Must Read Our Constitutional Republic is at war!

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Chairman of Nevada GOPl etter to the Nevada GOP detailing what to expect between now and January 20th, 2021, Trump's inauguration. Looks like a true insider discussing Pence, the antifa crazies at the Capitol and Potus was late to speak to Patriots on purpose to protect the Patriots from Antifa. Very good letter and full of valid information.
As I write to you today, I have no doubt that this letter will find many of you crushed under the weight of despair or perhaps lost in a maze of confusion. It is my hope that by the time you finish reading this letter you will be able to confidently join millions of others who support the president and another four years.

Let me be clear: Trump will be president for another four years. Biden will not be president. Yes, I know those are shocking words in these crazy days.

I have been approached by many saying, “It’s over…” and “Trump conceded the election…”. Nothing of the sort has taken place. Go back and listen to the videos all the way through. At no point does Trump even mention Biden’s name. At no point does he say he concedes. He does say that there will be a peaceful transition to a new administration and he does say that this is only the beginning. Those phrases are important to note. Indeed, we will have a new administration made up of a new vice president and cabinet as the current ones have all made their treason complete. I will touch on this in more detail shortly.

We do well to remember that for more than four years Donald Trump has been five steps ahead of everyone in every attempt to derail him, impeach him, or confound him. For example, he announced on election night in the early hours of the morning that he “didn’t want a dump of ballots at 4AM.” What happened in just a few short hours at almost exactly 4AM? A huge ballot dump took place which showed that he already knew that it was going to take place. That was a public word to the enemies of our country that he was on to them. Also, consider the recent incident at the capitol building in DC. Trump was late to his speaking engagement and then spoke on a number of rehashed things to the crowd of 500K+ but this created a problem. You see, if Trump had spoken on time and briefly, the MAGA crowd would have been at the capitol building with the Antifa faction and likely would have been drawn into the fray by accident and confusion due to the crowd size. With Trump speaking late and long, the MAGA crowd was PROTECTED and SEPARATED from the Antifa groups. It would be very clear that the disguised Antifa people were 95%+ of the people in the building. Again, Trump countered because he was steps ahead of them. This was clearly a staged event meant to blame Trump supporters and try to frame Trump so the 25th amendment could be used by Congress but it failed. Nevermind the numerous videos showing the police opening the gates for Antifa (they didn’t fight their way in) and then leading them throughout the building.

I say all this as only two examples out of many that at no point has our president been in a fight of desperation.

Now you may ask, “Why hasn’t Trump arrested anyone yet? Why did this have to go all the way to Congress?” Multiple reasons: first, Trump has been adamant in following the rule of law and the Constitution. He gives everyone, no matter how dirty, an opportunity to do the right thing (sometimes with warnings such as the phone call with the Georgia Secretary of State recently). He pushed cases through the courts, he presented evidence to the legislatures, and he even told the vice president to do the right thing. But with the betrayal by Pence and Congress, the treason is now complete and nobody can say that Trump did not allow the process to finish before acting. Second, in order to drain the swamp you have to know who are the swamp creatures. They can blend in very well with the crowds. But the false event in the capitol revealed the final traitors for who they were regardless of party affiliation. Trump flushed them out of hiding.

I need to take a moment to speak on Pence. With his treason completed, many of you may not know of his dealings and political posturing prior to the infamous day in the capitol. Pence was already wheeling and dealing way back during the 2016 election season with…wait for it….Paul Ryan. Remember Ryan? The RINO speaker of the house? Look at these emails that were recently revealed:

Pence-Ryan Emails

Pence was also involved with a scheme to oust Trump sometime during his first four years that was orchestrated by Rod Rosenstein and supported by the Clintons. The plan: get rid of Trump, become president and then appoint Rod Rosenstein as the new VP. Why would they want that? Because they felt Pence could be controlled. See these links for the 3 part series for more information:

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

More could be said but I don’t want this letter to become more of a book than it already is. Suffice it to say that when Trump said at the DC rally that he hoped Pence would do the right thing, he already knew what he was going to do but was, yet again, giving the man space to choose to do the right thing.

