I was reading an article comparing male vs female preppers. Interesting enough most male preppers tend to focus on defensive tools (i.e. weapons ammo etc) where as women tend to focus on food/water preservation/storage. Basically jist of article was that most tend to place over emphasis on defensive weoponary/gear and not enough on things most essential to survival.
The most essential component to survival is water by far as we supposedly cannot survive more than 3 days without it. In the unlikely SHTF WOROL scenario the value of clean water will trump everything else...even food. I would imagine that many people would be forced to trade for water, food, etc.
Just for fun, how do you think the values of certain items will play out? For instance say you own a lot weapons, defensive gear, etc but run out of water food, etc. How much food or water would say a $1,000 gun be worth? Would it be worth a $1,000 worth of water/food ?
I know it may be a ridiculous question to ask. I'm just curious about hypothetical stuff like this. I just wonder if many items that we believed to be valuable would be worth much in such a scenario.