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Awesome Friend
HCL Supporter
Dec 11, 2017
i think this is best section to put this. it covers such a wide range of skills and more.

this site has been around a long time...started in 1998.

@Pearl is going to love it.
Checked it out quickly, can't wait to look at it in detail! 😃

you are going to love it.

warning i am about to be see folks make fish traps on shows and youtube stuff etc. they all look like something you would use as a club on a water-buffalo to knock it out.look at this fish trap. this is what one is suppose to look like right level craftsman ship right there.


Thanks for posting. This is kind of up my interest alley. I will explore that site in some depth.

A time is coming where knowing and being proficient in these ways will be beneficial.
They sure have some interesting topics. It looks as though their last listings for classes was in 2020. I wonder if they have stopped giving classes?

c-19 i stopped many gatherings..but some are back at it again..rabbit stick etc.
Does anyone read the Backwoodsman magazine?
Not to be confused with any other rag that has “backwoods “ in the title.
This is devoted to old time American ways.
I’ve been a subscriber since the early 90’s.
Last edited:
Does anyone read the Backwoodsman magazine?
Not to be confused with any other rag that has “backwoods “ in the title.
This is devoted to old time American ways.
I’ve been a subscriber since the early 90’s.

I don't subscribe, but that is something I would enjoy reading.
Does anyone read the Backwoodsman magazine?
Not to be confused with any other rag that has “backwoods “ in the title.
This is devoted to old time American ways.
I’ve been a subscriber since the early 90’s.
didnt charlie die and they go all digital now?

i read somewhere that was going on unless i am confusing it with something else.
Charlie and his wife Lynn both died within months of each other, about a year ago.
The magazine is still in print, I got the latest issue a week ago.
The son, Charlie JR, runs it now.
Subscribers can get print only, or print plus digital.
Casual visitors to the website can not see the magazine without a subscription.
Does anyone read the Backwoodsman magazine?
Not to be confused with any other rag that has “backwoods “ in the title.
This is devoted to old time American ways.
I’ve been a subscriber since the early 90’s.
I don't subscribe, but I have a bunch of back issues. Tons of info in them
As 'Hardcalibre" often points out, it is not going the be the aftermath of a SHTF event that will be a hardship, sucky, painful, disgusting reality. No.....the great high percentage will not survive the transition phase.

Reading about things that seem like a good idea, is in the end just reading about things that are a good idea. Now actually practicing, or vastly better is living those things. This is the massive flaw in current prepping movement.

People are not even going to survive the transition, without previous experience "LIVING IT".
As 'Hardcalibre" often points out, it is not going the be the aftermath of a SHTF event that will be a hardship, sucky, painful, disgusting reality. No.....the great high percentage will not survive the transition phase.

Reading about things that seem like a good idea, is in the end just reading about things that are a good idea. Now actually practicing, or vastly better is living those things. This is the massive flaw in current prepping movement.

People are not even going to survive the transition, without previous experience "LIVING IT".
that is very true, most people over here are into modern living not the old traditional skills, most of them will not survive once the trappings of modern life are no more, electricity, running water, flushing toilets etc.
Luckily I spent a year at a forward base camp with no running water, refrigeration for the mess hall, and minimal electricity.
No A/C, crapping in outhouses, no lights of any kind after dark not even a cigarette.
Snipers, incoming rockets and mortars, all kept things interesting.
Luckily I spent a year at a forward base camp with no running water, refrigeration for the mess hall, and minimal electricity.
No A/C, crapping in outhouses, no lights of any kind after dark not even a cigarette.
Snipers, incoming rockets and mortars, all kept things interesting.
One tiny were twenty'something not 70'ish something.
I lived without any of those things for years and will do again.
my lifestyle here is very simple. very rural and it would only take a minor adaption.
I'm awful glad that you all have experience for all the catastrophes that are possible. I don't want to set a wild fire or cause a flood so I can live through it to be prepared.
I was prepared for the things I had been exposed to and everything I felt was likely when I was living in Seattle. When I learned about the Cascadia subduction zone and the mess it would make I looked at my water, sewer, electricity, firewood, and all the other preps that would sustain me for a year and moved out of that zone. I was fine with preps for a 9.2 quake and the 2 to 3 weeks it would take FEMA to begin looking to begin rescue operations. I knew that I would have to start shooting people after 1 week - and some of those folks I would know.
I could have stayed alive but I found a better way to survive. You can choose the threats you are exposed to and then prep for those. You always have to be prepared to be flexible and able to adapt to what ever hits.
My preparation for the magnitude 9.2 quake and the 100 foot Tsunami was to move to a safer place. I didn't have to experience it; a bit of common sense showed the solution.
As 'Hardcalibre" often points out...the great high percentage will not survive the transition phase.

Must be a SF-trope.. :cool: I recall another SF guy from 'over yonder' who used to simply put it "It's the Transition that Kills".. Yep. So true (and that's, mainly (as I see it, anyway) what "prepping" is - preparing for that Transition - where Survivalism - based in knowledge-bases / skill-sets of-yore, like herein, and then Practice / all what's Learned from Living it all (both successes And failures) then takes over..

Thanks for posting this, eh... 👍 Good stuff, my Son will Love it, too.. :cool: There've been a few good 'Lost Ways' books I've found lots of good info in, ie: ..and ..and 👍

Sure miss my Grandparents, tho.. Seemed to Never have a shortage of stories / anecdotes / 'MacGuyvering tips', and just plain ol' Wisdom. :cool:


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