Pedo hunter confronts pedo

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Awesome Friend
May 24, 2024
the Rockies
And it ended just the way it should have.

A 60-year-old South Dakota man took his own life after being confronted by a self-proclaimed pedophile hunter.

Predator Poachers founder Alex Rosen said that during an interaction outside of the man’s Canova, South Dakota, home, Donald Letcher, 60, told him in very graphic detail about his taste in pornography that featured infants, according to the New York Post.

Rosen then called the police and said Letcher told the police officer who responded the same things he had told Rosen.

Letcher then went back inside his home as the police officer called a superior for instructions.

Soon after that, Rosen said, a popping noise was heard.

‘It didn’t really register what it was because it wasn’t a loud shot, it was a .22, I think he had, and then the cop breaks the door down,” Rosen said, according to the Daily Mail.

“The cameraman goes around the side of the building and sees him with a hole in his head bleeding out … [H]e was airlifted to hospital where he was pronounced dead,” Rosen said.

Rosen said he and those with him were briefly detained by police after the incident.

Rosen shrugged off any responsibility for Letcher’s death.

“There is really no good reason to attack us for approaching an individual like this. We never go up to anyone where we don’t have great reason to believe they are hurting children,” he said.

“It couldn’t have happened to a worse guy. I know it’s still a human life and all that, but when we say death penalty for pedos, we mean it,” he said.
I watched an interview with one of these pedo hunters. It made me sick. It also made me want to join him and see how many of these sick bastards we could remove from the Earth.

He said they are easy to find, easy to dig up evidence on, but extremely hard to get anyone in law enforcement or a prosecutors office to so anything about it. They would drop off folders of evidence, pictures, IP addresses, emails, videos, etc., etc. at police departments and nothing would ever happen.
I watched an interview with one of these pedo hunters. It made me sick. It also made me want to join him and see how many of these sick bastards we could remove from the Earth.

He said they are easy to find, easy to dig up evidence on, but extremely hard to get anyone in law enforcement or a prosecutors office to so anything about it. They would drop off folders of evidence, pictures, IP addresses, emails, videos, etc., etc. at police departments and nothing would ever happen.
the pedos are in all forms of goverment and law they punish those in power who try to prosecute them.. Human trafficing, adrenachrome, ritual satanic abuse, It is happening around where you live.
I don't like pedos. I don't like vigilantes either. I support neither. The ends don't support the means. I know that's a cliche, but it's true.
this isn't a poke at you Haertig, but when thos who are supposed to uphold the law fail blatently to do so then it falls to the citzens to help, we certainly don't need lynchings, just yet,
this isn't a poke at you Haertig
No poke taken! :)

My point is that when citizens do their "research", it's from the internet mostly. Where someones belief is often times taken as truth simply because "I read it on the internet!" I personally tend to label this phenomenon generically as "conspiracy theory", but I understand that this term pisses off many on this forum. I try not to use it too much because of this reaction, but sometimes it is appropriate. Basically it's taking an unproven theory as truth, someone else builds on it, then their building is taken as truth, and on and on. While sometimes this may result in a truth coming out, the chances are quite high of just the opposite happening.

This is why I don't like vigilantes. Especially internet-fed vigilantes. Just too many possibilities where they can go wrong. I have no details on the specific pedo case that is being discussed in this thread. But there is a possibility that the assumed pedofile was actually innocent and committed suicide because they realized their career, and their life in general, had been ruined by a false accusation. That may not be the case here - I'm just presenting a scenario that pro-vigilante people might want to consider. Vigilantes - by definition - are not professionals at what they are doing. And they are getting the information they use to make judgements from very shaky and unreliable sources for the most part (IMHO). Just because their intent (and in some cases, their results) may end up being good does not mean that theirs is the way we want to go as a country.
No poke taken! :)

My point is that when citizens do their "research", it's from the internet mostly. Where someones belief is often times taken as truth simply because "I read it on the internet!" I personally tend to label this phenomenon generically as "conspiracy theory", but I understand that this term pisses off many on this forum. I try not to use it too much because of this reaction, but sometimes it is appropriate. Basically it's taking an unproven theory as truth, someone else builds on it, then their building is taken as truth, and on and on. While sometimes this may result in a truth coming out, the chances are quite high of just the opposite happening.