Now, nobody has been more supportive of Trump than Lin Wood. This man’s career has been fighting defamation lawsuits which means that he doesn’t say things, no matter how outrageous they may seem, without them being true as he knows the consequences of slander. With this in mind, Lin Wood has become a fountain of information and leaks of hitherto unknown information revealing some of the depths of corruption and evil in our highest offices. This is the same man who recently said that arrests are coming over the next few days. He called Pence a traitor well before the counting of the elector votes on the 6th. But did you know that he also said that the president, following the capitol incident, left DC on a “Doomsday” aircraft (used for communications in the event of a nuclear war) with his family and was in Abilene, TX. This aircraft was confirmed by both flight trackers and eyes on the ground. In short, he is a trustworthy source of information. If you have a means to follow Lin Wood on Parler, I would highly recommend that you do so to stay abreast of things taking place. You can also listen to this podcast: Podcast

So, what comes next? I don’t have the particulars but I can give you milestones to watch for as the coming days unfold:
  1. Expect the emergency broadcast system to be activated. The FCC just recently released a memorandum speaking to the requirements under Federal law to send messages from the president to the public. See this link
  2. Expect confusion. We are in a battle for our republic against elites that are attempting the very coup that they are accusing Trump of doing. In battle, there will be disinformation but know that plans are being fulfilled.
  3. Expect high profile arrests to take place over the next 12 days and at any time. You may wake one morning to find someone in high office is no longer there.
  4. Expect this to be a bumpy ride to the very end. This is not a television show where things are resolved in 45 minutes.
  5. Expect more bombshell evidence to be released between now and Jan. 20th.
  6. Expect some sort of internet blackout or outage: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Gmail are likely going to be affected. If you don’t have alternate forms of communication established now, it would be a good idea to start forming them even if it’s just checking on your nextdoor neighbors.
  7. Expect Trump to be inaugurated on Jan 20th!
  8. Expect the executive order from 2018 and/or the Insurrection Act to be enacted. This DOES NOT mean martial law. Remember that we have been under a state of emergency since 2018 which gives the president many powers to act.
I HOPE AND PRAY THAT YOU ARE RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No ‘Riot’ Charges for Trump as Video of Capitol Police Letting Protestors Enter Capitol Proliferates

As Democrats call for removing President Trump from office the Justice Department says it will not pursue charges against the President for anything related to January 6th

Two US Justice Department officials have gone on record saying President Trump will not be charged with any crimes related to the chaos that descended on the US Capitol Building on January 6, 2021.

Frustrated and angry Trump supporters, by some accounts incited by anarchist and Leftist agitators, descended on the US after being betrayed by Vice President Mike Pence who refused to exercise his constitutional right to move a contested election in the Electoral College to the US House for a vote of delegations.

The Capitol Building and several elected official’s offices – including the Office of the Speaker – were accessed and disrupted during the chaos. The House and Senate floors were also accessed by the aggrieved protesters. Reports have surfaced that laptops have gone missing.

Democrats leaders, led by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), have called for the President’s removal from office with less than two weeks left in his term.

Many Republicans, who benefited in their re-elections from President Trump’s support, have also joined the call for his removal.

But Democrat’s removal efforts have run into a speedbump with news that the Department of Justice will not pursue charges against the President for any of the activity that happened on Capitol Hill on January 6, 2021.

When asked Friday during a conference call with reporters if the DoJ was considering charging any of the speakers at the rally that preceded the destructive chaos at the Capitol Building, a Justice Department official said “We don’t expect any charges of that nature.”

Later, another Justice Department official said the federal investigation is exclusively focused on criminal acts at the Capitol building.

No ‘Riot’ Charges for Trump as Video of Capitol Police Letting Protestors Enter Capitol Proliferates
Pelosi Pressed Pentagon on Safeguards to Prevent Trump From Ordering Military Action

NYTimes contains juicy bits.

"In a phone call to the chairman, Gen. Mark A. Milley, Ms. Pelosi appeared to be seeking to have the Pentagon leadership essentially remove Mr. Trump from his authorities as the commander in chief. That could be accomplished by ignoring the president’s orders or slowing them by questioning whether they were issued legally".

Pelosi seeking to remove the President from the chain of command. In other words drunk on vodka and power, having talked social media into banning POTUS, but also angry that her laptop was seized, Pelosi stupidly calls General Mark Milley to feel him out about the military conducting a coup on her behalf. THIS IS ******* HUGE.

