Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Nothing wrong with wool. Don't want to wear old Jacky Danny on my head though. Not into that stuff. Good looking hat tho.
I yanked mine too. That stuff tastes like charcoal-aged lighter fluid. I think the actual band was just sitting there, the other stuff I cut off with a box knife.
Move over Black Widows (talking spiders 😃), the Scorpions are in the house, literally!! Thank goodness for the scorpion hunters!!
It will all be a "wow, how did we live through it" memory soon!!♥️
it's been great, she is no stranger to project management, but now it's "hers". She has the skills, but now it is HERS, it changes things. I admit it's kinda hard to watch, I did project management for 20 years, but creds to her, she has been stellar.
Screw the Brits. What a pathetic country these days (their government). They've been going downhill ever since the end of WWII. One can only live on previous glory for so long. They have outlived theirs.
So have we. it's a big reason we prep.
I wouldn't know. Never tasted alcohol and not interested. And even on expensive hats the band always seems to be cheap.
You're blessed then. I come from a long line of drunks and a drunk culture to boot, only puking blood from a hole in my stomach and blinding agony every time stopped me! I'm sitting here looking at maybe 200$ in booze covered in dust right now!
So have we. it's a big reason we prep.

You're blessed then. I come from a long line of drunks and a drunk culture to boot, only puking blood from a hole in my stomach and blinding agony every time stopped me! I'm sitting here looking at maybe 200$ in booze covered in dust right now!
I've had several family members die from alcohol. My grandfather was diabetic and started drinking again, he went down very quickly. Two cousins also. The first was a heavy drinker for many years and couldn't quit. His liver was destroyed. When he finally had quit, he applied for a liver transplant. He died a couple of weeks later. His brother quit once or twice and then just gave up. He drank every day until he passed out, and started again as soon as he woke up. One day, he was drinking, started vomiting and tried to get to the bathroom. He died on the floor in the hallway. My mother came as close as you can come. She struggled with alcohol for many years, and had done everything she could to quit. For some time she was on that drug that makes you sick if you drink(can't remember the name). She had been through AA, counseling, everything the system has to offer. She had prayed for help for many years, but when she finally gave up on the doctors and treatments, and realized that it was her own fault for starting drinking in the first place, she cried out to Jesus to help her, and was delivered. Gone. In an instant. That was 12 years ago, and she has never even thought about drinking again. The very sight of it disgusts her. She gave her life to Him after that.
I've had several family members die from alcohol. My grandfather was diabetic and started drinking again, he went down very quickly. Two cousins also. The first was a heavy drinker for many years and couldn't quit. His liver was destroyed. When he finally had quit, he applied for a liver transplant. He died a couple of weeks later. His brother quit once or twice and then just gave up. He drank every day until he passed out, and started again as soon as he woke up. One day, he was drinking, started vomiting and tried to get to the bathroom. He died on the floor in the hallway. My mother came as close as you can come. She struggled with alcohol for many years, and had done everything she could to quit. For some time she was on that drug that makes you sick if you drink(can't remember the name). She had been through AA, counseling, everything the system has to offer. She had prayed for help for many years, but when she finally gave up on the doctors and treatments, and realized that it was her own fault for starting drinking in the first place, she cried out to Jesus to help her, and was delivered. Gone. In an instant. That was 12 years ago, and she has never even thought about drinking again. The very sight of it disgusts her. She gave her life to Him after that.
THANK YOU for sharing that!! Miracles DO happen!!
TikToker divides internet with admission she asks men to see bank account balance on first date: 'Gold digger'
Sofia Franklyn says she considers herself 'very successful' and expects her dates to have similar financial success

