in what apocalypse hell are you going to be living where a boarded up & guarded homeowner will only have a 50-50 chance against some POS looter? - there's neighborhoods right now that a looter would have a 2% chance of living thru a property trespassing foray - much less tearing doors down ...
totally different set of circumstances between a SHTF and a honest-to-God apocylypse of a massive kill-off >>> probably talking 100-500 max out of a 5,000 count community - better be doing some regional society building to survive the long run and less of a beenie weenie looting thru some pantry ....
If you think a scavenger / looter/ salvager is always going to come strolling down the street up to your front door you are sadly mistaken. EG there are MILLIONS of former military dudes who know full well to watch and observe from afar, First to see if a property is inhabited , If Yes and they are not smart enough to go elsewhere they will watch and learn. They will choose when to attack, usually if you come outside for any reason then its you who gets the round to the head.. Its called Reconnaissance in force.
(1) This dude and many MANY like me will WATCH first, then calculate the risk, most half smart dudes will look elsewhere, but many will just wait to ambush the homeowner. (2) Mr and Mrs Homeown are also more likely to meet a GROUP of hostiles than a single stupid looter.
However if they want YOU and not your property they will just burn you out. Total locked down boarded up homesteads make good coffins and funeral pyres., especially if you dont have a concealled escape route.
The SMART prepper will know when to stand his ground and when to give ground. Only a fool will go looking for a firefight.
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