Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Yeah, emojis can help. Sorry if I seemed to overreact. Sore point for me. I still think about finding the poisoner and ending him.
Yikes! So glad your dogs survived. I had a very sweet cat who caught a mouse that had gotten into rat poison. We didn't know what was wrong with the cat, took him in and got a call later that the cat just started bleeding out and they couldn't save him. We don't use rat poison anymore because of that. My cats do a pretty good job catching the mice and rats they can get to.

That reminds me of how ignorant/stupid some people can be. Made me think of an online friend (I only added her as a friend back when I was playing facebook games and needed to 'friend' people to get more 'neighbors' in the games to help out). She "informed" me that "cats don't hunt rats". I think she was in her late teens early 20s. She went on about how rats were too big and cats wouldn't go after them, etc. I then sent her articles about sailors using cats to hunt rats on ships. I also sent her a photo of the large rats my 5lb cat caught. Cats will hunt rabbits and squirrels as well as rats if they can catch them. And that reminded me of the time someone on a forum called me a redacted moron for saying cows (female ones) have horns and that only bulls have horns and that I was incredibly stupid. I responded with a photo of my female cow with horns right next to her newborn calf. Man did that guy get piled on by other people on the forum. They reamed him for being that stupid and for calling me stupid when I knew more about cows than he did.

Meanwhile, I'm still feeling fatigued. I missed my meds one day and had energy and then took them again and felt tired. So I'm wondering if one or more of my meds is giving me fatigue. I'll have to check the side effects of the ones I take to see if any of them have fatigue. If its any one med I might consider not taking it anymore. I'm thinking of dropping the Metformin because even with food it still wrecks my guts and I'm only taking half the dose prescribed (supposed to take it 2x a day but given that 1x a day is wrecking me, I'm not taking it twice). I do take statins so I'm wondering if I should be taking supplements for vitamins they deplete.

Gonna get on googling the side effects after I post this.
Thanks. Right after I posted and went and looked stuff up. My most recent prescription was for Glimepiride which is in the sulfa drug family and should not be taken by people with sulfa drug allergies. Guess that explains the itching and my face getting some redness and slight swelling. I'm going to try CoQ10 to counteract the atorvastatin and see if that helps me any. I've stopped taking Glimepiride and will ask my pharmacy to flag anything with sulfa next time. I'm still feeling tired but it could be from my sleep schedule being out of whack.
Thanks. Right after I posted and went and looked stuff up. My most recent prescription was for Glimepiride which is in the sulfa drug family and should not be taken by people with sulfa drug allergies. Guess that explains the itching and my face getting some redness and slight swelling. I'm going to try CoQ10 to counteract the atorvastatin and see if that helps me any. I've stopped taking Glimepiride and will ask my pharmacy to flag anything with sulfa next time. I'm still feeling tired but it could be from my sleep schedule being out of whack.
The pharmacy should of had that flagged. Good you caught it, Zannej. I'm also allergic to sulfa drugs, but am not diabetic, so probably wouldn't use it. It's not a pretty sight if I take sulfa.
Most of the cats that were around seem to be gone. There are 2or 3 that might be around still, two were late getting here but one I’ve seen since the beginning. @Pearl did you come over here during the night to capture cats? I think others started feeding them and maybe even took a couple of them in. So that rant is not much of a concern now.
Most of the cats that were around seem to be gone. There are 2or 3 that might be around still, two were late getting here but one I’ve seen since the beginning. @Pearl did you come over here during the night to capture cats? I think others started feeding them and maybe even took a couple of them in. So that rant is not much of a concern now.
It's the warm weather!! They'll be back next week, OR, they'll never be back!! 😉
Are You ready for a good Rant, You Should be...

State Farm seeks an emergency insurance rate increase after LA wildfires. It’s the latest blow to California’s housing market​

According to the company, State Farm General’s surplus available to pay out claims has been depleted, in part due to claims paid out as a result of natural disasters.

State Farm General, California’s largest insurance provider, has requested an emergency interim rate hike averaging 22% for homeowners from state officials on Monday, citing a “dire” financial situation after destructive Los Angeles wildfires last month.