"But some Defense Department officials clearly resented being asked to act outside of the legal authority of the 25th Amendment and saw it as more evidence of a broken political system. They said that some political leaders were trying to get the Pentagon to do the work of Congress and cabinet secretaries, who have legal options to remove a president".

"…and saw it as more evidence of a broken political system." AGAIN HUGE AND FROM NYTIMES

Isn't this exactly the kind of situation that would REQUIRE military intervention? If the legislative (ie political) and the judicial branches
are not acting in compliance with the Constitution and the Executive Branch requests the military to assist, this is exactly the kind of compliance and legal hurdles they would need to answer internally?

and there is more…

"Mr. Trump, they noted, is still the commander in chief; unless he is removed, the military is bound to follow his lawful orders. While military officials can refuse to carry out orders they view as illegal — or slow the process by sending those orders for careful legal review — they cannot remove the president from the chain of command. That would amount to a military coup, the officials said".

So in fact Pelosi, who is seen by some in the military as the leader of part of a broken legislative branch was requesting the military conduct a coup on her behalf.

If that isn't an act of treason in and of itself, I don't know what is.
The German Federal Foreign Minister Heiko Maas wants to offer the USA a joint "Marshall Plan for Democracy".

I just have to shake my head, how cheeky can this man and Germany be to have such an idea. Germany is currently the country in Europe that destroys the democracy of its people the most and Chancellor Merkel and the Bavarian state chief Söder are diligently using the means of the SS to criminalize the people. Heiko Maas is the same nothing as Sleeping Jo, a deluded politician who is actually nothing and just wants to play big, what he understands by democracy is that his opinion is always correct, and everyone else who has a different opinion is extremists and threats. Our politicians have totally lost touch with reality and with the people and are setting themselves up as dictators, and in the same breath you say that what you do is true democracy.

We are there on a one-way street and the only way for us out of here is either to drop this corrupt rabble or we will find ourselves in their prison.
Sidney Powell


“Under distraction and direction of U.S. persons working from U.S. embassy in Rome, undertook the operation to switch data from the U.S. election from 3 Nov. 2020 from significant margin of victory from Donald Trump to Joe Biden . . . in a number of states where Joe Biden was losing the vote totals.

Defendant states that he was working in [inaudible] facility of Leonardo spa and utilized military grade cyber warfare encryption capabilities to transmit and switch votes via military satellite . . . from [inaudible] tower to Frankfurt, Germany. The Defendant swears that the data in some cases may have been switched to represent more than total voter [inaudible]. The Defendant states that he is willing to testify to all individuals and entities involved in the switching of votes from Donald Trump to Joe Biden, where he shall be in total protection from himself and his family. Defendant states he is secured in an undisclosed location. The makeup of the original data and data switched, upon instruction, to provide as evidence in court in this matter. I hereby declare and swear the above stated facts have been stated in my presence.”

Telegram Web
Well I tried that, four years ago. Remember when Trump ran, he said he was not a conservative. I voted for Evan McMullin who is a conservative. We had two parties. Pick one. Now we have one party for the next round. Fake republicans and dem communists. I'm not voting. A waste of time. buttons&utm_campaign=site buttons

A veteran US Capitol Police officer has died by suicide, authorities and reports said Sunday, a further blow to a department already reeling from the death of a member during last week’s riot.
Officer Howard Liebengood, 51, died on Saturday while off-duty, the department announced in a statement.
“He was assigned to the Senate Division, and has been with the Department since April 2005,” the statement read. “Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family, friends, and colleagues.
“We ask that his family, and other USCP officers’ and their families’ privacy be respected during this profoundly difficult time.”
The department did not disclose the circumstances of Liebengood’s death, but outlets and reporters including Jake Sherman, of Punchbowl News, said that the lawman took his own life, citing sources.
It was not immediately clear what spurred the act.
Liebengood’s death came as the department was still mourning Officer Brian Sicknick, who was pepper-sprayed and fatally bludgeoned with a fire extinguisher when supporters of President Trump stormed the US Capitol on Wednesday in a futile attempt to prevent the certification of Joe Biden’s 2020 election victory.
It was not immediately clear if Liebengood, like Sicknick, was on-duty at the time of the deadly riot.
The department itself is under intense scrutiny for the ease with which the mob overwhelmed Capitol Police and forced their way into the seat of American democracy.
Chief Steven Sund has announced his resignation from the force, effective Jan. 16.

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