I became a Prepper before the term prepper was invented after watching James Burke's Connections episode "The Trigger Effect".
That was back in the 80s or so. I was struck by his message about just how dependent we are on technology and it has only gotten worse since grocery stores now use "Just in time delivery" and the stock in the "back room" is long gone.
When young I did not have the resources to buy a lot of stuff beyond a back-pack but I spent a lot of time learning as much as I could about technology as I could so if the SHTF, I could with help, recreate technology. To that end I picked a target date that I could reasonably shoot for that could be done with stuff I have in my shop or could gather from what is around me. Late 1800's or early 1900's. Going beyond that would require teams of people working together with plenty of resources to recreate it. Could I build a vacuum tube in my garage? Maybe but a transistor would a stretch to far.
So eventually God Blessed me with The Princess who is woman of a similar mind. We have worked together to fill in as many gaps as we can. Case in point;
When the Kung-Flu hit and there was a shortage of masks, she went into her stash and produced an unopened of official N95 masks she had cached for a possible pandemic.
On another web-site long gone now I wrote a bit of a thesis about how we prep depends on what we think we need to prep for. I labled it "Choose the Form of the Destructor" (from the movie Ghostbuster)...
I also produced a chart (that I called a "Ben Diagram", bad pun based on a Venn Diagram used in logic). The basic idea I tried to share is that for any particular type of challenge we try to prepare for, there is some degree of impact to our lives that brings about TEOTWAWKI. The resent pandemic is is a relativel mild form of SHTF. Aside from running short on TP and some people not having food in the house, it rather mild and did not push us back on the technology ladder.
Jumping ahead...
I felt that an EMP that took out the power grid and destroyed all unprotected electronics would be the most devestating from of challenge that would effectively push us back into the stone age. There were other types of challenges that I modeled as iron age etc.
When examining those other scenarios, I decided that if I was prepared to handle an EMP or other event, that I would have the lesser challenges covered.
So I have been preparing for recovering from an EMP attack.
I have assembled a small machine shop that I plan to run of a steam engine SOMEDAY.
I have been working on not only growing food but also producing my own seed that I supply my fellow
survivors errr Thrivers with. If we do not have the genetics we would be in bad shape. I have alos started to learn how to tend to orchards, prune trees clone them etc.
So I have rambled on a bit and I should stop there with one more of my quotes.
"I have food that is rated to be around long after I am gone."
Thanks for reading,