In a letter to California’s Commissioner of Insurance, Ricardo Lara, State Farm said it has already received more than 8,700 claims and paid over $1 billion to customers in the wake of the wildfires.

“We know we will ultimately pay out significantly more, as these fires will collectively be the costliest in the history of the company,” the letter said. State Farm said the emergency interim rate hike was necessary to “help avert a dire situation for our customers and the insurance market in the state of California.”

My Home Ins went up $600 last Year and I am nowhere near any Damage in My State, that increase was because of Some other Area...!!!

How can They Charge before and Damage is even done...???

How much will home insurance rates increase?

The firm’s Home Insurance Projection Report foresees a 6% rise in annual premiums in 2024. The increase will put the national average at $2,522 at the end of the year. With climate experts expecting a devastating hurricane season, home insurance costs are forecast-ed to surge even higher in 2025.
The pharmacy should of had that flagged. Good you caught it, Zannej. I'm also allergic to sulfa drugs, but am not diabetic, so probably wouldn't use it. It's not a pretty sight if I take sulfa.
I checked with them and it specifically said "sulfa antibiotics" and did not include other drugs. Don't know why since they all contain sulfa. My reaction was much milder to this stuff than it was to the antibiotics though. I broke out into hives, my face turned red, and my lips got puffy. I'm normally very pale so people were like "Oh, your lips are so rosy and your lips look fuller! What did you do?" and I said "Allergic reaction" and showed them the hives on my arms. It was bad enough on my arms but it spread to the rest of my body and itched like crazy. The meds I was given to counteract the allergic reaction wrecked my guts so I was not a happy camper.

With this stuff my face was turning red and I was having some itching but no visible rashes or spots.
Are You ready for a good Rant, You Should be...

State Farm seeks an emergency insurance rate increase after LA wildfires. It’s the latest blow to California’s housing market​

According to the company, State Farm General’s surplus available to pay out claims has been depleted, in part due to claims paid out as a result of natural disasters.

State Farm General, California’s largest insurance provider, has requested an emergency interim rate hike averaging 22% for homeowners from state officials on Monday, citing a “dire” financial situation after destructive Los Angeles wildfires last month.

In a letter to California’s Commissioner of Insurance, Ricardo Lara, State Farm said it has already received more than 8,700 claims and paid over $1 billion to customers in the wake of the wildfires.

“We know we will ultimately pay out significantly more, as these fires will collectively be the costliest in the history of the company,” the letter said. State Farm said the emergency interim rate hike was necessary to “help avert a dire situation for our customers and the insurance market in the state of California.”

Ugh. My brother said that they were pre-emptively dropping people's insurance policies (even ones that had just been renewed) to avoid paying out-- or suddenly claiming that the fire insurance didn't actually cover fire damage.

When there were floods in other parts of the states, State Farm jacked up the insurance rates on our vehicles. Our premiums consistently go up while the values of the vehicles depreciate. If it wasn't mandatory to have insurance I'd consider dropping it at this point.

I still need to get my truck fixed. Looks like buying a new truck is not happening right now, and they expect with the new tariffs that car prices will increase by over $3k.

I may need to set up a greenhouse and start trying to do some gardening again. I'm in climate zone 9A. My uncle said to look up guides for my climate zone and he'd dispense any helpful advice from his experience and his expertise as a Master Gardener. He said to plant tomatoes in March around here. My best friend is going to get some chickens for eggs.
Boo. Boo I say.
Need to figure out why this is leaking. Going to see if my friend can come try to tighten it. Then will have to take it apart and check the o-ring.
Why do people say the have to visit the “Eye Doctor”?
Is it all the difficult to say…Optometrist or Ophthalmologist?
The never say they’re going to the “Teeth Doctor, Brain Doctor or Butt Doctor”.
Probably because we can't remember if its an optometrist or opthamologist and a lot of people don't even know those terms. I can never remember which is which and there's a high chance people wouldn't know what I was talking about if I used the technical term. Dentist is an easier term to remember, although people usually don't differentiate between a regular dentist and an odontologist.

