Terrorist Attack PARIS France 13/11/2015

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how do I get the impression that bravery lives only on the other side of the puddle?? that we here in Europe are weaklings and know nothing...and the knowledge of defence is over there...yes our gun laws are hard,we have to deal with those laws here,we can't go to the supermarket,get a six-pack and an AK and go back home.
I'll stick to my system and so far let the cops deal with the baddies,if it goes that far,that I'll have to carry,then I will,but I'm not defenceless or stupid in the mean time either
how do I get the impression that bravery lives only on the other side of the puddle?? that we here in Europe are weaklings and know nothing...and the knowledge of defence is over there...yes our gun laws are hard,we have to deal with those laws here,we can't go to the supermarket,get a six-pack and an AK and go back home.
I'll stick to my system and so far let the cops deal with the baddies,if it goes that far,that I'll have to carry,then I will,but I'm not defenceless or stupid in the mean time either

I fully support that comment by Jonnte, I get the solid impression we are seen as soft surrender monkeys and have never seen real combat, and because for what ever reason we don't carry a gun everywhere we are some way inferior. I live in a very imperfect country with huge flaws and shortcomings, but unlike apparently many American people I dare mow the lawn, go to work, go to the pub, beach, mall, ride the train, go downtown, open my front door, argue with my boss, stand up to teen thugs, bitterly squabble with an AH for cutting me up, and I dare do all of that without needing a gun as a crutch, and guess what I'm still here, I am not so afraid of everything and anything outside my front door I dare not go outside without a gun.

I think if TSHTF in the wonderful US where so many of my much loved and revered friends live there are going to be insane levels of casualties caused by some fools grossly overreacting.
Here in the US, if the media does not report on it, they just say "We did not know about it, hear about it". So now Paris is under martial law... Oops I mean lock down. looking for all possible perps. That could be anybody that own a gun, to them (Gov). What a crazy, screwed up, upside down world we live in today.

Its nothing like that the French are as nearly gun mad as the Americans, many Brit criminals go to France on day trips to buy guns, hunting is a massive part of French life, All your guns did not stop Ruby Ridge or Waco did they ? :) And we did not let Blackwater run riot across FLA and GA after the big hurricanes either :)
If the governments of Europe anytime soon liberalize trafficking in arms, you will have serious problems. We are faced with a similar situation in the spring of 2014 when an armed group of Russian terrorists of 5 to 10 people successfully took control of the village.
French are gun nuts,really are,they hunt like crazy,so there's guns,but they use theirs for hunting,just like here in Finland,if we wanna take some ones life we use the old traditional way;we use a knife (puukko).
The Greeks, Turks and Hungarians have already intercepted shipping containers of 'AID' from the middle east sent for the Syrian refugees that were full of rifles, ammo, rpgs and explosives.
The Greeks, Turks and Hungarians have already intercepted shipping containers of 'AID' from the middle east sent for the Syrian refugees that were full of rifles, ammo, rpgs and explosives.

First casualties identified One a Brit the other an American woman
The only way to deal with these animals is through superior firepower.....

Go on then I will bite, you obviously live in some part of the US where Muslims, Serbs or Irishmen shoot up shops and bars and schools etc, unlike here in Europe where terrorist never attack.

Please enlighten us poor ignorant Europeans as to how you are going to defend yourself with a hand gun when you cannot see the enemy and they are pouring full auto fire down from the dark outside onto your position fully illuminated in a diner??

Even if I still had my service 9mm my face would be buried into the dirt in the diner just as it was in Ulster where the IRA opened fire on us from across the border.

