Pros and Cons of how your BOB looks to others

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for the majority of time that humans have been on the planet they have been hunter/gatherers, agriculture is a blip on the radar of time.
if someone cant grow it, forage it or hunt it they wont be around for long, there wont be any supermarkets post SHTF. most of the sheeple wont survive, not the city sheeple anyway:p
One thing I have learned about gardening, and I'm far from an expert here, is there are factors you can't control. Some years things go well, some not so. I figure if you grow a lot it increases the odds you will actually get something to eat. If it produces well you can preserve some for later, and even share/barter some. During bad times you should at least get something though. It just increases the odds you'll get to eat by planting more. I do have some extra reserves right now around my mid section, and honestly would prefer to keep it!
When the SHTF I am taking my city flock to see bigpaul ;)

Seriously, we will all be with our families and our friends with theirs, the single people are more likely to group with their single friends they know well. If you have another family that are preppers and you do stuff together now, then you are more likely do do stuff together post SHTF. It is really hard to trust new people when the chips are down; there are criminals out there that are very good at gaining people's trust though cunning rather than bullying them with force.

I read a fair bit about survival in war torn places and how people react, also a bit about gangs (but more on the current self-defense side); numbers will win over family. Unless you are all well trained, 4 fit male buddies as a survival group will be stronger against a group of thugs than one survivalist guy, his semi-on board wife, and their two kids...sometimes 2+2 does not equal 4 :(

Gardening has more to do with your bug out location than it does with your BOB so I won't comment here on it other than say that I have done it and it takes time and trial with many errors. We are talking here about the look of your BOB attracting attention, well your garden can attract it as well so think of multiple hidden gardens with your root crops in one place and your bright above ground crops (ie Tomatoes) in a more sheltered (high vegetation) area.
When the SHTF I am taking my city flock to see bigpaul ;)

Seriously, we will all be with our families and our friends with theirs, the single people are more likely to group with their single friends they know well. If you have another family that are preppers and you do stuff together now, then you are more likely do do stuff together post SHTF. It is really hard to trust new people when the chips are down; there are criminals out there that are very good at gaining people's trust though cunning rather than bullying them with force.

I read a fair bit about survival in war torn places and how people react, also a bit about gangs (but more on the current self-defense side); numbers will win over family. Unless you are all well trained, 4 fit male buddies as a survival group will be stronger against a group of thugs than one survivalist guy, his semi-on board wife, and their two kids...sometimes 2+2 does not equal 4 :(

Gardening has more to do with your bug out location than it does with your BOB so I won't comment here on it other than say that I have done it and it takes time and trial with many errors. We are talking here about the look of your BOB attracting attention, well your garden can attract it as well so think of multiple hidden gardens with your root crops in one place and your bright above ground crops (ie Tomatoes) in a more sheltered (high vegetation) area.

In Australia there are a few guys that have identified bug out locations and have gone before the time and planted wild edible some disguised fruit trees in very remote locations so the area is prepared to make it more livable.
for the majority of time that humans have been on the planet they have been hunter/gatherers, agriculture is a blip on the radar of time.
if someone cant grow it, forage it or hunt it they wont be around for long, there wont be any supermarkets post SHTF. most of the sheeple wont survive, not the city sheeple anyway:p

The wildlife was fare more plentiful and population densities were much less also people were much more mobile and moved around as one area became scare in resources moved to another.
I worked for a year in Mongolia the moguls have four seasonal locations they move to with their horses and animals. Also life expectancy living hunter gatherer was very low - if you lived till 30 you were a great grandfather.

If one looks at the early employment contracts for factory workers in England or France they would give the workers benefits like only fish 6 days a week and at least red meat, chicken one day a week. The river Thames had so much fish, it could keep half of England fed. The same for many rivers in the US today, resources are much more scares and most big cites are built on the most productive land leaving only the poorer areas for wildlife.

Yes the city guys will struggle and eventually go into the wilderness areas looking for resources. Most of them are total idiots when it comes to camping, and will set the bush on fire so the forested areas will most likely get burnt to the ground during the dry seasons. There is a hell coming to the world well beyond what we can imagine.
yes but can you TRUST them? that's always been my problem.
in times of adversity people will try to take advantage of others, its human nature.
which is why I want to be as far away from other people as I can get.
We are way off topic here but I could not help myself..

That is the problem with lots of preppers no trust. People only go crazy when they loose hope and have no plan. The powers out and there is no water, no food in supermarkets = start a riot.

Even if you have a bad plan that is going to fail the people in your group will feel secure and come together for hope. People won't just go crazy and start eating each other, esp if you are in a well organised and resourced group. Leaving the group would put them at a big disadvantage. Throughout civilization people have grouped together and thrived. Most preppers post you have to go grey man and hide in the bushes and cower in fear as the gangs will get you. Common guys make your own gang and get a group together. Having a large group in an established area gives one a multiplier effect for security. Also why would a gang attack a large well organised group when there will be thousand of vulnerable people to raid.

My plan 'E' is to commandeer a primary school (large warehouse , industrial complex etc..) that I have already scoped out it is out of town has 6 foot fencing all around lots of brick building and water tanks an acre and a half of open land. Get a group of 20 adults with children and you have a good community.

Lone woolf, one has lack of skills that a group can offer, if you get injured it is by by. One collecting fire wood, cooking, security is far more efficient as a group. If one looks at the reality TV survival TV shows people group together and the groups do better than individuals.
I don't base my survival plan on reality shows. all those people are losers who haven't got a clue and sit around moaning how unfair it all is.
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In Australia there are a few guys that have identified bug out locations and have gone before the time and planted wild edible some disguised fruit trees in very remote locations so the area is prepared to make it more livable.
Great thought as a lot of fruit trees don't really start to produce for a few years. Waiting until something happens isn't going to help at all.
for the majority of time that humans have been on the planet they have been hunter/gatherers, agriculture is a blip on the radar of time.
if someone cant grow it, forage it or hunt it they wont be around for long, there wont be any supermarkets post SHTF. most of the sheeple wont survive, not the city sheeple anyway:p

What! No Walmart! Oh hell I am in trouble already!
Mr Trump is putting 10% tax on all goods from China, - despite it causing a trade war, you might get more US made stuff at a slightly higher cost.

Trumpocalypse? Suddenly Liberals Are The Ones Stockpiling Food, Guns And Emergency Supplies

More US made stuff means more jobs stay here in the US instead of outsourcing to Mexico or other countries...I would be willing to pay a little more to protect American workers jobs. Its time to put American workers first, hell we have families to support too!
More US made stuff means more jobs stay here in the US instead of outsourcing to Mexico or other countries...I would be willing to pay a little more to protect American workers jobs. Its time to put American workers first, hell we have families to support too!
I totally agree, In Australia we have the same problem. The action might push us closer to a SHTF event - well lets get the show on the road...... Way off topic here.. I drove past Bunnings (Oz hardware warehouse a poor equivalent to Wallmart) without stopping it took a lot of willpower. Well off topic again;).

Purchased a 50 pound re-curve bow today, going to try get some skills..... was thinking easy assemblage could fit in a BOB - arrows are a bit long but can be hidden without having too much of an oversize bag.
Make sure you have a bow stringer, it will save your limbs from twisting over time. You can now get take-down arrows or the parts to make your own; however full arrows are best if you have the space.