Must Read Our Constitutional Republic is at war!

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Sounds exactly the same as Nazi germany!!!!

I believe that is the point, That as American citizens, preppers and patriots we should ensure that the freedoms we have and cherish are not taken away or denied us by any form of tyrannical government through any means necessary


The CLEAR TIE-IN between Dominion and the Dems is shown with the fact that donations to BLM were managed by Act Blue which funneled money to the DNC. Act Blue is in fact Employed by Dominion Voting Systems. So there is the domestic election fraud interference criminality connection with foreign fraud election interference. This a BRIGHT LINE of corruption.

Intelligence gathering shows that high profile politician’s families were PAID OFF...just like Hunter biden was!

“A close and contested election may be resolved through power”... not through the courts.” This includes intimidating and threatening witnesses, or shooting them. Threatening their children and family, or paying them off.

“CONTROL THE NARRATIVE through news and all social media” Why do you think they shut anyone down on social media if they disagree with what is being pushed?

In the OP plan of the Dems, they were “really worried about how the military will react”

“A plan to Recruit Governors to form a protection for biden”, against the will of We the People.

“A plan to call on the States Adjutant Generals of the National Guard to monitor vote counting”. Guess they have those swing state ones in their pockets. They are appointed by the governor.

They call for a “National Strike to force corporate leaders to back biden.“

Also call for “ACTION in the streets to push people into accepting biden win” Mass Protests - burning, destruction, shooting, bombing and looting.

President Trump and the military will NOT let them get away with it!!! His repositioning of the DOD taking over of all elite military as well as the repositioning of our Naval Carrier Strike Groups (6) of them surrounding the country. The remainder close to Japan.
When the ballot box is corrupt and the judicial box is corrupt, it leaves one last box, for the peoples constitutional rights. The oathkeepers have said prepare for total war! They are ready and standing by. My group is standing by. I suggest all you non,panzy Patriots, get ready and stand by.

President Trump we are standing by.
When the ballot box is corrupt and the judicial box is corrupt, it leaves one last box, for the peoples constitutional rights. The oathkeepers have said prepare for total war! They are ready and standing by. My group is standing by. I suggest all you non,panzy Patriots, get ready and stand by.

President Trump we are standing by.

Who recently said there were 4 boxes. Soap box, ballot box, jury box, and ammo box. And I added a fourth, the coffin. I agree, if the courts fail to correct this fraudulent election, the ammo box is next which will fill many a coffin. God help us.
I understand everyone here is angry their guy lost. I understand not being happy about change and unknown. I don’t understand the unwillingness to see the results of all the recounts and investigations showing there was no massive fraud. Trumps repeated lies saying he ‘massively won‘ just aren’t true. There’s just no real evidence. It went through many tests, local, state, federal and all the way to the Supreme Court. ALL saying the same thing. So, what I’m saying is instead of rallying and calling for civil war here why not take some of that misguided passion and get involved in the Republican political works to get ‘your guy’ elected in 4 years? Close to half the country voted for trump so it shouldn’t be too hard to sway enough people to get the numbers the other way next time.
Right now, this talk of taking up arms is silly at best, and treasonous at worst. The two most vocal Christians here are calling for bloodshed. With this kind of incite full rhetoric it is only a matter of time before people are killed. The old saying of the pen being mightier than the sword is true. The words you are using are going to get good people hurt or worse. I suggest taking a deep breath and step back to reality.
I understand everyone here is angry their guy lost. I understand not being happy about change and unknown. I don’t understand the unwillingness to see the results of all the recounts and investigations showing there was no massive fraud. Trumps repeated lies saying he ‘massively won‘ just aren’t true. There’s just no real evidence. It went through many tests, local, state, federal and all the way to the Supreme Court. ALL saying the same thing. So, what I’m saying is instead of rallying and calling for civil war here why not take some of that misguided passion and get involved in the Republican political works to get ‘your guy’ elected in 4 years? Close to half the country voted for trump so it shouldn’t be too hard to sway enough people to get the numbers the other way next time.
Right now, this talk of taking up arms is silly at best, and treasonous at worst. The two most vocal Christians here are calling for bloodshed. With this kind of incite full rhetoric it is only a matter of time before people are killed. The old saying of the pen being mightier than the sword is true. The words you are using are going to get good people hurt or worse. I suggest taking a deep breath and step back to reality.

Your a clueless sheep. Take your lies and choke on them.
Your a clueless sheep. Take your lies and choke on them.
I think believing in a failed candidate that refuses to accept he lost makes you more of a sheep than me. I at least can see the difference between real facts and made up crap.
I think believing in a failed candidate that refuses to accept he lost makes you more of a sheep than me. I at least can see the difference between real facts and made up crap.

There was over 20 million votes illegally cast and another 5+ million switched from Trump to Biden. Our courts are corrupt from top to bottom. Our Constitution is being shredded. Its just about Trump. There will be no chance of Trump being relected or any candidate that is against the globalist. The Democrats are 100% controlled by the globalist.