Please feel free to leap out and fire into the darkness at targets you cannot see, you will be doing the rest of us a great service by drawing fire away from us. Its evolution at work :)
Fortunately there are NO muzlims where I live. But I did spend a number of years in the ME and have had my fill of these animals. Again, I'd rather die defending myself than cowering on the floor waiting to be shot. But again, that is your choice to do so. One thing that I learned from my time in the ME is to always be aware of my surroundings and be careful of where I go and where I sit in a restaurant or bar.
how do I get the impression that bravery lives only on the other side of the puddle?? that we here in Europe are weaklings and know nothing...and the knowledge of defence is over there...yes our gun laws are hard,we have to deal with those laws here,we can't go to the supermarket,get a six-pack and an AK and go back home.
I'll stick to my system and so far let the cops deal with the baddies,if it goes that far,that I'll have to carry,then I will,but I'm not defenceless or stupid in the mean time either
Well, not all of us in the USA think "Europe are weaklings and know nothing." I was stationed in Germany from 1987 - 1991 and in that short time is when I first learned about terrorism, and that Europe has been dealing with the coward ass terrorist pricks since at least the early 1970's. If anything the USA could take some lessons on dealing with these muslim *******s from both Europe and Israel. We are the noobs on the planet when it comes to dealing with them. In fact it is my opinion should have tightened things down a lot earlier than 9/11/2001. Yes our gun laws are, in my opinion, better here, unless you live in New York City, Detroit, Washington DC, California and Chicago. And even with that we still have issues.

I don't care what anyone says, when bullets start flying and your awareness level is at White or even yellow i highly doubt anyone would yank their pistol and start shooting. I say this because chances are you don't know who is shooting, where they are shooting, where they are shooting from, and your brain is now running in 100 different directions with pure primal survival being first and foremost.

Clyde,your chart is great and I have to admit I'm on the yellow line,been there for awhile,but this "new" threat from these so-called refugees makes it a little bit harder.
one very good positive thing from this is,I have someone (my class mate) who preps too in my neck of woods and alot of worried class mates around us.
he knows I prep,I know he preps,that's how far the info goes,to the rest we express our concerns about what's happening and urge all to be on their toes.
Special services French established the facts of Russian involvement in the terrorist attacks
French National Intelligence Council stated that it has reliable data on that in a terrorist attack at a rock concert in the theater "Bataklan" participated and citizens of the Russian Federation.
French secret services established the names of at least two of the terrorists who are citizens of the Russian Federation, previously served in elite units subordinate to Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov. This was announced by the British news agency Mirror, citing a senior source in the National Intelligence Council of France. The source told the agency in particular that the two terrorists probably Chechen origin who had previously served in the Interior Ministry of Chechnya and reported directly chechenchkomu leader, participated in the attack on the theater "Bataklan." Currently, measures are being taken on their search and neutralization.
At the same time the names of the defendants are not named and celebrated as soon as the fact that they were freed from the service around the beginning of 2014 and joined the terrorist organization "Islamic State".

Paris police have data on the eight terrorists who lost their lives in a series of attacks in Paris, said a source close to the investigation, wrote the French media. According to eyewitnesses, the terrorists in the conversation mentioned the name of Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov - the information is verified.
Earlier it was reported that seven of the terrorists involved in the attacks in Paris and its suburbs are dead. We also learned that in the Parisian theater "Bataklan" during a terrorist attack could be up to 1.5 thousand. Also in connection with the terrorist threat in the French capital Paris arrived 1,5 thousand French troops.
It was also reported that on January 7, immediately after the attack on Charlie Hebdo editorial Kadyrov had boasted of his achievements and pointed to the Algerians hired them to commit terrorist acts in Paris.

20.01.2015 It was reported:
In France, arrested five Russians who were preparing terrorist attacks
The first of the detention of Russian news agency AFP referring to the French prosecutor's office. It is also reported that Russian citizens are from Chechnya. They were detained in the city of Beziers in southern France. According to preliminary information, c Bezier found a cache of weapons and explosives. The Russian Embassy in Paris does not have information about the detention of Russian citizens on suspicion of preparing terrorist attack in France.

As far as this information corresponds to reality, I do not presume to assert
Go on then I will bite, you obviously live in some part of the US where Muslims, Serbs or Irishmen shoot up shops and bars and schools etc, unlike here in Europe where terrorist never attack.

Please enlighten us poor ignorant Europeans as to how you are going to defend yourself with a hand gun when you cannot see the enemy and they are pouring full auto fire down from the dark outside onto your position fully illuminated in a diner??

Even if I still had my service 9mm my face would be buried into the dirt in the diner just as it was in Ulster where the IRA opened fire on us from across the border.

