Preppers Should Invest in Coffee

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I just me.
HCL Supporter
Nov 27, 2017
Found this. What do you all think?
I tried to clean up the copy and past.

Doomsday preppers say coffee is the key to surviving the end of the world


Photo: National Archives/Getty Images

When civilization ends (be it via Geostorm, robots who didn’t get beat up enough, or take your pick of Donald Trump-related catastrophes), how will we start our mornings in the wasteland? Turns out, according to doomsday preppers, the same way we do now: with a nice hot cup of joe, ideally out of a mug that says something like “Don’t irradiate me until I’ve had my coffee.”

In an article speaking with a number of end-of-the-world survivalists, GQ’s Cam Wolf discovers that many of them say that coffee will be one of the most valuable resources when society inevitably collapses. Australian prepper Stuey Bailey gives Wolf a few reasons why this will be the case.

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For starters, caffeine keeps us alert, which will be useful when you’re on the run from, say, human pelt hunters. A nice hot cup of coffee can also keep you warm and toasty in the event of a nuclear winter situation. Caffeine has some medicinal properties too, such as helping with severe headaches and serving as a diuretic. Caffeine can even help detoxify livers, which will be helpful for those of us who plan on living out our days wandering the radioactive plains in a drunken stupor.

Bailey also mentions that for many people coffee is a pleasant ritual, a moment to take a break and forget about our troubles, like the fact that everyone you’ve ever loved is dead and gone. Stopping to have a quick cup might give you a chance to think of a new, ingenious way to outrun those loved ones who are now risen from their shallow graves and chasing you. And of course, for the aspiring Humunguses among us, there’s also the fact that coffee’s relatively low weight as a tradable resource makes it easy to hoard, and it’ll be useful to have some on hand to keep your army of marauders caffeinated and motivated.

Moreover, the fact of the matter is that a staggering percentage of Americans are addicted to caffeine. If you can’t get out of the bed in the morning without the promise of a cup of coffee now, what makes you think you’re going to be able to do it just because you’re being tracked down by mutants? Then, as now, the best part of waking up—besides that brief moment when you forget you’re surviving in a burning hellscape because the president got mad on Twitter—will be Folgers in your cup.
Makes sense I guess. Would make a good barter item for me because I hate coffee and would not consume any of it myself. The same could be said for liquor, which I do stock. Only it would be easier to make alcohol than to grow coffee beans. Up here in the North anyway.
It would be a great barter item for sure but the good stuff doesnt have a great shelf life. Maybe the maxwell in a can is better but havent checked. Liquor doesnt go bad and would probably fetch better prices imo. Tea would probably last longer and has more caffeine. Im a biased tea drinker though. I do keep instant coffee around as a barter item. Lasts a long time and desperate folks wont be so choosey. Easy to parcel out in ziplocks for trade.
It would be a great barter item for sure but the good stuff doesnt have a great shelf life. Maybe the maxwell in a can is better but havent checked. Liquor doesnt go bad and would probably fetch better prices imo. Tea would probably last longer and has more caffeine. Im a biased tea drinker though. I do keep instant coffee around as a barter item. Lasts a long time and desperate folks wont be so choosey. Easy to parcel out in ziplocks for trade.

What about instant coffee? I think that would have a longer shelf life and beggars certainly can't be choosers.

And like you and @UncleJoe I prefer tea.
I'm a coffee drinker I like dark roast but would drink canned or instant. I store alcohol as a Barter item. I do plan to buy tea plants if I can get them established they will replace coffee in a SHTF situation and I'll have to learn to prepare Earl Gray.
I won't tell you about the coffee I drink. You would decide I couldn't survive if it really did hit the fan.

I could drink some Earl Gray doncha know.
I'm a coffee drinker I like dark roast but would drink canned or instant. I store alcohol as a Barter item. I do plan to buy tea plants if I can get them established they will replace coffee in a SHTF situation and I'll have to learn to prepare Earl Gray.

Earl Grey is my go to. Twinnings. Had an English mother so I grew up on it and its my comfort food. A little bergamot and youre good to go. I buy the loose tea in tins and keep a lot of it as I have several cups a day. I dread the day I have to ration it.

