Prepping in Suburbia

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Awesome Friend
Mar 14, 2013
As teens, we don't really have the ability to move to the ideal prepping location. So i was wondering what kinda ideas our seasoned preppers had for us teens in the suburbs. Personally, my town is pretty small, but is sandwiched between bigger suburbs. If shtf, I'd like to bug in for the initial panic, then assess. Overall, I think it would be useful to hear some ideas and get them out here for all to see!
Hello there,

A few years back, my grandson had the same issue. He lived with his parents and was pretty much trapped with no transportation, little money and unsupportive parents. I will tell you what he did.

He located the nearest wooded area that was unoccupied. It was about a mile sprint from his parents house. He took a 50 gal sealable plastic storage box he bought at Wally World for about 50 bucks and found a spot he liked in the wooded area and buried it. He then purchased a can opener, sleeping bag, a few knifes, and went shopping for canned goods at store moms kitchen. (I'm not saying steal from your mom!)
He filled it little by little until he was comfortable with his supply's.

It doesn't take a lot to be prepared. I would recommend you do the same as my grandson once did. If SHTF while he lived with his parents he could have lasted about 2 months on the supplies there alone.
I got money, so I buy most of my own stuff. My parents are pretty cool about it even though my mom is always srcutizing me and what I do. My nearest wooded area is a reserve and is like a 3 min walk from my house. I've done a little scouting, but I fear many will also flee there. So I plan to wait till most of them are gone before I move there. I do like the burying the bucket idea.... Mighy try that

I'm pretty much down to completing my food and water stocks, then I'll be set on basics. I got my bob with a map, knives, cooking stuff, meds, medical supplies(rather extensive for the size of the pouch), and room for a firearm and ammo that is stored in our gun safe
I can assure you that if something happens many people will in fact not try to head to the woods. They will go with the flow and try to get out of dodge. Most people do not anticipate what we survivalist do, they believe the government will help and give them guidance but that's not always the case.

If you would like some help devising a prepperation chart and plan feel free to PM me.
TNTBoy - you have to prepare for what you think is going to happen and be prepared for what ever does happen.
I would be more concerned with storms -tornado's, hurricanes, snow and ice storms, power outages, a loss of communications.
You see - we can't look inside of our crystal ball and see where you live, all we can talk about are the things that we can see that can happen in our own little piece of the world.

IN my time I have experienced the Vietnam war and it's protests, women's liberation, civil unrest - the race riots in Watts and Birmingham, the death of the Kennedy's, 3 mile island, bomb scares, cults, Jim Jones Massacre, Charlie Manson, Grenada, the loss of the space ship Challenger, several civil wars, two Gulf Wars, Afghanistan, the fall of Communism, nuclear war terror - the threat of the bomb, WACO and other tragedy's and a lot of minor skirmishes with the law.

Hiding in the woods about a mile from home would be a short term solution - might last a couple of days or even a week before you were discovered and wouldn't protect you in the event of a nuclear event or EMP and wouldn't hide you if another country was invading our country.

I would concentrate more on doing something in your basement to make your home more secure and storing up preps such as kerosene lanterns, electric generator, water purification / having a way to filter contaminated water etc. Food stuffs - that you can rotate on a regular basis, charcoal - emergency fire.
That's what I've been doing lately.. Stocking up on all the goodies and storing them away so I can defend them
I understand "going to the woods" is a short term plan, but he doesn't have his parents 100% on board, so I would assume that over time as you basement get more and more packed and eventually your parents would get angry.

The likely hood of surviving anywhere besides underground in the event of a Nuclear war is very low. A basement is good for it but you need to see if your first floor is concrete or just wood. More than likely it's wood and in the even of a nuclear explosion the house has a chance of collapsing into the basement. Potentially causing injury and lose of preps.
I understand "going to the woods" is a short term plan, but he doesn't have his parents 100% on board, so I would assume that over time as you basement get more and more packed and eventually your parents would get angry.

The likely hood of surviving anywhere besides underground in the event of a Nuclear war is very low. A basement is good for it but you need to see if your first floor is concrete or just wood. More than likely it's wood and in the even of a nuclear explosion the house has a chance of collapsing into the basement. Potentially causing injury and lose of preps.
Personally, I'm just getting ready for what I can. My main fear is an economic collapse. Nuclear warfare would be a slew of problems I don't have the assets for. I'm iust stockin food, water, guns, and ammo. Hopefully it'll get me through to a point where there are less people to worry about. After that I'll have to go wilderness survivalist which would be a challenge, but I'm an Eagle Scout so I do have some training most don't have in that realm.
Put together a BOB or GHB (Bug Out Bag or Get Home Bag). You can put one together for less than $50, and that one piece of prep will help you in a SHTF situation more than just about anything else. Plenty of good threads here on what should be in the bag. That's my advice though. Assemble one of these, anything else is gravy.

