That NEVER EVER works. NEVER. It sounds good, it "FEELS" good. But just does not work. It is called, "having Skin in the game".Maybe you can find some motivated members who are having a hard time finding the land to turn into their homestead?
I'll leave it to those with experienceThat NEVER EVER works. NEVER. It sounds good, it "FEELS" good. But just does not work. It is called, "having Skin in the game".
It can work, I have seen it. Study up on the term: "sharecropper".I'll leave it to those with experience
I'm wondering how it can work though is there some secret glue
I kinda see it like how they used to have in the medieval ages where the village would be surrounded by the farm land and pasturesIt can work, I have seen it. Study up on the term: "sharecropper".
Take the farm I grew up on. 350 acres, vacant since my mom passed.
It proved in the past that with 8 strong, energetic, young men, it could crank out megabux as a cattle ranch.
Today, only the big pastures are rented out to a neighbor to grow soybeans.
The rest sits fallow.
I already did my '15 years at hard labor' so I can't help.
This is a good ideaA friend has a smal area to park a camper, schoolie or tiny house. He gets $600 a month pus electricity. We rent out two small apartments in our house and it pays the mortgage.
We rent month to month and rent is payable in cash. If the renter has a skill I hire them and pay wages. They still pay the rent every month or they have to leave.
Never expect others to have your work ethic or want to care for the land as much as you do. I have advertised a good deal on rent if the renter would help out with the garden and our 13 chickens......not one person was interested..
So we rent our little apartments and they buy pizza to eat.
Right now we have a small living space or a space for a camper/trailer.....just saying..
What is an AGH?4 cows, 5 turkeys, a dozen or so chickens, 14 AGH one is gold believe it or not! , 4 goats and three dogs
American Guinea HogsWhat is an AGH?
Yes they can get quite fat if you don't restrict their feed which is what I do. They live much better happier lives if they aren't overweight.@winds-of-change i looked the AGH up, they’re short, smaller, black hair. Very tubby of course.
You're gonna be disappointed when you butcher them, those have very little meat on them, mostly fat, tons of it. We had 2 and I ended up with a freezer full of lardYes they can get quite fat if you don't restrict their feed which is what I do. They live much better happier lives if they aren't overweight.
Just aways make sure you have a exit stratagy; and a agreement what you won't tolorate. Before someone moves in I try to get a firm idea of what they have been doing before I meet them. The best intentions don't always work.Looks like things are fixin to get a little more interesting around here. Tomorrow we go to meet a young lady who wants to try homesteading life off grid. I've arranged for a camper for her to stay in and I'm planning to let her use up to an acre for her own in exchange for helping me a day or two a week around the place. It may well be a huge mistake but sometimes ya just gotta take a chance! If this place is ever going to move forward from here I need help to make it happen.
By all means make your dream happen.This is a good idea
Would need to run such an idea by the Mrs
We aren't really in the place yet but are looking at maybe in April or so to start thinking of leaving NYC
Thankfully we are not acclimated to the temps you folks farther north are. We seldom see temps much below 15f so yes for us 24 suddenly is cold.By all means spread her website around shoud be a good story. And now the great adventure begins for all of you.. 24 was cold eh....
...Still my number one tip for sleeping when the temps are beow freezing is the mummy bag inside of the larger sleeping bag. A toasty nights sleep makes the next day so much better.