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I'm doing an elderberry dehydrator experiment.
The berries are too small to fit in my dehydrator, they'll fall through the cracks in the trays. So I used butcher paper to make mats that fit in the bottom of the trays... I only made 2 mats because I wasn't sure if there would be enough airflow through the dehydrator for this to work. Dropped berries in last night and this morning when I checked I was pleasantly surprised! The berries seem to be drying nicely.
I have the square type dehydrator with the shelves. So when doing elderberries, I put them on a glass pie pan and put a few pans in at a time.
They do dry nicely
Another Rando pic.... this is Apollo, he lives on my kitchen counter in a 1/2gal Mason jar. 20250130_160806.jpg
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On the way home at sunset the other day. It looked better in person than this photo gives it credit for.
Two more miles down, after the end of the blacktop, is Answered Prayers Farm. Home.

There's also Answered Prayers Horse Farms in Milton & Ocala.
I used to work with NARHA Handicapped Riders Association, Equine Therapy, 600 locations.

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