Must Read Our Constitutional Republic is at war!

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Biden wants to ban conservative ENTIRELY from the Internet.

By Mary Margaret Olohan
Daily Caller News Foundation

  • President-elect Joe Biden is being urged to create a post overseeing ideologically driven extremism — including the supporters of President Donald Trump who stormed the United States Capitol on Wednesday, who Biden has called “domestic terrorists.”
  • “Don’t dare call them protesters,” Biden said of President Donald Trump’s supporters who stormed the United States Capitol. “They were a riotous mob. Insurrectionists. Domestic terrorists. It’s that basic. It’s that simple.”
  • Liberal media figures and outlets have previously suggested that Biden should take an aggressive approach to conservative media when he becomes President of the United States.

President-elect Joe Biden is being urged to create a post overseeing ideologically driven extremism — including the supporters of President Donald Trump who stormed the United States Capitol on Wednesday, who Biden has called “domestic terrorists.”

TRENDING: My vote, your vote, our vote was stolen!

The president elect has promised to prioritize passing a law against domestic terrorism, according to the Wall Street Journal. His advisors are also pushing him to create a post in the White House specifically to target and combat “ideologically inspired violent extremists,” the publication reported.

“Don’t dare call them protesters,” Biden said of President Donald Trump’s supporters who stormed the United States Capitol. “They were a riotous mob. Insurrectionists. Domestic terrorists. It’s that basic. It’s that simple.”
Well I tried that, four years ago. Remember when Trump ran, he said he was not a conservative. I voted for Evan McMullin who is a conservative. We had two parties. Pick one. Now we have one party for the next round. Fake republicans and dem communists. I'm not voting. A waste of time.
Thats why I said that we need to start at the local level.
And thats just what our country needs; more conservatives just rolling over and giving up because "our guy" didn't get in. If you really think that voting is a "waste of time" then don't ever complain again about the type of government that you end up with!
Thats why I said that we need to start at the local level.
And thats just what our country needs; more conservatives just rolling over and giving up because "our guy" didn't get in. If you really think that voting is a "waste of time" then don't ever complain again about the type of government that you end up with!

We cant until we take them out, its happening now. They control elections now.
The opportunity to use armed civilians to bring fresh elections is gone, the Left has used Gray Warfare techniques to cripple any and all patriot militia movements without firing a shot. Using the media big tech companies and corrupt politcians they are / have managed to recategorise the term patriot militia into " Domestic Terrorist" which allows them to turn the full power of the state against them. And the media is telling everyone armed citizens are TERRORISTS not patriots.

To defeat them you have to play them at their own game, Patriot owned media channels ( News Max etc) , blogs, forums, messaging systems (Like Gab, Parler, MeWe etc). ALTERNATIVEs to Apple and Amazon shopping. Phones and phone systems not controlled by Silicone valley ( gab phones). Dont vote for Republicans because they sold out to the Dems and Silicone valley. As AD suggested vote Conservative party or tea Party. Any attempts at using force will only turn more ordinary people against patriotic, center right republicans. Start thinking not shooting.
I dont think anyone here would argue with that. But we all know that nothing will happen to them.

Because they are ALL part of the ruling elite establishment, Repuiblicans protect their Democrat opposite numbers and vice versa, they protect each other, Vote the lot of em out vote Conservative or Tea Party.
You will have a lot of very big problems if that lunatic Sleeping Jo ever arrives in the White House.
The way this guy is developing, he will want to clean your country of everything that stands in his way and he might resort to very dirty measures and he will probably not be called off by any other country.
I hope for you that it will never come so far that Jo forms a kind of Gestapo force to clean up the country, otherwise I see a big conflict coming that will shake the world.

If I lived in your country, I would have already packed the backpack and other things and would now buy everything that will probably no longer exist under the idiot Jo. In Europe I get too little news about the situation in the U.S., when I read your news and with what this demented type threatens then I have to say it will be a new Hitler who probably has a very nasty support force.
You will have a lot of very big problems if that lunatic Sleeping Jo ever arrives in the White House.
The way this guy is developing, he will want to clean your country of everything that stands in his way and he might resort to very dirty measures and he will probably not be called off by any other country.
I hope for you that it will never come so far that Jo forms a kind of Gestapo force to clean up the country, otherwise I see a big conflict coming that will shake the world.

If I lived in your country, I would have already packed the backpack and other things and would now buy everything that will probably no longer exist under the idiot Jo. In Europe I get too little news about the situation in the U.S., when I read your news and with what this demented type threatens then I have to say it will be a new Hitler who probably has a very nasty support force.

It is already happening in our face. Footage of Riot Gear claden blm/antifa in NYC taking control of the streets, attacking anyone they wanted to right in FRONT OF the Police!! They attacked a young woman because she had the nerve to take a picture of them! She was hit with a skateboard, egged in the face, threw down to the ground...and the police watched.
It is dangerous to photograph these guys too obviously, that the police didn't intervene, I find it very tragic, but it shows us that we cannot expect any help from the Police.
Welcome to the 4th Reich, the story unfortunately starts again at the beginning, there will be problems if it goes on like this. A few weeks ago I put a little book in here, it could be of great value for the times ahead.

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The police are agents of the state, they have not been part of the community since the late 60s, As the hippies used to say " They are the man" MAYBE a few local sheriffs still serve the community first but cops of all flavours do not.
Yes you are right, the problem is that the area here is well populated everywhere, it is difficult to set up a camp here with a supply of a year and here in the mountains I can not move such a supply in the short term, the topography is here makes very great demands on man / woman, but better here than 40 km away in a city.

I am not lacking in carbines, but I could not take everything with me, I would have to set priorities, it always depends on the circumstances.
A War against Russian soldiers, for example, would be much riskier for me than against aliens, fortunately the probability of both scenarios is relatively low. 😁
I don't necessarily plan to do that, camping is not my favorite passion, but if I have no other way but to escape to the mountains then I will. It is a very high risk that I am aware and it is an extremely tough environment up there and hostile to life cold, but better to take this risk than to fight a horde of half-starved lunatics here in the worst case. If that has been resolved here in the valley and I would have survived my trip, nothing stands in the way of my return.
I have never been a believer in the Golden Horde theory, thats okay for fiction writers and Hollywood film makers but in the real world its not very possible, especially in a country like the UK where most of the population live in a big city and have modern ways, once the power goes off they wont know what to do.
I think people should be where they need to be right now. Living out in the elements, and waiting till things are bad to get your food storage together sounds like it's not a good plan.

When people have nothing to eat, even your own neighbor in the countryside could become your biggest enemy, no matter how long you've known each other.
Hunger and especially starving children turns people into animals believe me and don't take it lightly.
I am not afraid of the people from the city, that is as you write, but never underestimate the consequences of hardship and especially the consequences of hunger, especially nothing if you still have what others no longer have.

This is just a very well-intentioned advice from me.

When people have nothing to eat, even your own neighbor in the countryside could become your biggest enemy, no matter how long you've known each other.
Hunger and especially starving children turns people into animals believe me and don't take it lightly.
I am not afraid of the people from the city, that is as you write, but never underestimate the consequences of hardship and especially the consequences of hunger, especially nothing if you still have what others no longer have.

This is just a very well-intentioned advice from me.
then dont tell them you have anything, that the first thing about OPSEC, I dont have anything to do with neighbours, apart from "hello" or "good morning" when we meet.
as far as anyone here knows we are a couple of retired people who keep themselves to themselves and have nothing of worth.

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