Please feel free to leap out and fire into the darkness at targets you cannot see, you will be doing the rest of us a great service by drawing fire away from us. Its evolution at work :)
There's no reason not to be civilized on this. I actually agree with both of you. I think the odds are that you wouldn't even have a chance of pulling out your sidearm before the whole thing was over, and if you did, your facing multiple automatic weapons and are seriously overpowered. With that being said, I would at least like the option of having it on me to have the chance of defending myself and others.
if russian envolment is true,then the situation is far more dangerous than it already is,this is already such a f@@@ up from the intel community and politicians you can say it's FUBAR,I'm thinking really hard should I wear my vest when going to school...
Clyde,your chart is great and I have to admit I'm on the yellow line,been there for awhile,but this "new" threat from these so-called refugees makes it a little bit harder.
one very good positive thing from this is,I have someone (my class mate) who preps too in my neck of woods and alot of worried class mates around us.
he knows I prep,I know he preps,that's how far the info goes,to the rest we express our concerns about what's happening and urge all to be on their toes.
I too am in a constant state of at least "Yellow" as I live in is having a muslim infestation. I have had a couple of run ins with them due mostly to what I was wearing. as shown below. I have had some tell me they are offended by my hat and shirt. So I get to express that if they don't like it they can go back to were they came from since MY country's Constitution says I can wear, and say it!

What happened in Paris, though very sad, is not surprising. This is what happens when you allow a group of animals who have sworn to destroy everything in their path just as their holly book the crayon (misspelling intentional) says. Nearly every country I can think f to include the USA has done nothing but pander to these cave dwelling animals.

The only way to stop them is to kill them. no trials, no detention centers, just killed and buried face down bathing in pig's blood.

They continue to carry out their brand of violence because they know all that will happen is the political leaders of the world will only denounce their activities, and shake their fist at them. We as civilized people need to close ALL of our respective countries borders to them and those like them, and kill them. find them, kill them, repeat until they cease to exist. Yes there is a strong possibility this will likely increase attacks in our peaceful countries. However, it is also likely that the will start scrambling either back to protect their home land, or decide their cause isn't worth it.

I say the first strike from all of us should be is to destroy EVERY oil field that are funding these a-holes. Cut the money and they will find it a lot harder to operate. Another is get the social media giants (facebook, twitter, YouTube) to shut down any thing or anyone that even has the slightest hint of being on of the animals. with no money and a difficulty in communicating they will loose the ability to buy more weapons and have their ability to recruit greatly hampered. Perhaps the cell phone companies can do the same. put the word out with the help of psyops that ALL members of their group will have their DNA strand wiped from the earth, no quarter will be given, and anyone who we think assisted them in any way shape or form shape or form will suffer the same fate.

The only way to stop them is to act like them, only with better training, and weaponry.

infidel hat.gif
Stay back.JPG
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I too am in a constant state of at least "Yellow" as I live in is having a muslim infestation. I have had a couple of run ins with them due mostly to what I was wearing. as shown below. I have had some tell me they are offended by my hat and shirt. So I get to express that if they don't like it they can go back to were they came from since MY country's Constitution says I can wear, and say it!

What happened in Paris, though very sad, is not surprising. This is what happens when you allow a group of animals who have sworn to destroy everything in their path just as their holly book the crayon (misspelling intentional) says. Nearly every country I can think f to include the USA has done nothing but pander to these cave dwelling animals.

The only way to stop them is to kill them. no trials, no detention centers, just killed and buried face down bathing in pig's blood.

They continue to carry out their brand of violence because they know all that will happen is the political leaders of the world will only denounce their activities, and shake their fist at them. We as civilized people need to close ALL of our respective countries borders to them and those like them, and kill them. find them, kill them, repeat until they cease to exist. Yes there is a strong possibility this will likely increase attacks in our peaceful countries. However, it is also likely that the will start scrambling either back to protect their home land, or decide their cause isn't worth it.

I say the first strike from all of us should be is to destroy EVERY oil field that are funding these a-holes. Cut the money and they will find it a lot harder to operate. Another is get the social media giants (facebook, twitter, YouTube) to shut down any thing or anyone that even has the slightest hint of being on of the animals. with no money and a difficulty in communicating they will loose the ability to buy more weapons and have their ability to recruit greatly hampered. Perhaps the cell phone companies can do the same. put the word out with the help of psyops that ALL members of their group will have their DNA strand wiped from the earth, no quarter will be given, and anyone who we think assisted them in any way shape or form shape or form will suffer the same fate.