Wait, this idiot is a "TikTok Influencer"? I can't think of a less stable non-job than that. I'm glad this sweetheart considers herself "very successful". I'd classify her more as "volatile, extremely high risk". I certainly wouldn't bet on her future. Nor would I want to date her.
https://www.foxnews.com/media/tikto...e-bank-account-balance-first-date-gold-diggerWait, this idiot is a "TikTok Influencer"? I can't think of a less stable non-job than that. I'm glad this sweetheart considers herself "very successful". I'd classify her more as "volatile, extremely high risk". I certainly wouldn't bet on her future. Nor would I want to date her.
On the flip side, I can see her point...
As pretty as she is, she sure wouldn't want a 'leech' latching on to her. I'm sure there are plenty of girls that want to see what a guy has in his 'package' before making a commitment too.
If he wants to wait until after marriage to have sex, alarm bells should go off. gaah
This could go in Opsec or something but I feel like a rant.
A buddy came to visit from out of town. We have known each other a long time and see eye to eye on most things. To include the state of the world, our country etc.
So he called and said they were stopping for lunch. I said well keep an eye on your truck crime is getting bad. He said oh yeah I tell you some stuff when we get there. When he got here he said we were targeted to get robbed or something. They had stopped in a smallish city for breakfast. It was a sit down chain restaurant. He told the waitress he wanted to sit over at the window so he could watch his truck " I have expensive tools in there". Ok mistake #1 TMI, she did not need to know that. He said they got a cup of coffee and ordered. The place was empty but 15 minutes later they still hadn't gotten a refill. About that time a guy came in and sat adjacent to their booth but sideways in his chair facing them. That was weird enough but he was giving them the stink eye. Well my buddy gave him the if you are looking for trouble you found it stare back.
A second and a third guy showed up and sat separately but nearby. Now he starts thinking oh crap. He and his girlfriend both to a bad vibe. He said he slid to the outside edge of the booth so he could stand up if he needed to and had his butter knife and fork in hand. I said wait wait wait! You weren't armed? 😳 He said no I meant to bring it and forgot. Same with his girlfriend. He said he has a concealed carry etc. It just slipped his mind. I said no knife even. Nope he has dozens of them at home just didn't bring one.

Pretty soon one guy gets up and walks outside and deliberately looks in the back of the truck, but keeps waking. About that time another goes to the bathroom. That's when my buddy got up found the waitress and paid for the coffee. He offered to pay for the food but said we are leaving right now. They got out of there intact but holy cow. With the compilation of mistakes and bad timing it's a damn miracle. The theory is the sketchy waitress called some gang banger friends about his "expensive tools".
It just goes to show that folks can talk all day about being prepared and it's just that, a lot of talk.
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Our younger dog got into the trash and ate something that made her sick. Last night she wasn't feeling well. Wouldn't eat anything, wasn't her usual self. Seemed lethargic. Wouldn't cuddle like she normally does. She'd thrown up at least once (I found it and it was too large of a vomit pile to have come from the cats or the other dog). She coughed a few times last night didn't even want water at first. I kept checking on her and got her to drink a few times.

She was feeling worse this afternoon. I was feeling sick this morning and saw she wasn't getting any better. I forgot to mention that she went and hid from me in the morning and I was feeling too cruddy to go look for her. So this afternoon I took her to the vet. Blood in her stool & elevated temp (but not quite fever). No signs of any liver or kidney disease. It was something she ate. Vet called it "trash gut". She can't eat or drink until tomorrow afternoon. She can have some ice chips. I'm going to have to give her medicines starting tomorrow afternoon for the next few days. $299+ some change. Ouch. But hopefully she'll be feeling better.

I put her in my brother's room because she can't get out or get food or water while in there and she can sleep on his bed with him. They also gave her some subcutaneous fluids to rehydrate her. She seemed to be feeling a little better but is still not fully recovered.
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Actually, my brother felt sick too. But I like the way you think.

Just found out the doctor switched me back to Euthyrox after I had a bad reaction to it and I didn't notice bc it was supposed to be levothyroxine. I asked them to remove the euthyrox and flag it as something I couldn't take but they did the reverse. No wonder I've been feeling so cruddy. I've had almost no energy since I got switched back to it, have had stomach aches, and even been having some arrhythmia that I chalked up to feeling stressed out about some things. I'm a bit miffed about it. I tried to refill the levothyroxine from the website and it wouldn't let me. My last doctor appointment he did change it in the system, but it didn't update on the pharmacy page. They will call in the correct one now.
This morning wife reminded me she is having a woman only party tonight. Since she has difficulties going up/down stairs she would appreciate if I carried all the party items she has stacked in the upstairs landing down stairs. Sure no problem. The stuff I carry down for her she wants on the kitchen island countertop. Sure no problem except the island counter is full of items that she’s working on, in the process of putting away or waiting on the Rapture. Breakfast table and dinning room table both are covered with like items. Now I’m instructed to just carry the party items downstairs and put them on the floor somewhere, she’ll more it latter when she had the island counter cleaned off. As the time for the party draws closer she’ll get more and more stressed because she’s running out of time.

