Pandemic & your heading to your BOL?

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The Lazy L

Old Cowpoke
HCL Supporter
Dec 6, 2017
Reading the news this morning about New Yorkers leaving the city to head to their summer homes, country cottages or BOL to escape the China flu. They are getting stopped at territorial borders, refused entry, harassment and general fear. Reading about this gave me an idea.

Wouldn't it be prudent to have the address on your Driver's license be the address of your summer home and/or cottage? And the same with your BO vehicle's registration. Few things screams "STRANGER" more than a out of state license plate.

If you do get stop at a check point you can explain you are just trying to get home and use the summer home/cottage address on your Driver's License as proof.

For the BOL address substitute a Post Office Box from a Post Office close to your BOL?
I wonder how full timer RVers handle this?

There are quite a few States that offer Resident status. We used South Dakota and our mail was all sent to South Dakota address and then forwarded. FMCA in Ohio offers a similar service. We haven't traveled for about 8 years now, but there are still so many full timers (glad I'm not one right now), that the service must be out there.
As long as your plates and drivers license match addresses you can go anywhere in the country, until areas start refusing entry to outsiders.
That, refusing entry, is illegal or at least unlawful in the USA. The interstate commerce act preposes free access to and between all states. The 14th amendment extends that right to all counties, cities and townships. The right to freely travel highways, byways and postal roads is one of the rights not enumerated in the constitution but has been upheld in the courts.
There are quite a few States that offer Resident status. We used South Dakota and our mail was all sent to South Dakota address and then forwarded. FMCA in Ohio offers a similar service. We haven't traveled for about 8 years now, but there are still so many full timers (glad I'm not one right now), that the service must be out there.
South Dakota has a few businesses that are set up for full timers. I do believe you have to visit the state at least once to get it set up, but I could be wrong. The governor of South Dakota has said she will not give a stay at home order, so I doubt they are denying entry to people driving in, but, those people would have South Dakota plates.
This is where I point out that there are some very good fake ID's being produced right now (for entertainment purposes only). And not by seedy backroom counter-fitters, but easy to use novelty websites. If I were looking for an ID from another state I would simply search online for someone who looked similar to me, who was not concerned enough about protecting his data (so most Facebook users), and borrow his identity to create a second driver's license. If you do it right and an LEO runs it, things should match up close enough for you to be allowed entrance. But obviously this is not without risk and potential consequences. It's also not something that is going to work if you wait until the last minutes.
Not that I have anything against multiple identities but isn't it a crime to offer a law enforcement officer fake ID? Don't you go to jail for that?

Lots of things are illegal. As my football coach used to say, it's only a penalty if the Ref sees it.

Officers assigned to posts, who are told to refuse entry to anyone from out of state, are going to be more concerned with those they are trying to keep out. Sometimes you have to do what you have to do. Legal or otherwise.
Reading the news this morning about New Yorkers leaving the city to head to their summer homes, country cottages or BOL to escape the China flu. They are getting stopped at territorial borders, refused entry, harassment and general fear. Reading about this gave me an idea.
Wouldn't it be prudent to have the address on your Driver's license be the address of your summer home and/or cottage? And the same with your BO vehicle's registration. Few things screams "STRANGER" more than a out of state license plate.
Nope. Nope and nope.
If it was just that easy to escape the sky-high taxes in NYC, everybody there would already do that.
Those high taxes are the life-blood of the big-city.
Nobody can dodge it.
Unfortunately New Yorkers are finding out now that when the SHTF, they cannot ESCAPE!
If you think you've seen rich people leaving NYC in the past, just wait until this is over
The vast majority have been forced to find out that they can indeed work from home.
So, why does their home have to be in New York now?
South Dakota has a few businesses that are set up for full timers. I do believe you have to visit the state at least once to get it set up, but I could be wrong. The governor of South Dakota has said she will not give a stay at home order, so I doubt they are denying entry to people driving in, but, those people would have South Dakota plates.

We had to get our drivers license in SD and renew it there, of course. I believe our vehicle insurance was through SD also, which was less than FL where we came from.
We had to get our drivers license in SD and renew it there, of course. I believe our vehicle insurance was through SD also, which was less than FL where we came from.
Can your license be renewed online or via snail mail? We can renew our driver's license in Colorado, if you are under a particular age. I think at a certain age, they want to see if the person still seems able to drive, or maybe just gets a photo identification.
Not that I have anything against multiple identities but isn't it a crime to offer a law enforcement officer fake ID? Don't you go to jail for that?

As a long time road officer 30+ years. I can tell you in situations where you would be confronted with a road block, It doesn't take very long for that **** to get old. The officer doesn't want to be there, they don't want to see you there, they don't want to deal with you.
Because here is what happens. Without fail, that ******* from New Jersey driving a green mini van WILL find you and your road block. They will ask you 1000 stupid questions as if they have never left their house before. It's very irritating. Officers just want to be rid of them and it ruins their day and puts them in a bad mood.
I taught my officers to put them through the ringer. Tag teaming them as they sit on the side of the road. Asking as many stupid questions as they dish out in the hope that if they ever come onto a roadblock again, they will shake with fear of having to sit there for an hour or so and be asked stupid questions. Pay back is a bitch.
But in all honestly, If your stuff is even half way squared away you will be waved through. The busier a check point. the easier to get through. A lightly traveled check point will mean a more in depth check of you documents.
Do not have everything ready for them to look at. Make it so you know where they are but "dig" for them just a little.
Keep your I.D. in your wallet so you have to dig.
Women very often keep their license in their purse that is in the back seat of in the trunk.
You get the point.

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