Pelosi, Biden, President Harris, VP Cortez and YT, FB and Twitter does?
@The Parahunter : All I saw were people wearing Trump shirts, with Trump hats and MAGA hats. That doesn't necessarily mean that they WERE Trump supporters, it means they sure LOOKED like them. I haven't obsessed enough over this yet to be fully informed at this time, so I could be wrong, and it actually is indeed a FACT that they were Trump supporters and not radical Liberals in Conservative clothing or whatever lol. About The Chaos At The Capitol That Desperately Need To Be Answered
Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden
Thursday, Jan 07, 2021 - 8:25
Authored by Michael Snyder via,
Like most Americans, I was absolutely horrified by the violence that I watched at the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday. But I had a difficult time trying to understand what I was witnessing. Trump supporters are almost always extremely peaceful, but many of those that were storming the Capitol were being very violent. That didn’t make sense to me. And how in the world did protesters get into the U.S. Capitol in the first place?

Well, it turns out that police actually opened up the barricades that were surrounding the U.S. Capitol and purposely allowed protesters to storm the building. You can see this on video right here

I have never seen anything like that in my entire life.

And once they were inside the building, they were herded toward particular areas. For example, you can watch one “guard” actually lead protesters up several flights of stairs right here

Psyop. Look at the photographers while going up the stairs and at the end. The officer is leading them where to go and gives the guy a little nudge and says “they’re here” when at the 2nd floor and officers just walk up and say “leave”. Paid crisis actors to look like agitators
— Sage+Honey🌱 (@sageandhoney_) January 7, 2021
Either the U.S. Congress has the worst security personnel that any of us have ever seen, or this was allowed to happen on purpose.

And there are multiple reports that Antifa activists were brought in by bus. In fact, one patriot actually recorded video of the Antifa buses that were brought into the heart of Washington D.C. with an escort…

o who arranged for those Antifa buses to have that sort of an escort?

It is almost as if someone was extremely determined to get those Antifa activists to their location so that they could do their job.

Once they got inside the Capitol, the Antifa activists could have done a much better job of disguising themselves.

In fact, one has already been positively identified as a member of Philly Antifa…


If he wanted to pass as a “Trump supporter”, he probably should have covered up the hammer and sickle that are tattooed on the back of his hand…


Perhaps the most famous “protester” from the chaos on Wednesday is “the guy with the Viking horns”.

Well, it turns out that he was photographed at a BLM rally in Arizona wearing the exact same outfit back in June

(Please note . . . I believe the guy dressed with horns, Jake Angeli is a good guy and Trump supporter. But I am copying the article)

And he was also photographed at a “climate activism” event in 2019

Apparently his name is Jake Angeli and he is a “shamanic practitioner”. But on Wednesday he was posing as a hardcore Trump supporter.

So why can’t the mainstream media put any of these pieces together?

It shouldn’t take too much detective work to identify a lot of these people.

So why won’t they do it?

And did you notice that the police let the vast majority of the “protesters” go without arresting them once it was all over?

The mainstream media is insisting that “they will be arrested later”, but a lot of people aren’t buying that.

All of this just seems very odd to me.

Just as a debate about the evidence of election irregularities was about to begin in the halls of Congress, these riots conveniently broke out.

Members of Congress were quickly evacuated, and the millions of Americans that were watching never got to see an honest debate about the 2020 election.

When proceedings finally resumed, the entire atmosphere had completely changed, and all of a sudden hardly anyone was interested in debating whether the election results were legitimate or not.

So who actually benefitted from the riots?

Also, it is important to note that these riots have dealt a severe blow to any political future that President Trump hoped to have.

So with one stone, activists have neutered the debate over the legitimacy of the election and they have devastated the Trump movement as well.

It appears that someone really was playing “3D chess”, and it wasn’t Trump and his supporters.

And this is just the beginning. As I keep warning, the radical left will never be satisfied until they accomplish all of their goals.

Electing Joe Biden was just a way to get rid of Trump. The radical left actually doesn’t like Biden either, and they will fight him bitterly if Biden does not go along with their full agenda.

In the end, what they want is a full-blown “revolution” in this country. And as we witnessed on Wednesday, they will go to extreme lengths in order to get what they want. Surface Where Alleged Antifa Member Started Breaking Windows At Capitol And Trump Supporters Stopped The Attack

Thousands of President Trump’s supporters surrounded the U.S. Capitol on Tuesday afternoon as Congress met inside the building to certify the results of the 2020 presidential election. Many protested peacefully, but a substantial number did not, and the entire scene quickly devolved into utter chaos.

Republican Rep. Paul Gosar of Arizona claims that Antifa had provoked the chaos.

Two more congressional Republicans had joined him. First, Alabama Rep. Mo Brooks, who told Lou Dobbs that while there could have been “some” Trump supporters, it also “could be any other number of groups, anarchists or what have you.”

Then, to audible boos on the floor of the House of Representatives, Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz said he had:

“some pretty compelling evidence from a facial recognition company showing that some of the people that breached the Capitol today were not Trump supporters, they were masquerading as Trump supporters and in fact were members of the violent terrorist group, Antifa.”

Mainstream media claims that these are evidence-free claims but a video that surfaced recently shows Trump supporters as they stopped a person whom they believed to be an Antifa thug who was trying to break windows in the Capitol. In one of the videos, Trump supporters can be heard calling out, “Don’t break the window!” “No Antifa! No Antifa!” as several Trump supporters intervened and stopped the attack by someone dressed and acting like Antifa but with a Trump sticker on the back of their helmet.

“Stop listening to MSM lies. I was there in DC. Antifa started to break windows but stops by Trump supporters.”

We downloaded the video in case Twitter removes the tweet.
Video below:

The mainstream media might call these allegations conspiracy theory but the video shows something else.

