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Feb 16, 2021
I guess it already exist in a way, but I have been thinking of building a social media site with a focus on community building, there people can join a location close to them, register their skills and have a rally point where people can gather and organize instead of slowly dying alone in a basement. Problem is I lack the programing skills and paying a programmer became to expensive so have put it on ice for now. Have a registered domain name and a site with a social media template set up but nothing else really. What do you guys think of this idea and anyone that would want to work with me on this?
I personaly live on a large farm which is fairly defensible, so I would register my place as a rally point, we also have a energy plant 100m from the farm that if it doesn't get destroyed could he valuable becouse it's a hydro electric plant.
Have long been thinking up plans for this place but becouse I don't personaly own it I can't do much.
Good idea. There are many MAG (mutual assistance) groups in the US. And even some places run more where people live in communities of preppers. I am one of those that think that prepper communities give a better chance of survival, and offer a better quality of life. I'm sure you know you'd need to be careful, and not allow people on your property that you have not vetted. Reminds me of a fiction book, Prepper Farm, which I enjoyed, but was written more for the ladies.
It's important to vet people sure, but also imagine being alone when everything goes to ****, if you don't have the people with the skills needed stuff will break down pretty quickly. If you have competent people you can rather quickly start to rebuild instead of just surviving.
rebuilding will not start until many years, many decades post SHTF have passed.
basing ones survival on skills others might have is a basis for failure.
nope, I'm a prepared survivalist and I plan.
I have skills and I dont rely on others for my survival.
groups are for people that have no skills of their own.
SELF reliance and SELF sufficiency are the only way to go.
nope, I'm a prepared survivalist and I plan.
I have skills and I dont rely on others for my survival.
groups are for people that have no skills of their own.
SELF reliance and SELF sufficiency are the only way to go.
I see your point and agree with it but on the other hand is the saying "strength in numbers" is a valid point also. Either could be good, for the right person. For those like you, with all the skills, your way is great! But for those that lack all the skills, or are newbies that want to survive, a group would be better for them. I guess the other saying, "to each their own" comes into play? I prefer to go it "alone" with my immediate family but would be open to a larger group, IF I knew them well and had the same ideas and objectives I have.
any group here in the UK will be a family unit and family only.
any group of non related people would probably be too widely spread out over the entire country post SHTF and unable to unify.
most groups pre SHTF of such people fall apart long before any SHTF event happens. I have tried and it dosent work.
An ONLINE prepper community will only last until
The First Power Cut
First EMP
First Carrington event
First time Big Tech decides to ban it
First Online Virus attack
First Hack
First political crackdown
First Law suit
First time the URL is not paid for.

Such a " community" inevitably is among the first things to crash and go offline in a disaster.

Digital media can only ever be a TEMPORARY crutch to prepper community comms, no different to any online forum they are simply far to vulnerable as is any electronic device or system.
is an online prepper community any different to a prepper forum like this one? more private maybe and members by invitation only so no more trolls but that the only difference I can see.
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just a thought because I do like to be optimistic, Elon Musks amazing star link satelitte constellation is growing and this could be a partial positive answer to more reliable prepper coms, but not cheap.
You could have a community of small family groups. It's that way in the Amish communities all the time. We have three church districts where I live, which is pretty small. When a district gets too big (like 200 plus), a new district is made. Districts are in farming neighborhoods. Amish in other states come down to work or visit family, and then people meet other people. If they marry, they decided which state they're going to live in. When you build a new house, you look for land in the district you want to go to church in.
I see your point and agree with it but on the other hand is the saying "strength in numbers" is a valid point also. Either could be good, for the right person. For those like you, with all the skills, your way is great! But for those that lack all the skills, or are newbies that want to survive, a group would be better for them. I guess the other saying, "to each their own" comes into play? I prefer to go it "alone" with my immediate family but would be open to a larger group, IF I knew them well and had the same ideas and objectives I have.

Ideas and objectives tend to become sub servant to ego's in group settings. Just family for me!!!
There are good arguments to both sides of the good question...each of us is from a smaller or larger family, a better or worse prepping surroundings and most importantly, has a different amount of good or bad experiences with persons or groups of persons. We will draw from our surroundings, experience, amount of preps and the immediate SHTF sitrep to decide how to keep on trying to survive post SHTF. I believe each different nation around the world would have a different post SHTF survival rate according to its own dependance on the rest of the world for imports of food, clothes and power. Parts of Poland, Turkey, Rumania, Bulgaria, Africa, Australia, Mongolia, New Zealand and such will be more self-sufficient as compared to places like LA, NY, London, Berlin, Rome, Moscow, Tokio, Sydney or Capetown. I watch the people here survive with less than a $100.00 a month and have watched others who need $800.00 for a stupid bottle of Magnum Champagne for their birthday on the island of Mallorca in the Mediterranean Sea. To each his or her own, but be ready when the un-prepped come looking for help, food, clothes or such from the well-prepped after the SHTF and then.........the Defacation will really be Hitting the Ventilation...we will all become Gladiators for food to protect our families...Gary
For me, I feel more comfortable with family and a few very close friends. I really dont feel comfortable with people I do not personally know and an outsider I would never trust, at least until proven. As a family group, we have a wide variety of skills, but our problem would be if one was down, another may not be able to step in to fullfill that position so yes I can understand expanding the "group".
For me, I feel more comfortable with family and a few very close friends. I really dont feel comfortable with people I do not personally know and an outsider I would never trust, at least until proven. As a family group, we have a wide variety of skills, but our problem would be if one was down, another may not be able to step in to fullfill that position so yes I can understand expanding the "group".
I have started a small group around my city that I plan to expand and hopefully get more to join up by creating there own groups and forming a network of active preppers, we are all newbies but I hope tighter we can grow to an experienced prepared cohesive unit, we are currently 5 members after only one day.
We plan to meet and get to know each other so we can beter work togheter and trust each other. Becouse in the end I think you will need alot of skills to come back from the brink. As the person above stated you might know some skills but when you need a brain surgeon and don't have one people will quickly start dying.
For me I hope we never need these groups and we are just wasting our time and money but on the offchanse anything we're to happen we will be prepered and ready.
Big Paul, I understand your point but I'm not a brain surgeon or do cancer research in a lab. However I can rebuild a 350 Chevy engine and put it back in the vehicle. No man is an island. JMHO
yes and what will you do with that vehicle when there is no fuel and all the roads are unusable?
THIS man IS an island.
Grab your BOB and go live for a month with nothing but what is in it, what you can catch, fish, hunt, trap or find...then come and tell us how good you can live alone without the comforts of TODAY...that is a taste of post-SHTF and not many will be able to cope with the hardness, loneliness or boredom. And do not forget, post-SHTF, you cannot come BACK HOME and pick up life where you left off just like coming home from a holiday and vacation. This is the end of the line.
If you do not like yourself now, then you will absolutely hate yourself alone and bored...true survival is the hardest thing you will ever do except shoot or kill the first person you must to stay me. GP

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