Preppers Wholesale

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Thank you for your advice....
1. AS "YOU"stated; you guys are all long time members- and you guys are - -((( A lot of us here are former military, security contractors, martial artists, hunters and survivalists )))
BUT I AM NOT. First I am an engineer (structural) and I am also a long time kindergarten teacher specializing in children who are abused and//or have disorders. Because I am on the downhill slide to 70 NOW I have time for my hobbies and my interests.
2. WAS I EXCITED in my first post-- YES-- and I still am. I get excited about things that interest me.... and that is why I sold military weapons for 4 years in the 70's and why I got into target rifle manufacturing... I LOVE Mechanical things... and I have built a few HOT cars in my day- including great Harley choppers... EXCITED- bloody right I was excited---
3. And yes- I was aware that my IDEA was not original-- but the fact still remains that it is a good idea-- AND -- no one has done it yet... AND YES-- I do understand money constraints and "TALENTED PEOPLE" constraints - but those are just part of business. If it was easy- then it would have already been done.....
4. MY MAIN BEEF is that you guys are good at what YOU do--- but it seems that you are unaccepting of anyone who is DIFFERENT than you guys?? JUST MY OPINION AND OBSERVATION.....
I cannot DO what you guys do-- well-- most of you anyway--
"BUT YOU GUYS cannot do what I do... is that a fair enough statement?

I have answered every negative reply with REAL answers-- not one word expletives like "bologna"... etc... etc....
This latest Bio-Weapon- the Coronavirus- is what prompted me to post my idea.... AND IT IS STILL A GOOD IDEA no matter who has it! If it was already operating I would be a good customer...
And a lot of the items being sold online simply do not work. I design CLEAN ROOMS- so I understand radiation and filtration and carbon dioxide absorption.... and EMP stoppage... but the bunkers I see being sold with these expensive AIR SYSTEMS could not even survive a forest fire with a lot of ash----- but hey- I regress....
I posted my EMAIL on the first post to add credibility--
I have not hidden anything....
And I really think that many people on these sites simply do not understand ANYONE who is not a "one trick pony" like perhaps they are. I am multi-talented-- so what-- WHY SHOULD THAT MAKE ME ANY LESS BELIEVABLE.....

AND NO- I am certainly not a salesperson...
And do not worry about deleting me-- if the online comments don't improve then I will delete myself- because I am not here to argue with anyone.... AND YES-- maybe some of the members have been on these sites too long... ha ha!
Thank you for your advice....
1. AS "YOU"stated; you guys are all long time members- and you guys are - -((( A lot of us here are former military, security contractors, martial artists, hunters and survivalists )))
BUT I AM NOT. First I am an engineer (structural) and I am also a long time kindergarten teacher specializing in children who are abused and//or have disorders. Because I am on the downhill slide to 70 NOW I have time for my hobbies and my interests.
2. WAS I EXCITED in my first post-- YES-- and I still am. I get excited about things that interest me.... and that is why I sold military weapons for 4 years in the 70's and why I got into target rifle manufacturing... I LOVE Mechanical things... and I have built a few HOT cars in my day- including great Harley choppers... EXCITED- bloody right I was excited---
3. And yes- I was aware that my IDEA was not original-- but the fact still remains that it is a good idea-- AND -- no one has done it yet... AND YES-- I do understand money constraints and "TALENTED PEOPLE" constraints - but those are just part of business. If it was easy- then it would have already been done.....
4. MY MAIN BEEF is that you guys are good at what YOU do--- but it seems that you are unaccepting of anyone who is DIFFERENT than you guys?? JUST MY OPINION AND OBSERVATION.....
I cannot DO what you guys do-- well-- most of you anyway--
"BUT YOU GUYS cannot do what I do... is that a fair enough statement?

I have answered every negative reply with REAL answers-- not one word expletives like "bologna"... etc... etc....
This latest Bio-Weapon- the Coronavirus- is what prompted me to post my idea.... AND IT IS STILL A GOOD IDEA no matter who has it! If it was already operating I would be a good customer...
And a lot of the items being sold online simply do not work. I design CLEAN ROOMS- so I understand radiation and filtration and carbon dioxide absorption.... and EMP stoppage... but the bunkers I see being sold with these expensive AIR SYSTEMS could not even survive a forest fire with a lot of ash----- but hey- I regress....
I posted my EMAIL on the first post to add credibility--
I have not hidden anything....
And I really think that many people on these sites simply do not understand ANYONE who is not a "one trick pony" like perhaps they are. I am multi-talented-- so what-- WHY SHOULD THAT MAKE ME ANY LESS BELIEVABLE.....

