Found this today, thought those who live in spitting distance of Russia might find it interesting, and in general terms, at least one govt doesn't think we're bonkers or a threat to homeland security
"Some 100,000 people have now joined paramilitary organisations in Poland. Others - so called "preppers" - are learning how to survive a possible invasion.
Now the Polish government hopes these "pro-defence" groups will form the backbone of a new reserve force to help the professional army."
Not sure if the above link will work, here's a link through the BBC world service website.
"Some 100,000 people have now joined paramilitary organisations in Poland. Others - so called "preppers" - are learning how to survive a possible invasion.
Now the Polish government hopes these "pro-defence" groups will form the backbone of a new reserve force to help the professional army."
Not sure if the above link will work, here's a link through the BBC world service website.