She needs three tables set up for the party. After lunch I bring the tables in from the garage and set them up. I start carrying the party items from the upstairs landing and put them on one tables that I set up that is closest to the kitchen island. NO! I‘m carrying some of the wrong items down! This is where I learned that the upstairs landing has a random mix of party items, stuff she’s working on, items in the process of putting away or waiting on the Rapture too. When she has the time she’ll sort or point at what comes down…nope, I’m done and moving on to my next project.
This morning wife reminded me she is having a woman only party tonight. Since she has difficulties going up/down stairs she would appreciate if I carried all the party items she has stacked in the upstairs landing down stairs. Sure no problem. The stuff I carry down for her she wants on the kitchen island countertop. Sure no problem except the island counter is full of items that she’s working on, in the process of putting away or waiting on the Rapture. Breakfast table and dinning room table both are covered with like items. Now I’m instructed to just carry the party items downstairs and put them on the floor somewhere, she’ll more it latter when she had the island counter cleaned off. As the time for the party draws closer she’ll get more and more stressed because she’s running out of time.

She needs three tables set up for the party. After lunch I bring the tables in from the garage and set them up. I start carrying the party items from the upstairs landing and put them on one tables that I set up that is closest to the kitchen island. NO! I‘m carrying some of the wrong items down! This is where I learned that the upstairs landing has a random mix of party items, stuff she’s working on, items in the process of putting away or waiting on the Rapture too. When she has the time she’ll sort or point at what comes down…nope, I’m done and moving on to my next project.
Sounds like the Bunco parties at my house every two months. I have to cook dinner for 12 women, help set up and clean up, but she asks that I either disappear for a few hours, or hide in the bedroom.
Havasu, LOL. Yeah, I realized that.

As an aside, I had a brain fart and forgot that when I last got my thyroid meds, I moved them into a different bottle to make it easier to identify them since I use different colored bottles/caps etc to tell my meds apart. The pharmacist, Joe, put it in the system to NOT let them give me the Euthyrox and that even if the prescription specifically said it, he switched it to Levothyrixone. So, I don't know what is causing the fatigue and cruddy feelings. Maybe the heat. I'm hoping I'll feel better. I did feel relieved that I don't have to worry about being given euthyrox but I hope it comes through with the doctor's office to refill the levothyroxine. Just seeing euthyrox listed pisses me off. LOL.

Also got Joe to correct the size of Mom's syringes in the system so she can get the ones she prefers next time. And he said he'll call my brother's insurance company to see if he can get his insulin replaced. It got ruined when the power went out & his cooler died.

Speaking of his insurance, when he had to re-sign up for insurance he specifically requested (and was approved) for a different Medicaid plan that was better than AETNA. Unfortunately, they completely disregarded his request and put him back on AETNA anyway. It's the one that won't cover some of the meds he needs. He wouldn't have to use daily insulin if they would let him get the weekly shot (which is cheaper in the long run but more expensive up front).

Lazy L and Havasu, I really don't get why people do stuff like that. If you're going to make someone do stuff to prepare for a party I find it rude to not let them be included. But then, I'm single and most of my friends are male. The few women I'm friends with don't pull crap like that. The not having stuff organized and then expecting someone to know what is what reminds me of my mom though. I still remember her wanting me to get "the thing". "What thing?" "The thing in the cabinet?" "What thing in which cabinet?" "The thing in the cabinet near the thing!" At which point I gave up and said "I'm walking away now bc you're not making any damn sense".
New job today, an older couple that bought their house 3 1/2 years ago. It has NOT BEEN CLEANED IN ALL THAT TIME!! Got it whooped into shape!! The lady had the nerve to say her bathtub didn't look like new!! Luckily I took before and after pictures! I then explained that YEARS of build up can make plastic tubs look dingy. I will be going back, but I had to lay down a few laws!!🙄🙄🙄 She is the recipient of the Pearl triple eye roll!!!
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