Instant coffe is better than no coffee. Take any coffee snob camping for a few days and then give them instant coffee. They will swill it like fine wine. As mentioned in my post I keep it as a barter item.
Rule around here is don't talk to me unless I've had at least one cup of coffee. If you want a coherent answer, don't ask until I've had two. :) I keep a 6 month supply at all times. . . 12 of the 2. whatever lbs cans stored unopened in the original cans. I was just reading about how to store coffee for long term a couple days ago. It was suggested buying "green" beans then roasting your own as needed (around $6 a lb & needs to be ordered) but suggested doing the roasting outside because of the smells and popping that goes on. Think I will just continue storing my cans for now. Chicory I hear is a good alternative and can be found around here growing locally. I really hope I don't have to fine out though.
You can keep green beans longer by freezing. Home roasting is not as easy as it sounds otherwise I would do it. Right now, I order coffee beans that come to me a week after roasting. I get two five pound bags, one goes in the freezer, the other is used in about three weeks.
Earl Grey is my go to. Twinnings. Had an English mother so I grew up on it and its my comfort food. A little bergamot and youre good to go. I buy the loose tea in tins and keep a lot of it as I have several cups a day. I dread the day I have to ration it.

Instant coffe is better than no coffee. Take any coffee snob camping for a few days and then give them instant coffee. They will swill it like fine wine. As mentioned in my post I keep it as a barter item.
Been there, didn't drink it.
You can keep green beans longer by freezing. Home roasting is not as easy as it sounds otherwise I would do it. Right now, I order coffee beans that come to me a week after roasting. I get two five pound bags, one goes in the freezer, the other is used in about three weeks.
Do you know how long they would last if vacuum sealed in a pantry? I was looking, just hadn't found the answer yet.
Cleavers 010_v1.jpg
Coffee is in the Rubiaceae family of plants. It has a cousin native to Europe that now grows all over North America, Galium aparine, common name “cleavers”. Cleavers are a wonderful medicine used by many people I know, mostly for the lymphatic system and kidney problems.

That said, it is a cousin of coffee, it’s effects on the body are similar to coffee. It’s seed heads even contain caffeine.

Here is a nice stand of cleavers growing at the base of my walnut trees, grows there every year.
Do you know how long they would last if vacuum sealed in a pantry? I was looking, just hadn't found the answer yet.
A year on green beans. Roasted beans? Less than two months for maximum flavor.
Do you know how long they would last if vacuum sealed in a pantry? I was looking, just hadn't found the answer yet.

The roasted beans secrete oil. In a vacuum seal bag the oil will still secrete, gasses will build up, and the beans will go racid. Thats why starbucks created a vacuum seal bag with a valve to allow air to escape but not enter to keep their roasted beans good longer. Not an expert but I think I have that right. Storing green and roasting yourself is the way to go but opsec would be an issue. Roasting coffee beans smells delicious. It smells delicious from down the block as well. Carrying smell is another reason I put tea instead of coffee in my "mre's" and I dont take coffee hunting if im going to be sitting. While I prefer tea I do enjoy a GOOD cup of joe but when I looked at stocking it it was too much of a pain in butt factor to consider.
The roasted beans secrete oil. In a vacuum seal bag the oil will still secrete, gasses will build up, and the beans will go racid. Thats why starbucks created a vacuum seal bag with a valve to allow air to escape but not enter to keep their roasted beans good longer. Not an expert but I think I have that right. Storing green and roasting yourself is the way to go but opsec would be an issue. Roasting coffee beans smells delicious. It smells delicious from down the block as well. Carrying smell is another reason I put tea instead of coffee in my "mre's" and I dont take coffee hunting if im going to be sitting. While I prefer tea I do enjoy a GOOD cup of joe but when I looked at stocking it it was too much of a pain in butt factor to consider.
CBL is right. I just didn't want to hijack the thread with more in depth information about off gassing and fresh roasted beans.

I don't drink coffee for it's caffeine, I drink it for its flavor. If it doesn't taste good I'm not going to drink it. Ask my hubs.
@robin416 hijack away, the more info we learn the better prepared away.

I myself drink anyways from 2 to 3 mugs of coffee a day while I work. Necessary evil (For me) while I drive. This is my cup. It holds extra large coffee. In this pic. my coffee is cold. The way I figure it, cold coffee is better then no coffee lol

CBL is right. I just didn't want to hijack the thread with more in depth information about off gassing and fresh roasted beans.

I don't drink coffee for it's caffeine, I drink it for its flavor. If it doesn't taste good I'm not going to drink it. Ask my hubs.

Hmmm? I never equated coffee with flavor before. I have however equated it was a torture device we could use a gitmo. :D

But you are like my wife. She loves coffee, but only "good coffee". She spends a lot of money at local coffee shop where they roast and grind their own beans and bring other specialty coffees.
Coffee is more complicated than opening a can and drink the swill that comes out of it. Get the right roast, beans with the right origins, fresh, and ground for each pot and chances are people will wonder how they ever drank the other stuff. A good cup of coffee will have body, be smooth, and ruin people for drinking other inferior coffees.

Surprising to me is that the coffee Flight is drinking is better than some specialty coffee shops. I will drink Flying J and Loves.

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