Prepping for civil unrest

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user 7704

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HCL Supporter
Nov 27, 2015
Couldn't sleep so I was watching AHC channel showing documentaries on Hitler and Stalin. Also had some Lenin. Showing them going into countries and destroying their monuments, etc.

I turn on news and there are these UNC students tearing down a Confederate statue.

I looked at the comments and it was so unnerving.

Are these students learning any real history or just the Liberal University version?

It's going to get nasty soon and most are too blind to prep.
Couldn't sleep so I was watching AHC channel showing documentaries on Hitler and Stalin. Also had some Lenin. Showing them going into countries and destroying their monuments, etc.

I turn on news and there are these UNC students tearing down a Confederate statue.

I looked at the comments and it was so unnerving.

Are these students learning any real history or just the Liberal University version?

It's going to get nasty soon and most are too blind to prep.
Yes, I saw that as well and it just made me sick. Destruction of property and erasing history is not something I am for. The kids are so ignorant they don't even realize what they are doing.
Couldn't sleep so I was watching AHC channel showing documentaries on Hitler and Stalin. Also had some Lenin. Showing them going into countries and destroying their monuments, etc.

I turn on news and there are these UNC students tearing down a Confederate statue.

I looked at the comments and it was so unnerving.

Are these students learning any real history or just the Liberal University version?

It's going to get nasty soon and most are too blind to prep.

The old saying 'history repeats itself'
Now with the Libs salivating over the guilty verdict, they are not going to confirm SCOTUS.

Why don't they understand that even if Trump is gone, it goes to Pence. SCOTUS will be confirmed anyway.

I do not think there will be a. Blue wave in the Fall. If there is, God help us all. The markets will tumble. The Trumpsters will not be easily appeased and will not put up wi th these ANTIFA radicals.

It will be very bad. People need to be getting their ducks in a row. I would definitely get some money that isn't tied to any electronics.
It's odd that Cohen nor Manafort are trending this morning. Some of the morning shows are, but not the names.

I also noticed that Pelosi has order the Dems to focus on economy not the guilty verdicts. Is a shoe getting ready to drop? Maybe Sessions is actually working behind the scenes and not just baking cookies in his Keebler tree.
The investigation will flip on the Democrats. The Cohen guilty plea will not reslt in criminal implications for Trump its a bunch of slick lawyers laying the ground work for impeachment if the mid terms go their way . As far as the collusion investigation there is still no there there . Sessions wants to let it play out so the Democrats cannot claim obstruction which may be the right thing to do . But its haveing a terrible impact on the Administration and Im not sure what impact it will have on the midterms .
As much as its sucks He recused Himself because The Democrats would have claimed bias . Yes Mueller will chase down everything trying to get something on Trump and when its said and done and Others get to look at the investigation the wrong doing will point straight at the Hillary campaign.
The 2nd Mannafort case will be in NYC and looking at business practices going back 20 years . They will use everytime Trumps name comes up to point at Him .
As to original topic .
I was listening to Christian radio station . They were interviewing a Irish Protestant Preacher that grew up during the 60's and 70's in Ireland . He talked about Himself fighting and skirting the realm of terrorism . Talked about bombings , shootings and houses being burned sometimes with Families in them .
The biggist point He wanted to make was even when the SHTF life goes on . They went to school/work , went on dates , had family meals , played sports and so on .
As much as its sucks He recused Himself because The Democrats would have claimed bias .

I agree with your statement, but I also think it's total baloney. No matter who is over Mueller, that person will have a bias. Sessions cop'd out IMHO. I think he just didn't want the focus on him, blaming him for everything.

I think Sessions could have managed over Mueller fairly easily. #1: give him a budget and a timeframe from day 1. For example, you have 12 months to complete your investigation, you have $5 million budget over those 12 months, and I want a monthly update on both. #2: 1/3rd of your staff will be Hillary supports, 1/3rd independent, and 1/3rd Trump supporters. #3: keep this focused on the main subject, no rabbitholes. #4: if you lie to me about anything, you will be fired immediately. Finally #5: anyone who leaks will be fired and blacklisted gov't-wide, confidentiality is key.

That would let Sessions remain over Mueller without 'interfering', and give Mueller limits. Sessions could release these requirements publicly, or keep it confidential.
Most definitely....

If you liked Idiocracy...I should point out that it was a rip-off of a classic science fiction story (from the Golden Age of Science Fiction) called 'The Marching Morons' by C.M. Kornbluth.

The major difference, though, is that Kornbluth's piece was a lot darker than the movie.

It's readily available online (it's a novella, not a whole novel) for free, and is worth a read.

As often as everyone mentions Idiocracy in this forum, I'm surprised that no one has read 'The Marching Morons' or made the connection.
Oh, I'm aware of it. Just isn't as mainstream recognizable.

Why don't they understand that even if Trump is gone, it goes to Pence. SCOTUS will be confirmed anyway.

I almost WANT Trump to be impeached, just so the libs can see what they get... be careful what you wish for.

I have friends in the LGBT community, and I always ask them, "You do realize that an impeachment, and then President Pence would be the WORST thing for your people, right?"...and they look at me like a deer in headlights, as I watch the lightbulb slowly come on, and the shock of realization take hold.....
It's odd that Cohen nor Manafort are trending this morning. Some of the morning shows are, but not the names.

I also noticed that Pelosi has order the Dems to focus on economy not the guilty verdicts. Is a shoe getting ready to drop? Maybe Sessions is actually working behind the scenes and not just baking cookies in his Keebler tree.
My father who watches everything, says that Pelosi is a conservatives best friend as she is nuts and helps people leave the Democrats. I say let the Dems keep all the old nut cases, the older and nuttier and more feeble the better for the conservatives. LOL
If it weren't for Hillary, I don't think Trump would have been elected.
Look at the primary , once People heard Trump there was no stopping His election . He stomped the heavy hitters in the primary election . Including My pick Cruz . Inspite of all the media hit squads and the FBI , Mueller and everything else He could still win tomarrow .