Rant of the Day (part 2) {keep it non-political)

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Bleach. I had the same issue with syrup cans.
You know you can run a tap and a hose from the bottom of a barrel straight to where you need it, right?
I think of lazy crap like this all the time, you should see how I solved my grocery problem.

doesn't have a tap, barrels with those cost a bunch extra, plus it wasn't a huge amount of work. We carry water around for the animals all the time. This water is just for backup. We have larger tanks with taps on the bottom ( ICB totes)
But what surprised me is just how much water a load of laundry uses up, about 30 gallons. Wow
At our local industrial supply, you can get a brass tap for 8.00 and 30 feet of silicon web hose for a buck a foot.

Protip 76239:
Always shop the local industrial supply first if you like saving money!
Home Depot:
100 drywall screws, 9$
Local industrial supply: 7$ A POUND!

Check this out: a 50' American-made freeze-proof water hose 35$! When I get to replacing the plumbing in my trailer, its not going to be PVC or copper at those prices! that hose can literally swell to the size of a football and laugh it off!
Since I'm too lazy to go through the last 2 or 3 pages of (part 1), I am starting a new "Rant of the Day" thread.

Please leave the political out of this thread.

Also, you can go to the other thread and use the +quote to capture a post to use in this thread if necessary. But unless it's nice, please don't bother, as it will save us time from deleting it and the fuss it causes.

Thanks gang.
When driving on highways, the thing to do in the country was to hit your brights and shine back on the approaching vehicle with its bright lights on. I have never been someone who likes to drive in the dark (due to astigmatism) so I have little memory if I ever did that.

I heard many stories about a highway patrolman in South Dakota who would deliberately drive with his brights on while approaching cars, waiting for them to turn their bright lights on so he could stop them and ticket them.
We had 2 Keurigs, a K cup & a regular coffee pot. My wife saw that they made 1 maker that would do both things. Her idea was to save counter space & replace what we had with the new maker, which we did. The problem is that it has 1 water reservoir, which makes 12 cups of coffee. I make that pot when I get up. So far, so good. The problem is that she make single cups of coffee, tea, coco & also uses it to make cups of soup. Basically, any time she makes a hot drink she uses it. That means that it seems like every time I walk through the kitchen, I have to add water to it. It's like a mini gym work out randomly all day long by picking up 3-gallon water bottles & pouring them.
I have had the idea that these things could be hooked up to water supply with a quick release of some sort so that it always has access to water.
I also have an idea that washing machines can have a reservoir for laundry soap and fabric softener that can hold a gallon or more of the liquids. Of course, you would get a message on the machine when you needed to refill these reservoirs.
Are you open to blueprints? Where I used to work, we had to add a certain kind of air freshener to the latex, I made the gadget that did it. it was a 30-gallon dye barrel with 2 small U-clamps on the side, a toilet tank float, a spigot and a plastic driveway reflector rod, and a doorbell switch, when the gunk dropped to 3/4ths of a tank, it raised hell!
At our local industrial supply, you can get a brass tap for 8.00 and 30 feet of silicon web hose for a buck a foot.

Protip 76239:
Always shop the local industrial supply first if you like saving money!
Home Depot:
100 drywall screws, 9$
Local industrial supply: 7$ A POUND!

Check this out: a 50' American-made freeze-proof water hose 35$! When I get to replacing the plumbing in my trailer, its not going to be PVC or copper at those prices! that hose can literally swell to the size of a football and laugh it off!
ok, how would you cut a small round hole in a very heavy duty think plastic barrel to install that tap? Drill it? I thought of this, but had a feeling it would end up either broken, us injured, or at the very least it would leak.....so LOL, water buckets seemed like the best idea

oh and it was a sort of bad idea after all, now my laundry smells like China plastic LOL, but I am not washing it again. I am hoping it will not smell after it dries
There are cheaper ones, I got a new set of DeWalt for 10$ on sale.
Use the one that corresponds to your tap thread size and slather it with epoxy, then screw on a pipe connector on the inside and a couple of washers outside for a snug fit.

You can make a nice water filter using the same method, a 5-gallon bucket, and a spare Berkey filter.
There, I saved somebody a hundred bucks and never even hit google. :)
ok, how would you cut a small round hole in a very heavy duty think plastic barrel to install that tap? Drill it? I thought of this, but had a feeling it would end up either broken, us injured, or at the very least it would leak.....so LOL, water buckets seemed like the best idea

oh and it was a sort of bad idea after all, now my laundry smells like China plastic LOL, but I am not washing it again. I am hoping it will not smell after it dries
I just use a small hole saw on my cordless drill. Mine never leak. I use a barrel for watering pigs with a couple nipples screwed in the holes. I use another one for watering the meat chicken. I have it plumbed with pvc pipe going to several water cups.
There are cheaper ones, I got a new set of DeWalt for 10$ on sale.
Use the one that corresponds to your tap thread size and slather it with epoxy, then screw on a pipe connector on the inside and a couple of washers outside for a snug fit.