This is why I don't like vigilantes. Especially internet-fed vigilantes. Just too many possibilities where they can go wrong. I have no details on the specific pedo case that is being discussed in this thread. But there is a possibility that the assumed pedofile was actually innocent and committed suicide because they realized their career, and their life in general, had been ruined by a false accusation. That may not be the case here - I'm just presenting a scenario that pro-vigilante people might want to consider. Vigilantes - by definition - are not professionals at what they are doing. And they are getting the information they use to make judgements from very shaky and unreliable sources for the most part (IMHO). Just because their intent (and in some cases, their results) may end up being good does not mean that theirs is the way we want to go as a country.
I dissagree and consider it a disservice to negate many peoples first hand experience. currently very litte is being done legally while children are suffering. Go talk to anyone aware that works in mental health and find out how many people were abused sexually as children.
I dissagree and consider it a disservice to negate many peoples first hand experience. currently very litte is being done legally while children are suffering.
We can disagree, that's fine. I do not concur that because nothing is being done legally that we should resort to doing things illegally (or unethically). One of the basics for our country is "innocent until proven guilty". I don't believe vigilante action proves anyone guilty. If we allow just anyone to declare themselves judge, jury and executioner, what is the logical end result of that as time goes on?
Justice is not a government construct, it's a natural law. So let's all agree that we need aggressive Pedo Hunters but highly skilled Pedo Hunters with a code to ensure the innocent are not targeted by mistake.
Justice is not a government construct, it's a natural law.
That might work if everyone had the some interpretation of natural law.

There are plenty of people who believe gun owners are the devil incarnate, and should be imprisoned or executed. I don't want to give them their "approved vigilante card".
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That might work if everyone had the some interpretation of natural law.

There are plenty of people who believe gun owners are the devil incarnate, and should be imprisoned or executed. I don't want to give them their "approved vigilante card".

Natural law says we have a right to defend our life. Those people aren't interpreting natural law, they are idiots.
Wow, just wow. There really is good and bad....right and wrong. the woke idea that everyone is due respect irreguardless how harmfull their actions or teachings hopefully will not survive the coming hard times..

My new group motto......everyone contributes, no one lies and no one dies.
There really is good and bad....right and wrong.
Agreed. We differ in that you think you are the self-declared judge of that, while I don't. I would probably agree with 99% of your judgements (guessing, based on your posts that I've read). But that doesn't mean we get to apply these judgements of our own volition.
the woke idea that everyone is due respect irreguardless how harmfull their actions or teachings
I did not say they are due respect. I said (or implied) that they are due a fair hearing, and not blind judgement by anyone who declares themselves to be the judge.

Pet peeve, there is no such word as "irregardless". The correct word is "regardless". For some reason, this bugs me as much as someone saying "The Book of Revelations" (with an "s" on the end). There's no "s" there. I don't know why, but these two things stick out to me like a slap in the face! o_O Which makes zero sense, since my own English, grammar, spelling, etc. sucks! :confused:
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The prevailing methodology in america is innocent until proven guilty. Unfortunately the current policies and methods concerning he conviction and sentencing of pedophiles are inadequate to the task of removing pedophiles as a feature of American society. I somewhat frequently search areas on NSOPW.GOV (aswell as state databases) to see how many freaks are in one spot.. the sheer number if sex offenders is ******* staggering. This is a failed justice system.

In this case I'll accept vigilantes- as long as they operate quietly. I don't care at all for people who are publishing this stuff on the open web for clicks and internet clout.

If you really want to be a "pedo-hunter" my advice is SSS. As soon as you make a spectacle of it or monetize your "justice" you've crossed a line and now you are profiting off the existence of pedos- especially since these guys don't actually eliminate them.

Glad that one dirt bag is gone.

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