pick 4 items only

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Awesome Friend
Apr 1, 2017
London, UK

Deserted island...you're only allowed 4 items...which would you choose?

I know most of you will say I'll never be stranded on deserted island but just humor me.
yeah the machete is just about the perfect survival tool

I think the knife and axe are supposed to represent same thing in this case. You're supposed to pick quickly without over analyzing. Then after everyone gives it a go you can discuss logic behind choices. I hope to learn if I made best choices or not from those more experienced in preparedness than myself.

Not much your going to catch with a fishing pole off the sands of a island, most food if not found in trees will be spear fishing using single point, devils fork or harpoon, matches for signaling, warmth and boiling water. knife can be used for the spear tip or making the spear opening hard shell food source, some islands have rocks that can throw spark (fire), rubbing the sand on the sides will brighten the dull blade thus can be used for signaling. ropes have multiple uses from constructing shelters to using on a harpoon, the tarp for sheltering to signaling to catching rain water.
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we all have very different ideas what to take,knife seems to be the one for all of us.

in the pot you can boil the water and make food,with the fishing rod you have to catch all the BIG and tasty fishes ;)
and for me in the first aid kit,there must be many items you can multi-use.
Not much your going to catch with a fishing pole off the sands of a island, most food if not found in trees will be spear fishing using single point, devils fork or harpoon, matches for signaling, warmth and boiling water. knife can be used for the spear tip or making the spear opening hard shell food source, some islands have rocks that can throw spark (fire), rubbing the sand on the sides will brighten the dull blade thus can be used for signaling. ropes have multiple uses from constructing shelters to using on a harpoon, the tarp for sheltering to signaling.





Lol...I'm just being a smartazz. Brb.
Not much your going to catch with a fishing pole off the sands of a island, most food if not found in trees will be spear fishing using single point, devils fork or harpoon, matches for signaling, warmth and boiling water. knife can be used for the spear tip or making the spear opening hard shell food source, some islands have rocks that can throw spark (fire), rubbing the sand on the sides will brighten the dull blade thus can be used for signaling. ropes have multiple uses from constructing shelters to using on a harpoon, the tarp for sheltering to signaling to catching rain water.

I don't see the fishing pole as useless,,,,we all get to make our own choices some good some not so good

you will not catch me out where I could get stranded on an island,,,I have no use for the ocean
I chose mirror just for that fact you can use it to signal or start a fire. You run out of matches eventually. Tarp for rain collecting, back pack, shelter, and pot and knife is obvious reasons.
Thank you all for participating. Some things I didn't take into consideration. If anyone else wants to share their 2 cents...by all means.
Tarp, pot, mirror and knife.
Same ones I picked before reading your post. The tarp is protection from the elements, knife is for fire wood, hunting, and just good all around tool. The pot is for water purification and cooking, and the mirror is for signaling for help. It was a toss up between the flare gun and the mirror, but what if the flare got wet?
Same ones I picked before reading your post. The tarp is protection from the elements, knife is for fire wood, hunting, and just good all around tool. The pot is for water purification and cooking, and the mirror is for signaling for help. It was a toss up between the flare gun and the mirror, but what if the flare got wet?

My way of thinking is I believe most people would panic in such a situation. Panic is what gets people in trouble in most high pressure situations. For peace of mind the water purifier would be a big one for me.

Obviously the knife/cutting device would be essential as a multi purpose tool.

My primary focus would be getting home. I would imagine that the only way one would find themselves stranded on an island would in case of a plane crash or sinking of boat of some kind. These vehicles have built in tracking devices which should lead to a search & rescue of some kind.

A flare gun could save your life if a plane or rescue vessel would approach near your location. The average speed of small plane is around 125-140 mph. I don't know if id wanna chance it with a mirror.

As for a fishing pole...hit or miss based on what maverick says but I'd probably still take my chances.
I chose mirror just for that fact you can use it to signal or start a fire. You run out of matches eventually. Tarp for rain collecting, back pack, shelter, and pot and knife is obvious reasons.

How do you start a fire with a mirror? am I missing something or are you thinking of a Magnifier instead.
I was just thinking about the movie castaway and what Tom Hanks wouldn't have given for those hiking boots. His feet were a bloody mess from walking on the Shell (coral). He finally figured out fire.

The other day at Harbor Freight I bought one of the matchless Firestarters. Do those things work? I'm thinking about adding one to my son in laws Christmas stocking. I guessing should open mine. :)
I was just thinking about the movie castaway and what Tom Hanks wouldn't have given for those hiking boots. His feet were a bloody mess from walking on the Shell (coral). He finally figured out fire.

The other day at Harbor Freight I bought one of the matchless Firestarters. Do those things work? I'm thinking about adding one to my son in laws Christmas stocking. I guessing should open mine. :)

Water-resistent-matches-1-680x511 (1).jpg

Water resistant storm proof matches would be another great option for stocking. I have bought a ton of these and they work well in all conditions.

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