AND NO- I am certainly not a salesperson...
And do not worry about deleting me-- if the online comments don't improve then I will delete myself- because I am not here to argue with anyone.... AND YES-- maybe some of the members have been on these sites too long... ha ha!
It's not that we are unaccepting of people who are different (hell, we live our lives different from most of those around us so we're used to it). And I don't doubt that you have some good skills. We would love to hear about your skills, how you build these things, and how that can help with prepping. If everything you say about yourself is true you definitely have valuable knowledge to contribute. So go and do that - that's the purpose of this forum. If you have knowledge to contribute in several different areas, all the better. What we are (rightly) suspicious of is people who we don't know coming in and trying to sell us stuff.
WOW-- what a tough crowd here... no one believes anything....
You call bologna???? nasty-
But hey- you are entitled to your opinion- no matter how wrong it may be......

CORRECTIONS: I never said I worked for Barrett? Why would you make such an assumption? WHATEVER reason- you are 100% wrong....
And theirs was a 25mm grenade round- - nothing even REMOTELY close to what I am doing....
And by WE- I meant myself and the client....

REGARDS my first postings about a WHOLESALE for PREPPERS- I did receive numerous replies via private email-- so I asked them- WHY DIDN'T you guys just post & reply online ... and they all said the same thing- - that there are too many jealous haters on the site that really do not have any real point to add- they just want to argue....

"ES-- 25mm Extreme range sniper --and//or anti-material gun. We have been developing this for some time.
25mm FINNED bullet with discarding sabot in a necked down 27mm casing....
5 side polygon ECM cut COBALT CHROM MOLY barrel--- BAT style receiver----
Meant as a BASE located weapon- not a carry-around, because of weight....
14.9 is better (GREATER DISTANCE & ENERGY) than 50cal BMG and 25mm is better than 14.9
Anything else you would like to know?"

You used the same speculating language describing the Barrett xm109 from several firearm blogs, I asked if you worked for Barrett with a question mark, the xm109 was known originally as the "Objective Sniper Weapon" or and also known as "Anti-Material Rifle" under the Congressional Program in 2006 also as "25mm extreme range Sniper" and Cobalt Chrome Moly barrel.
Well you jumped in. It’s not my fault you didn’t look for rocks. You can’t be mad at lions for eating sheep. Know your audience. Slow down a bit. Build some trust. Or keep going and end up like most others that ignore my advice, put on ignore or blocked. What do I know? I’m only the oldest mod on the site. I’ve only been here since it had like 20 members. I’ve only successfully sold several tough customers on this site of my ideas and products. But I’m just some punk kid compared to you and your age and knowledge. Oh wait you don’t know anything about any of us do you?! Catch the hint. Sllllooooooooow dooooowwwwwnnn aannnnddd trrrryyyy toooo eeaaaarrrrn sooooommmmeee trrrruuuussstttt.
Dont feed the troll.
I believe in cutting people some slack if I think they are just being too enthusiastic. Youthful exuberance can be irritating to us old farts some times, LOL

I know I jumped onto another board recently with both feet first and was politely told to "Slow my roll."
Don't Feed The Troll???????????????? GROW UP and get a life will ya--- as my kids would say---

