Back to the original post...
For most scenarios, bugging in, in suburbia may not be the best choice right after something goes down. While the first week will likely be OK...., as your neighbors' pantries run low to empty, they will cease becoming your neighbors, and will instead become ravenous animals who are willing to do anything to survive, including acts they never would have considered before. In the following few weeks, enterprising gangs who spent the first few weeks establishing their turf, will now start on forays out into the burbs for what they consider easy pickings.
My advice is get out as soon as you can to a more rural area. Look for farmhouses that have more than one vehicle (indicating a family vs. a lone hermit), and chances are, they may be similar to me, willing to take in folks (especially a family who brings some of their own supplies) who can help with the work to provide for all, and contribute to the defense of the property. I've had discussions with other ranchers and most of us seem to share this mindset, so I think you'd encounter this more than the "shoot first" variety. Just wave a white flag first, and have one person come to negotiate.
I have the forethought of having rules signs I can put up, but most others may just greet you with a nearby gunshot as a greeting without doing this.
If shtf, I'd like to bug in for the initial panic, then assess.
For most scenarios, bugging in, in suburbia may not be the best choice right after something goes down. While the first week will likely be OK...., as your neighbors' pantries run low to empty, they will cease becoming your neighbors, and will instead become ravenous animals who are willing to do anything to survive, including acts they never would have considered before. In the following few weeks, enterprising gangs who spent the first few weeks establishing their turf, will now start on forays out into the burbs for what they consider easy pickings.
My advice is get out as soon as you can to a more rural area. Look for farmhouses that have more than one vehicle (indicating a family vs. a lone hermit), and chances are, they may be similar to me, willing to take in folks (especially a family who brings some of their own supplies) who can help with the work to provide for all, and contribute to the defense of the property. I've had discussions with other ranchers and most of us seem to share this mindset, so I think you'd encounter this more than the "shoot first" variety. Just wave a white flag first, and have one person come to negotiate.
I have the forethought of having rules signs I can put up, but most others may just greet you with a nearby gunshot as a greeting without doing this.