People Petition to Confiscate Guns From Tea Party Supporters and Repeal the Second Amendment

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That people are so stupidly signing this just makes me sick and furious. I just want to reach out and slap each and every one of them. People DIED for them to have the right to walk freely around with their heads up their collective asses and they want to give their rights away. Just makes me sick.
Well this is just stupid. Repeal the second amendment?!? Its one of our God given rights!
I think what makes me so angry about this is the fact that my family are relative newcomers to this country and I still have family in Ireland who would love to have the same rights that I do here. My uncles signed up for the military service the day that they were old enough, respectively, my family was represented in each branch of this countries military during the Vietnam War. Two of my uncles have retired from the military. Nine of my cousins have served, two in Desert Storm and 3 in this mess going on now.

When I was growing up, it was what we were taught, to embrace the fact that we were free Americans, that we actually had rights, that we were citizens and not subjects, no one could just take us away because of our religion, there was no armies in the streets, no curfews, no kissing anyone's ass to get a wee bit more of something.

And do you know why? Because we were FREE!!!! For once in our lowly, potato eating lives, we were free.

This is why I am angry. These fools are throwing away what they've no idea they've got.
I think what makes me so angry about this is the fact that my family are relative newcomers to this country and I still have family in Ireland who would love to have the same rights that I do here. My uncles signed up for the military service the day that they were old enough, respectively, my family was represented in each branch of this countries military during the Vietnam War. Two of my uncles have retired from the military. Nine of my cousins have served, two in Desert Storm and 3 in this mess going on now.

When I was growing up, it was what we were taught, to embrace the fact that we were free Americans, that we actually had rights, that we were citizens and not subjects, no one could just take us away because of our religion, there was no armies in the streets, no curfews, no kissing anyone's ass to get a wee bit more of something.

And do you know why? Because we were FREE!!!! For once in our lowly, potato eating lives, we were free.

This is why I am angry. These fools are throwing away what they've no idea they've got.

They are willing to give it up because almost all of them have never had to fight to earn or maintain that freedom. They have been spoon fed there entire lives and repeatedly brainwashed by those who have been elected "to do what the majority of there constituents want" (at least in a perfect world without bribes payoffs and porkbarrel political bs)
I really hope that none of my descendants ever forget what has been paid for their freedom. My husband does not come from a family like mine, his people have been here for quite awhile apparently and there's not much history of military service and he doesn't get how I feel about things like this. It infuriates me when he poopoo's me and we end up in a row, he gets a reminder that I live up to my name, Kellie means 'warrior woman', and I wear it with pride and honor. I'd take up arms today to defend this country if asked.
I think what makes me so angry about this is the fact that my family are relative newcomers to this country and I still have family in Ireland who would love to have the same rights that I do here. My uncles signed up for the military service the day that they were old enough, respectively, my family was represented in each branch of this countries military during the Vietnam War. Two of my uncles have retired from the military. Nine of my cousins have served, two in Desert Storm and 3 in this mess going on now.

When I was growing up, it was what we were taught, to embrace the fact that we were free Americans, that we actually had rights, that we were citizens and not subjects, no one could just take us away because of our religion, there was no armies in the streets, no curfews, no kissing anyone's ass to get a wee bit more of something.

And do you know why? Because we were FREE!!!! For once in our lowly, potato eating lives, we were free.

This is why I am angry. These fools are throwing away what they've no idea they've got.

Please forgive me if I have offended you or anyone on here for the humor I find in the video. I too have served this country and find just about everything they (being our illustrious leaders) are doing to this country and against it appalling. I meant no disrespect. I have been told to many times my humor is out on a limb.

I would have to say where I find the humor is in the absolute ignorant people that go thru this life with blinders on or just looking thru rose colored glasses. In my eyes those people are the ones that are going to be either dangerous or the ones to put us in danger because of the way they have gone thru all this with their eyes closed.......again so sorry for my blunder!
No you didn't offend me Mountain Heart, the idiots in the video did. I can see the humor of it, I truly can, it just strikes me deeper I suppose. When I was about 7 I got to visit family in Ireland, this was during some of the worst of the troubles and some of the family I visited were in Belfast. One thing that struck me was the fact than none of us kids were ever more than an arm's length from an adult. Never. At the first sound of trouble we were snatched and pulled to the safest place that could be found quickly. For those who've never seen armies in your streets or people being shot in broad daylight in gunfights in front of a corner market, it's something that will stay with you for the rest of your life. And the fact that they aren't YOUR armies makes it even worse, the fact that they treated any of us on our side with such disrespect and disdain. Not just the men and teenage boys, but women with children, the elderly, the priests, the nuns, anyone on our side of the divide. Bastards.

I'm so thankful that both sides of my family left when they did. My dad's side came over first in the 1930's my mom's in the early 1950's.