Pneumonia From China.. ??

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Tim Horton

Old Bush Bear
Apr 16, 2022
Lake Superior
I read on an Australian forum the next wave of health issues from China is a form of Pneumonia..
I can only suspect it will be quite severe, drug resistant, and likely any other difficult to manage thing you can think of..
Facts, details, thoughts ?? ??
There was a piece recently about the increase of Swine flu. Several years ago all six of us got it over Christmas and New Year. I was very ill, husband too, but marginally less. The children were small and bounced back before we did. Luckily they could use the toaster and the microwave for Weetabix, otherwise, they would have starved. I'd be more worried about it than I ever was about Covid.
I read on an Australian forum the next wave of health issues from China is a form of Pneumonia..
I can only suspect it will be quite severe, drug resistant, and likely any other difficult to manage thing you can think of..
Facts, details, thoughts ?? ??
This is a direct result from them locking down their entire population for so long.
None of their people had a chance to build immunity so 100% of them are 'virgins' and vulnerable to 'penetration'. :(
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I've been hearing about this pneumonia from China. I wonder what we can do to stay healthier and not get it?
We already have.
Regular exercise of the immune system is essential to staying healthy.
All of us 'hard-heads' that refused to get jabbed, ground covid to a halt.
Everywhere it looked, 80% were immune to it.gaah
"The Force is strong in this one!"🏋️‍♂️
I've been hearing about this pneumonia from China. I wonder what we can do to stay healthier and not get it?
Sorry to 'Meerkat' the thread, but there has already been 15 strains of 'pneumonia' circulating in the USA for years.
And there have been vaccines going out here for decades too:thumbs::
What is PCV15?

This conjugate vaccine protects against 15 different types of bacteria that cause pneumococcal disease. It is recommended for children younger than age 5 and children between age 5 through 18 years of age with certain medical conditions. It should be avoided for anyone who has had an allergic reaction to any PCV vaccine. ... Your family physician may decide to give you PCV15 if you are aged 65 and older or if you are aged 19-64 with certain medical conditions such as an immunocompromising condition, a cerebrospinal fluid leak, or a cochlear implant. If PCV15 is used, talk to your doctor about getting a dose of PPSV23 at a later date.
(the only vaccine I am waiting for:))
How much you wanna bet that China's thing is just one of those '15'?
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We need a virus fence.
Yes, our pants are completely down on diseases that we eradicated decades ago, like polio :(.
Remember when Ellis Island was to quarantine immigrants?
Wiki: It was the busiest immigrant inspection and processing station in the United States. From 1892 to 1954, nearly 12 million immigrants arriving at the Port of New York and New Jersey were processed there under federal law. ... The second station opened in 1900 and housed facilities for medical quarantines and processing immigrants. After 1924, Ellis Island was used primarily as a detention center for migrants.
Back when we were 'smart'. :(
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Sorry to 'Meerkat' the thread, but there has already been 15 strains of 'pneumonia' circulating in the USA for years.
LOL, I don't know how someone does that to a thread, and after how horrible she was, I avoid all things her. I don't look at threads started by her, and therefore I don't comment on them either. If they all disappeared, I would be happy.
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LOL, I don't know someone does that to a thread, and after how horrible she was, I avoid all things her. I don't look at threads started by her, and therefore I don't comment on them either. If they all disappeared, I would be happy.
I use that term for someone making many numerous back-to-back posts in a row to a thread, basically
a thread so whenever someone pulled it up, all they saw were her posts :mad:.
She was famous for that.:rolleyes:
For me, 3 back-to-back posts are one too many. :(
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There was a piece recently about the increase of Swine flu. Several years ago all six of us got it over Christmas and New Year. I was very ill, husband too, but marginally less. The children were small and bounced back before we did. Luckily they could use the toaster and the microwave for Weetabix, otherwise, they would have starved. I'd be more worried about it than I ever was about Covid.
Hubby had H1N1 (swine flu) and was extremely sick but then when the CV came around he was a little icky for a couple days then fine. I didn't not get H1N1 but then got nailed by CV. Interesting.
ETA: I hadn't correlated the two until you mentioned this.
stay away from other people not in your family, thats what I did with Covid and I never got it, havent had the flu for years either and I have had neither jab.
diseases need a host , outside of a host they die very quickly.
stay away from other people not in your family, thats what I did with Covid and I never got it, havent had the flu for years either and I have had neither jab.
diseases need a host , outside of a host they die very quickly.
I try to stay home, away from stores as much as possible. I would go outside, in my yard and to dog parks, but I stay out of stores.
I read on an Australian forum the next wave of health issues from China is a form of Pneumonia..
I can only suspect it will be quite severe, drug resistant, and likely any other difficult to manage thing you can think of..
Facts, details, thoughts ?? ??
That is no doubt exactly what they would want us to believe.