KNOWLEDGE is more important than gear though. Go camping, live off the land for a few days. Speak to the homeless, (they are already living a SHTF scenario each day). Things to know: edible plants (learn from a person, not a book, Mother Nature is evil, and many poisonous plants LOOK like edibles), first aid, hand to hand fighting, how to hunt, how to prepare/preserve game, how to fish, how to grow food, etc.
Right on dude............prep the brain. A small stash of goods will only last so long, then you need to KNOW what to do.
whhhoooooooh doggie! I love these posts, and im usually the one who catches the most hell from them lol. I disagree with damn near everyones post....except one I think lol. the forest your best bet? yup, I believe so, though you're really gonna have to hike a ways in there because, I personally believe a few things will happen: 1. not that many people may INITIALLY head to the same said forest, yet give it a day or 2 and youll be surprised how many people "show up". 2. people will probably decide to rob neighborhoods first, and the riots at store, some if not quite a bit will try to leave town (but wont be able to, so think: whats their next option? wheres the best place to hide!) etc etc, so prep for total anarchy throughout your town. get what you believe you'll need now, because youll probably get stabbed or shot if you try to rob stores in the chaos. I DO like the idea of the burial, however, have a bug out bag, even if a small one, just in case your screwed n someone found your stash before you get there (this could possibly happen even before shtf). find rivers/water source but don't set your camp anywhere close to it, cuz if I were hunting you id follow rivers and water for people to rob (not that I would, but you need to think about these things). personally, I would do one of 2 things in your position, seeing as how you're so close, dig out a bunker out in the forest somewhere for shelter, make sure its not to noticeable, and ffs use support beams lol. OR, I don't know how difficult it would be for you, but build a treehouse way up in the trees with a latter that you can pull up. either of these may not suit you so: take a few days off, like a weekend (remember to let your parents in on it so they don't freak out that you disappeared)and pretend. pretend something happened, you only had a few moments, say 10-15 minutes to grab what you need and head out, do that THEN go spend like 2 days in the forest. but the whole time, (if anyone actually saw you youd me inna psych-ward lol)pretend certain events happen, like, "oh crap, someones coming!" think fast! what do you do when supplies run out? and always ALWAYS think about the worst possible thing that could happen! I do like what someone said, its even in my sig line, train your mind, its the most valuable idem you can prep! you have the internet right now, make use of it. learn how to trap, how to grow, about the wildlife in your area etc etc, then go practice actually doing some of the things (things you can do legally, I believe trapping is illegal in most places, but you can look up local laws too). if you have anything I can help with, like many others here, just ask, my e-mails at the bottom too.
What about your parents? When SHTF what are they going to do? Are you going to kill them so they don;t try to mooch off your stash, or do you leave them hanging like the grasshopper and ant?

might try pointing out a few things to your folks,when it comes to the every day/month/year disasters that take place where you it wild fires-earthquakes-storms-and other natural disasters that take place where you live.might try picking just one of them.and ask.what would you do if this happened and (WE) don't have the needed preps for said situation.not long ago we had a winter freeze that froze one of the water pipes for a short term.thats when i got a 55 gallon barrel with no lid to it.i put it in one corner of the bathroom just so we can flush the toilet when i bought a case of drinking water to drink if so happens i live with my mom cause both of us cant afford to do she's in poor enough health where she cant do for her self in some cases.she didnt like the barrel n water being there.but yet she didnt argue about it n all.on account she understands why it was there.
See Jim, that's another concern. If you'r moms is in poor health now, she will be a heavy load when you GOOD. How do you plan to put her down easy?

i have no intention of doing that. i'm just gonna let life take it's least for now.but now (IF WE) did end up in a situation where it's her and/or me.i'll have to decide then n there on what to do n don't if we end up having to bug out,and i can get her and me to a safer location..i will do that.
Hey Krime, you weree talking about trapping being illegal, and in another thread someone was talking about concealed guns being illegal. Since this is a prep site, I have to assume we are all talking about AFTER SHTF. I think nothing will be illegal at that point. No? I will be making all kinds of traps, animal, defensive, for girls, etc.
haha no, I ment before shtf when practicing, post-shtf all cards are on the to speak, I just didn't want to give the advice and have him go out tomorrow and wind up with a fine and/or jail time for listening to me lol, just my "disclaimer"
See Jim, that's another concern. If you'r moms is in poor health now, she will be a heavy load when you GOOD. How do you plan to put her down easy?
put her down? nah, he'll put her in one of these:


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looks like a couple of ppl here needs to still grow up and get some respect for human no killer/murderer,i'll only take a human life in the way of self defense.

then there's the ones that been talking about pemping out folks that are fat skinny and what ever. in new members welcome idiots need to work on getting some damn respect for others.or get the f**k off line..
looks like a couple of ppl here needs to still grow up and get some respect for human no killer/murderer,i'll only take a human life in the way of self defense.

then there's the ones that been talking about pemping out folks that are fat skinny and what ever. in new members welcome idiots need to work on getting some damn respect for others.or get the f**k off line..
would be nice if you could refer which "new members area" you're referring too, and/or the people you deem idiots. although I agree with you about murder and human rights, I think it will be more than obvious that stuff like that will happen, be it a lack of understanding, or just fear. maybe you can inform these "idiots" of other ways they could go about, or at the very least say something to us "brass" and we'll see what we could do about it.
I've been thinking today. You're right. All bets are off when the crunch comes. All this time I have kind of envisioned it as mostly just like life today without police and Internet and water. But there's going to be a lot more to it than buying a turkey sandwich with a mercury dime.

Everything's going to fall apart.

This is kind of a chance for those of us who have always chafed at society's tight restrictions to remake society around us in our own image. Frankly, it's exciting. It's giving me a whole new outlook on what's important.

First thing to go for me is going to be the ridiculous notion of one woman-one man. Why the hell not have a stable of breeding age women that is proportional to a man's ability to keep them all (both in taking care of their needs and physical proximity)?
maybe because we don't consider ourselves barbarians, nor do most of us like the idea of "relations" without consent. we are humans, and so are females, not livestock.
But you have to admit that animal husbandry is going to be more relevant to post-Apoc life, right? Nobody wants this to happen, but if it does, we need to get humans back on track. Most of the more intelligent science fiction about disasters ending Earth's existence are pretty clear on this fact.

I think a lot of us will cling to our tattered societal raiments for years. But they will be swallowed up by the "New Man". I will seize that day, to be sure.

We also have a great opportunity to utilize recent DNA advances coupled with "intelligent Eugenics" to forge a better human. Let's face it, anybody who lets somebody with herpes or shingles live WTSH will live to regret it.
well if your "new man" relies on rape and murder, then they will have an enemy as long as I'm alive.
and dude, only a handful of DD possibilities leave technology in tact, most of which, you wont be worrying about half that stuff.
I think the concept of "self defense" needs to go too. WTSH, it's pretty much all self defense. Have you seen Walking dead?

where does the walking dead come in at here? im refering to treating folks with respect with whats said n done.and i find some things said here to be out right rude and
Exactly, Krime! I'm not for murder by any stretch of the imagination, but if I am too fubared and slowing my tribe, or closest loved one, I will not be a burden and I will sign myself out if they cannot. It's only life, we get to go again.

I don't know why these people keep posting in my intro thread about fat and skinny women. I think they are new too and just click on the first post they see.

I am NOT for rape and ALL for consent when it comes to women. We have prostitution now, where's the outrage? I'm simply saying I think it would be a good idea to be the one in charge (without saying the word). Seems logical, no? Women trade their cock holster for dinner or a drink every night in every city in America. At least something will be agined in a time when rape WILL be no problem for many.

I'm a compassionate man.
not quite where I was getting at. but if the factors of people on this site are not like minded individuals in such events, you're probably in the wrong place to discuss such ventures. However, I DO believe episodes of people will human traffic for bartering purposes, again, if I see it, I will attack (a formally layed out plan of course). as far as prostitution goes, im sure there will be women that turn to such things to survive. but if you wanna be a "pimp" more power to ya lol
on another note: I don't think we get to go again, reincarnation isn't logical to me lol
you fail to realize some things fin..1st of all i'm more of the old school/old country..that means treating folks with the respect due them..even when a person don't have any respect for the other person or me.still treat them with respect.or simply get away from them and have nothing else to do with them..2nd of all..what was posted by you can be found offensive simply because folks don't know you.for example one post you said What about your parents? When SHTF what are they going to do? Are you going to kill them so they don;t try to mooch off your stash, or do you leave them hanging like the grasshopper and ant?and in another you said See Jim, that's another concern. If you'r moms is in poor health now, she will be a heavy load when you GOOD. How do you plan to put her down easy.the thing dont know me or my mom,much less our situation here.that where it pays to make sure that you word things just right so you dont accidentally offend me,thats a show of respect..and reading the post the others made about women,simply set me simply because i was raised to treat women with respect.even if it means treating them with more repect then my self.
Jim, now it is clear that you are angry.I must be from the new school, where respect is earned, not just given out like free needles at the methadone clinic I used to visit.