The only way to stop them is to act like them, only with better training, and weaponry.

I was under the impression that i harboured some ill intent towards certain groups in my mindset, but after reading this, i realized that im still in my baby shoes, that is a real load and clear message with no bs.
I am an avid believer in global apartheid between the world of Islam and everyone else, I wish no one harm or violence I just believe that without malice the two cultures are utterly and totally incompatible.
I was under the impression that i harboured some ill intent towards certain groups in my mindset, but after reading this, i realized that im still in my baby shoes, that is a real load and clear message with no bs.

Mate you honestly do not want to know what I feel about two other countries peoples in this part of the world
I was under the impression that i harboured some ill intent towards certain groups in my mindset, but after reading this, i realized that im still in my baby shoes, that is a real load and clear message with no bs.
I have grown very tired of muslims. christian arabs don't bother me. muslims I have grown so very tired of their belief that we should all bow down and kiss their ass. The ones around me think that they are some how owed something, and that while they show absolutely NO tolerance to anyone else we HAVE to be tolerant of anything they feel is important. Not sure about the ones around you, but here in Kalifornia they are like that.
Hope you have seen this, and if the picture is of the so called "Refugees", notice again no women.

Yup, NO women in that picture.... My theory is because like the USA women aren't allowed in "Front line" units..... Those in the picture are probably "scouts" sent ahead to pave the way for the "real" terrorists.

ALL borders need to be closed to ANY and ALL muslims. I don't care how "peaceful" they claim to be.
When the TV cameras are around the """ Refugees"" they inevitably grab what few kids there are with them and push them to the front to use them as propaganda tools
There's no reason not to be civilized on this. I actually agree with both of you. I think the odds are that you wouldn't even have a chance of pulling out your sidearm before the whole thing was over, and if you did, your facing multiple automatic weapons and are seriously overpowered. With that being said, I would at least like the option of having it on me to have the chance of defending myself and others.

True enough, even armed, I wouldn't presume to engage in a firefight where I was outgunned, but yes, I too would feel a lot better armed with SOMETHING..... (plus, if I get shot, then at least I could take one or more of the bastards with me).....
I have grown very tired of muslims. christian arabs don't bother me. muslims I have grown so very tired of their belief that we should all bow down and kiss their ass. The ones around me think that they are some how owed something, and that while they show absolutely NO tolerance to anyone else we HAVE to be tolerant of anything they feel is important. Not sure about the ones around you, but here in Kalifornia they are like that.

same here,now they are saying our shops should keep meat separate,beef and pork must be at different places....FU@@ OFF I say to them.
same here,now they are saying our shops should keep meat separate,beef and pork must be at different places....FU@@ OFF I say to them.
I agree! They don't like it they can move back to the sandy **** hole from whence they came
they had a big operation in Paris today,if you haven't seen the news. one sand-rat blew herself up with her bomb vest,yesterday the Hannover stadium was emptied before a soccer match Germany-Netherlands for a bomd threat,and if the news I read was correct the bomb was hidden in an ambulance.
and it seems the rethorics getting harder here too,both sides dig in and those pro-muslims do everything they can to persuade us non-muslims that they are "good-guys"....
This is article is from Fox News

Seven terror suspects were arrested Wednesday morning and two others were killed, including a woman wearing a suicide vest who blew herself up, after police stormed a suburban Paris apartment targeting the alleged mastermind of last Friday's massacre in the French capital.

Investigators traced the mastermind to that apartment by tracking phone conversations and piecing together surveillance images and witness accounts, according to Paris Prosecutor Francois Molins and French Interior Minister Bernard Cazenueve.

Government spokesman Stephane Le Foll said just before noon (6 a.m. EST) that "the operation is over", more than seven hours after it began in Saint-Denis, north of central Paris. The fate of the suspected planner of Friday's massacre, 27-year-old Belgian ISIS militant Abdelhamid Abaaoud, was unclear. Forensics teams worked at the scene, and a security perimeter around the building remained in place.