Also here’s a tweet from 18 hours ago before the riots started:

What do you think?
Memorandum on Inadmissibility of Persons Affiliated with Antifa Based on Organized Criminal Activity
From 1/5/2021

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. Purpose. One of the fundamental purposes of our Government is to ensure the safety of our citizens. Consistent with the purpose of creating peaceful and prosperous communities, Federal law ensures immigration benefits may be granted only to those individuals who will follow the laws that govern all United States citizens. Accordingly, section 212(a)(3) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), 8 U.S.C. 1182(a)(3), renders inadmissible aliens who have engaged or who are likely to engage in terrorist activity and those aliens who seek entry into the United States to engage, principally or incidentally, in unlawful activity. Active membership in a criminal association is relevant to the determination of whether an applicant for a visa or other immigration benefit is seeking to enter the United States to engage in unlawful activity. Accordingly, law enforcement organizations, including the Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Security, should continue to provide the Department of State with current information appropriate for updating the list of criminal organizations in the Foreign Affairs Manual at 9 FAM 302.5-4(B)(2). This information should include assessments of whether aliens involved with such associations pose a threat to the safety of our communities.
In particular, reliable reporting suggests that the movement known as Antifa is directly or indirectly responsible for some of the recent lawlessness in our communities, and has exploited tragedies to advance a radical, leftist, anarchist, and often violent agenda. In fact, Antifa has long used otherwise permissible demonstrations to engage in lawless, criminal behavior to further its radical agenda.
Between February and August 2017, during a series of protests in Berkeley, California, Antifa protesters physically assaulted several individuals and caused significant property damage. Specifically, reports indicate that during the August 27, 2017, protest, black-clad Antifa protestors viciously attacked a rally, including targeting at least one person because of his conservative political beliefs. These protests resulted in 13 arrests on a range of charges, including assault with a deadly weapon and obstructing a police officer. During the demonstrations on February 1, 2017, 150 black-clad agitators contributed to an estimated $100,000 worth of property damage in Berkeley. Separately, on June 29, 2019, individuals affiliated with Antifa physically attacked conservative journalist Andy Ngo while he was covering demonstrations in Portland, Oregon, leaving him hospitalized.
Those affiliated with Antifa have also repeatedly threatened violence, including against law enforcement officers. For instance, in June 2018, a Twitter account linked to Antifa shared the names of more than 1,500 Immigration and Customs Enforcement employees, leading others to track and publicly post some employees’ social media profiles, phone numbers, and home addresses, which, as intended, resulted in the employees being harassed.
In late September of 2020, individuals in a moving truck distributed riot equipment — including shields, masks, and a sign emblazoned with an Antifa symbol — in Louisville, Kentucky, before riots ensued there. Hours later, the violent situation resulted in the shooting of two police officers. And on October 5, 2020, reported Antifa activists in Portland were captured on video attacking a woman carrying an American flag.
The Department of Justice has already publicly confirmed that actions by Antifa and similar groups meet the standard for domestic terrorism.
The violence spurred on by Antifa — such as hurling projectiles and incendiary devices at police, burning vehicles, and violently confronting police in defiance of local curfews — is dangerous to human life and to the fabric of our Nation. These violent acts undermine the rights of peaceful protestors and destroy the lives, liberty, and property of the people of this Nation, especially those most vulnerable.
Sec. 2. Inadmissibility of Antifa Associates Based on Terrorist and Unlawful Activity. (a) The Secretary of State shall, in consultation with the Attorney General and the Secretary of Homeland Security, review information received from the Department of Justice and other authorities to assess whether to classify Antifa as a terrorist organization under section 1182(a)(3)(B)(vi) of title 8, United States Code.
(b) The Secretary of State shall take all appropriate steps, in consultation with the Attorney General and the Secretary of Homeland Security, to consider listing Antifa in 9 FAM 302.5-4(B)(2)(U) Aliens Who Are Members of an Identified Criminal Organization.
Sec. 3. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this memorandum shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:
(i) the authority granted by law to an executive department or agency, or the head thereof; or
(ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.
(b) This memorandum shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.
(c) This memorandum is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.

I try to take everything I see and hear with a grain of salt and try to stay level-headed and open-minded, not jump to any conclusions right away or let my emotions run away with me. You can't always trust your senses; things are not always as they appear to be on the surface.

I figure it's just a good Survival strategy overall. I honestly don't give a crap who's on what side, or joining a revolution, or starting a war, or getting all worked up over stuff that's out of my control; life's just happier that way for me for some baffling reason lol. My philosophy is to run and hide and mind my own business and only kill when I absolutely have to, then run and hide some more and call it a day lol. Running and hiding; it's kept our species alive and thriving for thousands of years lmao. XD
I had to work all day yesterday, but as I listened to two women going on about "the siege" by Trump supporters at the WH, my first thought was that the left infultrated the "mob" and led them into the WH so they could fortify it against the REAL angry mobs coming when they start implementing their plan. If there is any glimmer of hope it is this... as long as republicans act like republicans and not RINOs...

Republicans Will Enter 2021 With Control Over Most States’ Governments. Here’s Why That Matters For Redistricting. (

Good luck, be safe. Buckle up.
I do hope, that we just split America into two already. We can have one half that believes you work for what you want and should be able to defend yourself and what you have created for yourself, and the other half, that thinks everything is free and minorities should be celebrated for their skin color, because, well, treating someone special because of their skin color isn't racism... HAHAHAHA Those white people can whip themselves and give everything they have to minorities who hate them anyway. They can enjoy no jails and no police.
What is this about?? After certifying that Biden would become president in the middle of the night, you can CLEARLY see him exchange a handshake as well as receive some sort of token.
Republican Congressman Brad Wenstrup is the one handing him the coin

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