As an aside, I did know someone who referred to doctors by what they treated instead of by the technical terms. She only had a 3rd grade education though and she didn't understand that the "eye doctor" couldn't diagnose or treat her stomach problems.
Went to get my plumbing fixed and discovered that a part that was pulled for me by an HD employee was the wrong thing. well, worse than that, it was the right box but someone had taken the real product out and swapped it with something different. So I couldn't get things hooked up. I'm going to take it back to HD and see if they will let me exchange it. If not, I'll eat the $6 and get a new one and make sure its the right one.
Also, turns out the union in the pump house was leaking because the O-ring wasn't seated properly. Friend fixed that.
but the entire bottom of the cabinet under the sink crumbled and there is a big gaping hole in the floor to boot. I'm going to have to figure out how to patch both of those and hope the rot doesn't extend under the other cabinets.
I know how to patch the underside of the cabinet. Floor is a different matter. I don't want mice and snakes getting up in there. Maybe some great stuff sprayed all around. LOL.
I am so disgusted with the “beggars” at the entrances to Walmart parking lots. On several occasions I parked and watch for a while. Usually there is some late model rolling stock (SUV’s, Motorhomes, etc.) parked close by. When they need a brea from begging, they retreat to their vehicle. In some cases, I’ve seen “relief beggars” exit the vehicle and take a turn begging while the first beggar takes a well deserved break. I believe in helping someone who is truly in need, but so many of the people are just thieves, stealing help that could have gone to someone truly in need.
I am so disgusted with the “beggars” at the entrances to Walmart parking lots. On several occasions I parked and watch for a while. Usually there is some late model rolling stock (SUV’s, Motorhomes, etc.) parked close by. When they need a brea from begging, they retreat to their vehicle. In some cases, I’ve seen “relief beggars” exit the vehicle and take a turn begging while the first beggar takes a well deserved break. I believe in helping someone who is truly in need, but so many of the people are just thieves, stealing help that could have gone to someone truly in need.
And the panhandlers with their signs!!!! I have a friend who would hand them a written list of stores and businesses that were hiring!
I don't mind the ones who dance or play musical instruments. There's a guy who stands on the corner in front of Walmart playing some kind of tuba or something (I suck at identifying instruments so can't remember what it was exactly). It was good music. And I see some that are missing limbs and know that means employers can pay them less than minimum wage. Having a vehicle doesn't mean they have an actual home to live in though. Never seen any of them go to an RV or anything around here. And certainly never seen them swap out. I do know panhandling can be lucrative and it does take some work and they risk heat stroke, being mugged, and being hit by cars. One dude got his foot run over by a car- someone was mad at him for panhandling and rolled up on the sidewalk to run him over on purpose and he lost his foot. They are still human beings so I won't ever be mean to them, but that doesn't mean I'm going to stop and give them money. I do hate when they block traffic though. That gets annoying.

As an aside, my sister had a friend who got asked for money by a beggar and when he took out his wallet, the guy attacked him and tried to steal his wallet. He ended up knocking the beggar out. He never stopped to a panhandler again.
thank you

i made a post to see if i was on naughty list too.....lol
I'm sure I'm on the "naughty list" for some. I refuse to use the ignore button and just keep my mouth shut rather than be baited into a confrontation. Internet warriors and all that. Or is it arm chair quarterbacks? I lose count and forget sometimes.
I don't use the ignore button either
I agree.
I want to see the the whole picture.
Without the 'bad', good just becomes 'normal'. :(
...And I lost my thin skin back when I was a teenager and a big bull ground my azz into the dirt. :mad:
For some reason after that, taking the glowing red-hot branding-iron and sticking it to their butt didn't make me feel bad anymore.:)
How can They Charge before and Damage is even done...???

How much will home insurance rates increase?

The firm’s Home Insurance Projection Report foresees a 6% rise in annual premiums in 2024. The increase will put the national average at $2,522 at the end of the year. With climate experts expecting a devastating hurricane season, home insurance costs are forecast-ed to surge even higher in 2025.
Because we let them get away with it, then we get deny, defend depose.
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