Must Read Our Constitutional Republic is at war!

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JUST LIKE STALIN’S GREAT PURGE: AOC Leads Democrat Effort to Create ‘Trump Accountability Project’ Hit List to Pay Back Trump Supporters – Update: sitting judges added to the list
“The Great Purge was a campaign of political repression in the Soviet Union that occurred from 1936 to 1938. It involved a large-scale repression of wealthy peasants (kulaks); genocidal acts against ethnic minorities; a purge of the Communist Party, government officials, and the Red Army leadership; widespread police surveillance; suspicion of saboteurs; counter-revolutionaries; imprisonment; and arbitrary executions.

Historians estimate the total number of deaths due to Stalinist repression in 1937–38 to be between 680,000 and 1,200,000.[1][2]- —The Gateway Pundit

“At the behest of ‘squad’ member and New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a blacklist of “Trump sycophants”—entitled “The Trump Accountability Project”—is archiving the names of individuals who “elected, served, funded, supported, and represented” President Donald Trump.

”“Is anyone archiving these Trump sycophants for when they try to downplay or deny their complicity in the future? I foresee decent probability of many deleted Tweets, writings, photos in the future,” AOC says. Her statements echo those of a Banana Republic communist who just seized power and wants to eradicate their opponents.”

“Former Barack Obama staffer Michael Simon shared a link on Cortez’ Twitter feed to the “Trump Accountability Project”. That project is a witch hunt against journalists, editors and others the left is targeting for retribution as America is on the cusp of entering the early stages of a socialist regime.” - New York Post

JUST LIKE STALIN’S GREAT PURGE: AOC Leads Democrat Effort to Create ‘Trump Accountability Project’ Hit List to Pay Back Trump Supporters – Update: sitting judges added to the list
“The Great Purge was a campaign of political repression in the Soviet Union that occurred from 1936 to 1938. It involved a large-scale repression of wealthy peasants (kulaks); genocidal acts against ethnic minorities; a purge of the Communist Party, government officials, and the Red Army leadership; widespread police surveillance; suspicion of saboteurs; counter-revolutionaries; imprisonment; and arbitrary executions.
The Soviets were amateurs compared to China.
Great Leap Forward - tens of millions killed by forced starvation
Campaign to suppress Counterrevolutionaries - two million killed
Anti-Rightists campaign - half a million killed
Great Chinese Famine - 2 1/2 million beaten or tortured to death
Socialist Education Movement - 77,000 killed
Cultural Revolution - up to 20 million killed
You have TWO or three choices
1 Accept defeat and bow to your new socialist masters and get used to them winning all future elections, THEY ARE COMING FOR YOUR GUNS Harris is on record saying so.
2 Secede the Red states, create a Republican States of America with your government in Texas.
3 Copy what the left has done, Riot, Protest, Burn, Loot, March, Vandalise, Strike and FORCE change the way BLM / ANTI / ETC has so effectively done.
You have TWO or three choices
1 Accept defeat and bow to your new socialist masters and get used to them winning all future elections, THEY ARE COMING FOR YOUR GUNS Harris is on record saying so.
2 Secede the Red states, create a Republican States of America with your government in Texas.
3 Copy what the left has done, Riot, Protest, Burn, Loot, March, Vandalise, Strike and FORCE change the way BLM / ANTI / ETC has so effectively done.

Im going for Secede. There are some strong Conservative states. Texas is in the lead in my opinion. Anyone else have an opinion of which other states would do it?

It is looking more and more like we will be like Yugoslavia, breaking up.
You have TWO or three choices
1 Accept defeat and bow to your new socialist masters and get used to them winning all future elections, THEY ARE COMING FOR YOUR GUNS Harris is on record saying so.
It seems Parahunter has already decided that bending over and grabbing our ankles is the only thing we can do.

FU Harris, I'm too damn old to bend over and grab my ankles.

Molon Labe!
I am ABSOLUTELY, TOTALLY 100% certain you guys dont fully realise just how bad and dangerous this is, this is NOT a DEMOCRAT victory this is a SOCIALIST Insurrection. This is pretty darm close to the little Austrian Corporals party when he first came to power in the 1930s.

You now have some VERY VERY DANGEROUS extremist militants like AOC, Harris and Co going to be running the country. As I understand it they are not only going after your guns, but they are going to change your schools and colleges to promote THEIR views on EVERYTHING, AND as AOC has stated they want to bring ALL Trump supporters to account as criminals.
Your current Democrat party makes our Labour party which is riddled with far left types look positively benign by comparison.
...and the brainwashed sheeple, dumb hippies, violent Antifas and antisocial anarchists think that they’ve won a victory with Biden stealing the election.
Picture of Biden with his arm around the Irish republican Army terror groups leaders on UK media.

As I understand it they are not only going after your guns, but they are going to change your schools and colleges to promote THEIR views on EVERYTHING
I got news for you, that is a fait accompli. It started in the late 60's and by 1975 (the year I started teaching high school math) the education system was toast.
You have TWO or three choices
1 Accept defeat and bow to your new socialist masters and get used to them winning all future elections, THEY ARE COMING FOR YOUR GUNS Harris is on record saying so.
2 Secede the Red states, create a Republican States of America with your government in Texas.
3 Copy what the left has done, Riot, Protest, Burn, Loot, March, Vandalise, Strike and FORCE change the way BLM / ANTI / ETC has so effectively done.
there is one more choice,,admit defeat but never surrender
We’re under the merciless authority of an elite oligarchy.

Not yet. We have over 2 months. And Trump has an army of lawyers charging into battle. Grab some popcorn. It's not over.
As the President said, This is FAR from over!! They have been caught cheating in so many ways in every single state that matters. There is much evidence on our side.

Pray often and with a sincere heart for God to utterly destroy the Evil that has invaded our election system, deep state and government!!

Not yet. We have over 2 months. And Trump has an army of lawyers charging into battle. Grab some popcorn. It's not over.
Some members disappoint me, not that it will matter to them. I understand that. What I can't understand is why you are so willing to back down so soon? This election has been nothing but corrupt and a fraud from the get go. . . Mainstream is just backing the corruption. As a patriot, we need to stand up together if our voice is to be heard and back our elect President if that is who you truly believe in. We are trying to make the issues heard and if it is not, we may have to up the game which is something I really dont want to have to do. . . That would mean a civil war. I dont want to head that way, BUT I will if that means that I can help keep voting as a freedom of our nation. . . The Dems cheated in this election, and they will just continue from here on out if they get away with it scott free. BTW I truly believe they stole the election back in 2012 but it was more secretive, This time, did you notice how blatant they were?

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