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psalm 7

Awesome Friend
Nov 1, 2013
Middle TN
My last day off work for a few days it rained all night but is clearing up and a chilly wind blowing . I got camo'ed up and patroled my AO with a .357 black hawk and bowie knife . No sign of trespassers other than a few deer tracks and a couple of varmit trails . But I recomend doing this from time to time Look for cigarett butts , gum wrappers and of coarse tracks . This is good practice and you could find out you are being cased out for a break in or somthing . As well it gives you a chance to try out your gear like I mentioned on another thread .
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plus it allows you to learn the Terran,escape routes and every thing else to help you stay safe as possible
I try and do a property walk at least every two weeks, if not each weekend. Mostly, it is to check fencing, etc., but also to identify anything else.

i take my dog for walks.she knows the diffrent routes we take.and she loves to go ahead of me.this allows me to look around and check out every thing.pluse i dont look out of place or what ever simply because she's with me..
Dogs are one of the best security devises you can have . I took in a pack of Plot hound pups a friend's pack had that he didn't want about 13 years ago they were a handfull . I'm down to 2 now . They helped me keep my chickens safe and gaurd the house as well as run off a intruder that was looking for a empty house to rob ( in my opinion ) . My car was in the shop and wife at work . Here I am one of the best armed folks I know and opened the door unarmed and A big thug was standing there and a car load of druggies watching to see if he could get in . My big brindle Hound came around the corner the thug left quick . I would mention they guy asked for directions to some where that don't exist out her . When I told him that He started in any past me and I was facing hand to hand with a indavidual twice my size . I can't say these rambunctiouse hounds have been more trouble than they were worth . I will replace them but I want commit to a whole litter this time .

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