You can't see a damn thing, your blinded by your twisted belief system. You are the enemy of our country. You are my enemy. The type of country your fighting for bye supporting the democrats is not one you will like, yet you blindly support and defend them. Your gaslighting is some of the best, you should go work for the democrat party.

Your a piece of garbage that will be taken out with the rest of the trash by Patriots if you keep to your convictions, but I bet you will change your toon real quick when that time comes. I bet you will become a good constitutional patriot then.
Rellgar, thank you for being kind in your reply. I'm not being sarcastic. That's far nicer than most could write, and I don't even know what he posted (I still love the ignore feature).

Only one comment. He doesn't need to go work for the democrat party. He IS working for them. A good Bolshevik.
I think believing in a failed candidate that refuses to accept he lost makes you more of a sheep than me. I at least can see the difference between real facts and made up crap.

Brent, The Democrats totally refused to accept that Donald trump won in 2016, and many including MSM journalists demanded he be physically removed from office and replaced by Clinton. Whats good for the Goose especially after the Republicans repeatedly exposed the lies and frauds perpetrated against Trump for the following 3 years. There is FAR MORE evidence of election rigging this time than in 2016.

I think the election should be called null and void and fresh but much better monitored elections take place.
A liberal created this thinking it's mocking. I think it's great. Adjust a few lines here & there, and I'm 100% game. We get part of northern CA for access to the Pacific, most of IL. Split the military, debt and such by the number of people on each side. USoC can count their illegals and dead in that number. And let's see which nation does best. Who's game? Good news: we don't have to kill all of them.
You would be better going the CSA Mk 2 route and team up with the growing Canzuk movement, that way you would keep Britain, canada, Oz and NZ as close friends and allies
This guy has the right idea!

“The people dancing in the streets after the US Supreme Court tossed the Texas lawsuit yesterday are our enemies. They are not our family members, colleagues, business associates, clients, customers, neighbors, or acquaintances. They are our enemies, pure and simple. Willingly or not, informed or not, ignorant or not, corrupt or not, they would usher in the destruction of the American Republic – and apparently not bat an eye in doing so! Does the Democrat platform (read it here for yourself!) comport with your idea of the promises of the Founders and the rights instantiated in the Constitution and Bill of Rights? These people are Communists filled with hatred for America as it was founded. The sooner we figure that out, the sooner we can deal with them accordingly. They must be defeated politically at all costs if our progeny is going to have the same opportunities and freedoms as we have enjoyed.”
Brent, The Democrats totally refused to accept that Donald trump won in 2016, and many including MSM journalists demanded he be physically removed from office and replaced by Clinton. Whats good for the Goose especially after the Republicans repeatedly exposed the lies and frauds perpetrated against Trump for the following 3 years. There is FAR MORE evidence of election rigging this time than in 2016.

I think the election should be called null and void and fresh but much better monitored elections take place.
I seem to remember Hillary conceding and she congratulated trump. I doubt it was a sincere call but she had enough class to make it at least.
LET Biden be president over the blue states and TRUMP be over all red states and see how long the blue will last!!!!

Wouldnt that be a hoot?! We could kick out every illegal, thereby reducing class size and freeing teachers to teach. OUR CHILDREN instead of non English speaking kids. With teachers NOT being allowed to teach hatred of America and shame of white skin color as well as how to be a tranny or homosexual...they would actually have time to TEACH the children math, science, history and reading!

It caught them off guard. They thought they had it in the bag, but didn't realize how many people would actually vote for Trump (just like this time). But this time they had contingency plans in place.

That evil hag needs put 20 feet under!
You and also we here need a person like him again.

No matter whether man or woman, it is important that he or she does not come out of the dark swamp and restores confidence in the nation.
Important is someone who takes the people seriously and goes his way with the people, even more important will be that the order is restored and all the corrupt politicians are thrown into prison, where they belong and for the life of your.
Your nation is currently on the brink just like ours, it is twelve o'clock and not a minute earlier, it is becoming more difficult with each passing day to change and regain our rights. In Europe, so to speak, the 4th Reich is emerging, the leader in Europe heIsst Mrs. Merkel and you will now arbitrarily Germany and probably all of Europe with their assistants drive to the wall, today things were decided that have enormous impact and it will not find with the 10 January an end, until the 10 January will once certainly lose thousands of your job.
We have become too lazy and too spoiled here, that's a fact and it should all slowly become clear that we must do something for our rights and our freedom, otherwise it will be too late. The WEF with its big reset is in preparation, our politicians will implement that without thinking twice, if Sleeping Jo moves into the White House then we will come to a first-class dictatorship Merkel + Jo, I see there blacker than black when it comes so far and everything that has happened so far will be a piece of cake against it.
No offense, I think from January will be something big Heimsuchen us and who has not yet understood it for which it is too late. The politicians want to divide us, succeeds that will be the resistance against your plans small, that's the meaning behind all the crap, Corona will be the stirrup holder for a new society, and the sheep do not understand that too mostly.

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