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Abdelhamid Abaaoud. (Militant Photo via AP)

Abaaoud was believed to be in Syria after a January police raid in Belgium, but bragged in ISIS propaganda of his ability to move back and forth between Europe and Syria undetected.

Scores of police stormed the building and were met with unexpectedly violent resistance, a senior official who was informed about the operation told the Associated Press. Molins said five people were arrested in the apartment, while two others were arrested nearby. The prosecutor said the identities of those arrested and killed were still being verified.

French police confirmed that five officers suffered minor injuries in the raid. A police dog was also killed when the female suicide bomber blew herself up.

The apartment is just over a mile from the Stade de France stadium, which was targeted by three suicide bombers during Friday's attacks. Riot police cleared people from the streets, pointing guns at curious locals to move them off the roads.

Residents said an initial explosion shook the neighborhood at about 4 a.m. (10 p.m. EST).

"Then there was second big explosion. Then two more explosions. There was an hour of gunfire," said Baptiste Marie, a 26-year-old independent journalist who lives in the neighborhood.

Another witness, Amine Guizani, said he heard the sound of grenades and automatic gunfire.

"They were shooting for an hour. Nonstop. There were grenades. It was going, stopping. Kalashnikovs. Starting again," Guizani said.

Sporadic bangs and explosions continued, and at 7:30 a.m. (1:30 a.m. EST) at least seven explosions shook the center of Saint-Denis. Associated Press reporters at the scene could hear what sounded like grenade blasts from the direction of the standoff.

One local resident posted a 10-second video of the scene on her street near the siege. A series of bangs sounding like automatic weapons fire could be heard. The message accompanying the tweet translates to "It's an intervention by police ... street closed, officers, etc."

Seven attackers died in Friday's gun-and-bomb rampage through Paris that killed 129 and wounded over 350 others. Police had said before the raids that they were hunting for two fugitives suspected of taking part as well as any accomplices. That would bring the number of attackers to at least nine.

French authorities had previously said that at least eight people were directly involved in the bloodshed: seven who died in the attacks and one who got away and slipped across the border to Belgium.

However, there have been gaps in officials' public statements, which have never fully disclosed how many attackers took part in the deadly rampage.

On Tuesday, officials said they now believe at least one other attacker was involved and they were working to identify and track down that suspect. Three officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to provide details about the ongoing investigation.

Surveillance video obtained by the AP also indicated that a team of three attackers carried out the shootings at one of the cafes. The video was among evidence authorities used in concluding that at least one other attacker was at large, the French officials indicated.

The brief clip shows two black-clad gunmen with automatic weapons calmly firing on the bar then returning toward a waiting car, whose driver was maneuvering behind them. Authorities believe the car is the same black SEAT-make vehicle that was found Saturday with three Kalashnikovs inside.

Police have identified one subject of their manhunt as Salah Abdeslam, whom French police accidentally permitted to cross into Belgium on Saturday. One of his brothers, Brahim, blew himself up in Paris.

French authorities sent out a bulletin to police across Europe asking them to watch out for a Citroen Xsara car that could be carrying Salah Abdeslam, a Spanish security official told AP.

Speaking on French television Wednesday, President Francois Hollande said "we are at war" with ISIS. He called for a "large coalition" working together against Islamic State militants to destroy a group that threatens the whole world and "commits massacres" in the Mideast.

Hollande told lawmakers, “I know you have at heart the willingness to undertake this task.” He added that the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle just left to help French military operations in Syria against ISIS (FoxNews.com, 2015).

Fox News' Greg Palkot and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

For Further Reading:
they had a big operation in Paris today,if you haven't seen the news. one sand-rat blew herself up with her bomb vest,yesterday the Hannover stadium was emptied before a soccer match Germany-Netherlands for a bomd threat,and if the news I read was correct the bomb was hidden in an ambulance.
and it seems the rethorics getting harder here too,both sides dig in and those pro-muslims do everything they can to persuade us non-muslims that they are "good-guys"....
They will probably only find out that they are not "good" when they have a knife on their throught or when a sand rat goes boom.

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