I thought we were preppers. I thought we WANTED to live after SHTF. I thought it was that kind of fortitude that made us willing to do anything it takes to survive for us, for our species, but more for us. So, I think putting your disabled mom down would be the most humane thing for her (the rapers, you know), and it would allow you to be much more mobile. I am not sure why you throw your "respect" around to ALL women so freely. Have you never seen the inside of a family law courtroom? Those women lie and manipulate the system to rake their ex husbands (and baby daddys) over the coals. They are monsters with no conscience. I bet you mom twisted your dad up pretty goo. I heard no mention of him so I guess he is out of the picture?

are you a psychiatrist of some sort??as for respect is earned.but where i come from.folks still treat others with respect no matter if they have earned it or not..
I understand "going to the woods" is a short term plan, but he doesn't have his parents 100% on board, so I would assume that over time as you basement get more and more packed and eventually your parents would get angry.

The likely hood of surviving anywhere besides underground in the event of a Nuclear war is very low. A basement is good for it but you need to see if your first floor is concrete or just wood. More than likely it's wood and in the even of a nuclear explosion the house has a chance of collapsing into the basement. Potentially causing injury and lose of preps.
This actually happened to me, so I keep my stuff in my room, with my dads old USMC duffle bag and Alice-pack, with a bunch of stuff. I keep it next to my dresser in the corner of my room so no one can see it unless my dresser doors are closed. But ya put all of it in a bag and put it under your bed or somewhere in your room
No matter if parents are on board or not, learn the art of foraging for food, planting a garden, building a fire, building shelter etc.. material prep stuff is temporary but the mind will last your life time. We can prep for the short term as far as stocking food and water but no body can really say how long short term will last as I have said a couple of times already.. learn the old way's, don't just read about it practice it.
The likely hood of surviving anywhere besides underground in the event of a Nuclear war is very low

Location is more important. Too close to impact, and it won't matter much what you are in. I think most folks overestimate the impact of a nuclear war. I know I used to. No doubt completely catastrophic, but also very survivable. Most modern nukes are nowhere near as destructive as those during the height of the Cold War. I'm only about a half hour away from the nearest target, and I'd even be (barely) out of the outer radiation zone of a 5 megaton (where most modern ones are between 1 and 3 megatons).

Also, radiation dissipates fairly rapidly after a blast. Even Cold War estimates had it safe to go out of the shelter at about two weeks. (and that is being within the radiation zone of the impact). Outside of it, we'd likely get only minor radiation exposure, but still enough for me to try and think of some safeguards.
Location is more important. Too close to impact, and it won't matter much what you are in. I think most folks overestimate the impact of a nuclear war. I know I used to. No doubt completely catastrophic, but also very survivable. Most modern nukes are nowhere near as destructive as those during the height of the Cold War. I'm only about a half hour away from the nearest target, and I'd even be (barely) out of the outer radiation zone of a 5 megaton (where most modern ones are between 1 and 3 megatons).

Also, radiation dissipates fairly rapidly after a blast. Even Cold War estimates had it safe to go out of the shelter at about two weeks. (and that is being within the radiation zone of the impact). Outside of it, we'd likely get only minor radiation exposure, but still enough for me to try and think of some safeguards.
even in the old day, they had soldiers in fox holes only a mile away from the blast n they lived.....though not too sure how well they lived from that point on lmao. but non the less, im in the same boat one of the nations biggest Air Force bases is bout half hour maybe 45min away from me. just remember not to look at the blast, it WILL blind you for life. though, im not sure about a hydrogen.
nations biggest Air Force bases is bout half hour maybe 45min away from me.

You should be fine with any modern nuke impact then. No doubt those guys in the foxholes got serious cancer ailments. I wonder if they even knew about the potassium iodide to help thwart the radiation damage to their systems at exposure.
You should be fine with any modern nuke impact then. No doubt those guys in the foxholes got serious cancer ailments. I wonder if they even knew about the potassium iodide to help thwart the radiation damage to their systems at exposure.
knowing the Gum'ment they probably knew yet still wernt given it