And sorry-- I do not DO "SLOW".... And why do I need to COME DOWN to everyone's "IDEA" of how Excited I should be- or not... "anyway"
You try teaching 10 kids- 3 to 6 year old, 4 of them abused- 2 have OCD- 1 has ADHD- 2 are super spoiled by Rich parents- and 1 has cognitive development issues- - - for 9 straight hours a day (because 6 of them refuse to nap) - 6 days a week--- and then you will fully understand why I take multitasking to a new level- And WHY I do everything at 100MPH!
AS I keep repeating-- I am not selling anything. I had an IDEA based on this virus situation-- and I was wondering if there were like minded people on this site that might want to join together to make it happen.....? That is it.
I have some talents and experience I believe would HELP to make the idea feasible - doable - and profitable..... and I know many of you have talents THAT I DO NOT HAVE-- so if we "TEAM" up together-- it could work.... We only need ONE location--- not a bunch of branches....
AND I keep saying I want to see what others are doing. Post some photos--- I like to see what others have done. And I would like to hear other's suggestions. I am not here to "ENLIGHTEN" anyone. I only toot my own horn sometimes to let others know my experience.
TRUST?? It is not possible to trust anyone on a public forum; "UNTIL" we meet face to face- or you start coming over for thanksgiving-- ETC..... ETC.... It is simply not possible to TRUST someone that you have never met.... Just ask the guys who married Russian brides off the internet! You know what I mean?
Yes- maybe I seem OVER THE TOP to all you long time members--- but I am happy to answer any question you have-- and I toot my horn sometimes because I have nothing to hide.
And the misunderstanding regards Barrett.... I certainly did not copy what THEY said... I suppose rifle manufacturers sort of all use the same language.... but CHROME-COBALT barrels are certainly nothing new- and were used LONG before Barrett ever existed.... Regards what I am doing with Cobalt Chrome barrels- regards SMOOTH BORE for the Sabot round and Progressive twist Polygon for the rounds requiring rifling--- is the way in which I bore- rifle- & polish them. And so you do not have to ask-- I ECM them....
I am 100% serious about putting a business package together-- and I would love to hear input from anyone with a good idea.... and let's start putting some designs together for better equipment....
STAY SAFE! (and yes- THANKS for the advice)
This is a hard PASS from me, you already annoy the crap out of me. I’ve been teaching martial arts for 30 plus years and training even longer. I specialized in ADHD and abuse cases I work on them regaining a sense of self and power again. I also supply free security to Domestic abuse and rape victims be it through myself or one of my K9’s. You are simply too hyper and it has nothing to do with your job. It’s a personality thing. You remind me of a child chasing birds.

Ps I trust most of the older members on this forum. I’ve developed a nearly family like relationship with most here. Maverick, Dr Henley, Clyde, Rellgar and many others I trust absolutely. I’d happily have most over to my place for dinner even the ones whom I don’t share political ideals with. You however seemed determined to push it so, good luck.
YOU SEE--- you shared and I am impressed. NOW I KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT YOU. Good work-- It is hard indeed working with these children who are so young that they have no idea why ABUSE and stuff happens to them.... and I am impressed by anyone who works with, or looks after kids who are disabled- or down syndrome or who have disorders....

I only WISH I had the "time" & the body to train for martial arts.... But It Is on my bucket list.... ha ha!
And hey- don't get annoyed so easy--- if you really knew me I would probably be your best friend.... ha! And when your pushing 70 it is not easy staying excited about life!
A child chasing birds.. ha ha! I like that one-- can I use it?
And do not forget- -
NO MATTER WHERE YOU GO IN THIS WORLD - 12% of the people will not like you anyway.
I wish more people would share--- as we all have interesting stories....
the OP sounded like, and still sounds like, some sort of sales pitch, and even the thread title goes to reinforce this.
as a first post straight in with this stuff it gives the wrong impression, or maybe its the right one? I don't know.
I don't trust people anyway, either in real life or online , I've come across too many trolls in my time online, so maybe i'm the wrong one to give an opinion.
I do know that if this came up elsewhere where i'm a moderator i'd have used the spam button and deleted it right from the start.
Well--- very sorry you think that.... I think you are very jaded...
But hey…. I tried to push a good idea... but you kept attacking me instead of discussing the idea- so I will not waste any more of my time OR YOURS.
Now our little offline email group is up to 12-- and if anyone else wants to Chime in-- feel welcome...
But after tomorrow I will delete myself from this site---
Take care
Well--- very sorry you think that.... I think you are very jaded...
But hey…. I tried to push a good idea... but you kept attacking me instead of discussing the idea- so I will not waste any more of my time OR YOURS.
Now our little offline email group is up to 12-- and if anyone else wants to Chime in-- feel welcome...
But after tomorrow I will delete myself from this site---
Take care
Well that's the problem. We don't "push" ideas here; we share them. And just because you think something is a good idea (presumably because you will benefit from it) doesn't mean it actually is a good idea for anyone else. Damn. I can say that no one will be sorry to see you go. So, bye.
Well--- very sorry you think that.... I think you are very jaded...
But hey…. I tried to push a good idea... but you kept attacking me instead of discussing the idea- so I will not waste any more of my time OR YOURS.
Now our little offline email group is up to 12-- and if anyone else wants to Chime in-- feel welcome...
But after tomorrow I will delete myself from this site---
Take care

Don't let the door hit you in the azz on the way out.

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