You can make a nice water filter using the same method, a 5-gallon bucket, and a spare Berkey filter.
There, I saved somebody a hundred bucks and never even hit google. :)
doesn't say you can use them on plastic, just wood
We still have a little snow up here. It'll probably be a few more weeks before I can reach the barrels.
So my Samsclub curbside order came out 30+min late (as in over 30min after I parked and texted that I was ready). But whoever was handling the order told the system that my stuff had been delivered long before it actually was brought out. I saw in the app it was saying I already picked up my order but it hadn't been brought out. I was heading in to the store when the person came out with my stuff. I think they probably put it in the system for the same reason fast food places have you pull forward-- so it looks like they got the order out faster when they really didn't.

But before that, as I was going to the post office someone ran a red light to my right (I was going straight and they were turning right). I had to slam on my brakes to avoid hitting them. I had a green and this person didn't even slow down. People really don't pay attention.

Then there was the rude jerk who cut in line in front of everyone and almost rammed the woman in front of me in line at Walmart. He was rushing and just pushed through to cut in line and then an employee defended him by saying he was doing a shop and deliver. They should have a separate line or checkout for that. Doesn't mean he has to nearly run people over with his cart and cut in front of everyone with a full cart of stuff like he did.

Furthermore, one of the pairs of glasses I got for my Mom has a crack in the lens that I didn't see in the store. It wasn't until it was out of the container that we saw it. So I'll have to take it back and see if they will accept the return.
I must be in the minority here but I like the LED headlights-- well, on my own truck. I tend to get bright white rather than any shade of blue. But then I live out in an area with no lights so I need bright lights to actually see when driving. after dark I don't like the blue lights though. And I hate when people leave their high beams on.
Was wondering why the pup was so quiet, thought he was gnawing on his rawhide bone, but it wasn't that, it was my flipphone. The phone is totally gnawed up, mangled, really, looks laughable. It still works.
That little big jerk! Hilarious it still works. He's being quiet because he thinks you will not notice him and ruin his fun. He needs a big ol' beef bone.
The wife's Grand Cherokee has the blue LED lights. I don't have a problem with them. We never have much traffic at night around here anyway. On my Jeep I have two large driving lights mounted on the winch bumper, they really light up the area at night. They help me see the deer and cows on side of the road.
I wonder if the blue lights on cop vehicles are designed to bork people's eyes. I remember driving home as it was getting dark when the Woodworthless police set up some impromptu checkpoint. No idea why and as far as I know its not legal to have them that far from the border, but its not like the cops there actually follow the law. The flashing blue lights blinded me and made it hard for me to see when I was driving away after they checked my ID, license, and registration. I did comment to the guy who checked my documents that the lights were screwing with my eyesight. He did not care. Probably hoped people would be driving erratically after having their vision impaired so they could ticket them. (As a note, the Woodworthless cops are notorious for bogus tickets and getting most of the town's income from traffic tickets- and while they have a courthouse they don't have an actual judge and there is no way to actually fight a ticket there. Their reputation is even known in Texas).

Cats keep fighting and I can't seem to get my brother motivated to take them in to get their rabies shots (required for neutering) and then get them neutered. Sometimes Princess is able to break them up but most of the time I have to get up and separate them. I need to get my brother to get the cats neutered.
Since I'm too lazy to go through the last 2 or 3 pages of (part 1), I am starting a new "Rant of the Day" thread.

Please leave the political out of this thread.

Also, you can go to the other thread and use the +quote to capture a post to use in this thread if necessary. But unless it's nice, please don't bother, as it will save us time from deleting it and the fuss it causes.

Thanks gang.
There ain't no way in creation am I ever going to rant This the most ranting I'm ever going to do.:dunno:😀
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I remember driving home as it was getting dark when the Woodworthless police set up some impromptu checkpoint. No idea why and as far as I know its not legal to have them that far from the border, but its not like the cops there actually follow the law.
Checkpoints are legal anywhere on American soil. My state requires a brief notification on social media, but the location is not advertised.
Post office rant....well i ordered a package from watertown,ma. all it had to do was travel down the coast and then to me....its been done like that before from various new england points...wanna guess where my package was sent...to Indianapolis,Indiana....its been sitting there for days now....wth....i mean you cant even order 3 sticks and get them sent properly through the mail....i bet my scion wood is a heated environment too...probably be budded out and blooming and maybe set fruit by time it escapes that big ass city !

******* i tell ya....we can do better i think.

look we cant post retard-s word now....!

we can use word retard but not retard with s on end...dang s's get you in trouble every time !
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Post office rant....well i ordered a package from watertown,ma. all it had to do was travel down the coast and then to me....its been done like that before from various new england points...wanna guess where my package was sent...to Indianapolis,Indiana....its been sitting there for days now....wth....i mean you cant even order 3 sticks and get them sent properly through the mail....i bet my scion wood is a heated environment too...probably be budded out and blooming and maybe set fruit by time it escapes that big ass city !

******* i tell ya....we can do better i think.
Probably sent by FedEx or UPS.