Rant of the Day (part 2) {keep it non-political)

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Post office rant....well i ordered a package from watertown,ma. all it had to do was travel down the coast and then to me....its been done like that before from various new england points...wanna guess where my package was sent...to Indianapolis,Indiana....its been sitting there for days now....wth....i mean you cant even order 3 sticks and get them sent properly through the mail....i bet my scion wood is a heated environment too...probably be budded out and blooming and maybe set fruit by time it escapes that big ass city !

******* i tell ya....we can do better i think.

look we cant post retard-s word now....!

we can use word retard but not retard with s on end...dang s's get you in trouble every time !
Post office rant....well i ordered a package from watertown,ma. all it had to do was travel down the coast and then to me....its been done like that before from various new england points...wanna guess where my package was sent...to Indianapolis,Indiana....its been sitting there for days now....wth....i mean you cant even order 3 sticks and get them sent properly through the mail....i bet my scion wood is a heated environment too...probably be budded out and blooming and maybe set fruit by time it escapes that big ass city !

******* i tell ya....we can do better i think.

look we cant post retard-s word now....!

we can use word retard but not retard with s on end...dang s's get you in trouble every time !
I got a package from Wisconsin ( seeds) and it went from there to Texas, to South Carolina, to Roanoke and finally to here
Yesterday we had a Budget rental car come up looking to deliver a package to a neighbor on a different street. They were lost. Not sure what it was
but my package straight from CHINA got here no problem! ( containers for the market)
Cats decided to supersoak my bed last night. Don't know if it was one cat or more but it was on my favorite blanket. Woke up to it soaking wet. Had to wash some bedding. Checked the lint filter in the dryer and it was packed full of a bunny size of lint. My brother was the last one to use the dryer.

So the word "retarded" can mean "hindered" or "slow" but if you say retard with an s the inference is toward a group of people and apparently sometime in the past decade or so it has been deemed offensive. I still remember back when television without pity forums existed. Rules were that swearing was allowed and if you didn't like it go somewhere else. I posted that my internet was being retarded. Got a PM from someone over a decade younger than me "informing" me that maybe I was "too young to know" it, but that "the R-word" was offensive and "not acceptable" and urged me to not use it anymore and said that it was highly offensive and that if I chose not to comply she wouldn't say anything. I responded to her with the rules of the forums and language and explained that I was talking about my internet not people and that I wasn't going to modify my language for her. She ended up replying to me saying I must be a hateful person, she hoped no special needs person ever had to be subjected to me blah blah blah. I laughed to myself and didn't respond. I seriously considered responding with "Are you offended because you're retarded?" But decided to not reply at all. When I was growing up we called each other "retard" and "retarded" all the time in a lighthearted way. Same person later sent me a PM with some link to an article about "why the R-word is bad" or something like that. I told her I wasn't interested in her propaganda and to cease messaging me. Now, I get why people who are special needs or who have special needs family members who get discriminated against or treated badly might find it offensive when someone is called retarded. It's a sore point for some people. But people take it too far and I wasn't talking about human beings. Some people just look for excuses to be offended. Nowadays I do try to refrain from calling people "retarded" even though when I was growing up it was considered more polite than the official designations of "idiot" "imbecile" and "moron". For those who don't know, those words were official medical designations for people based on IQ assessment.

It is interesting how language changes and what offends people. I'm more offended by people saying "Her and him went to xyz" bc it should be "he and she". I know its a silly thing to be bugged by, but it bugs the hell out of me when people say him or her instead of he or she.
I get tired of people changing words that are acceptable or not acceptable. Words that were acceptable in the past, but are now deemed bad by someone.
Retard is one of those, so I use it often in protest. Oriental is another, that word has been changed to Asian. Except on Ramon Noodles packs. That still says oriental.
Post office rant....well i ordered a package from watertown,ma. all it had to do was travel down the coast and then to me....its been done like that before from various new england points...wanna guess where my package was sent...to Indianapolis,Indiana....its been sitting there for days now....wth....i mean you cant even order 3 sticks and get them sent properly through the mail....i bet my scion wood is a heated environment too...probably be budded out and blooming and maybe set fruit by time it escapes that big ass city !

******* i tell ya....we can do better i think.

look we cant post retard-s word now....!

we can use word retard but not retard with s on end...dang s's get you in trouble every time !
well about those retardos at usps....today in my mailbox was a bundle of 3 tiny sticks i was wanting...i just wanna know how did that happen over 100's of miles in short order....

i wanna be clear...i may have said certain words...but i am so thankful for our usps...ups....and even fedex systems...if if delayed and more...if not for it getting items would not be a thing even...i cant imagine in future what it would look like without it to be honest.
I get tired of people changing words that are acceptable or not acceptable. Words that were acceptable in the past, but are now deemed bad by someone.
Retard is one of those, so I use it often in protest. Oriental is another, that word has been changed to Asian. Except on Ramon Noodles packs. That still says oriental.
I agree. It's so frustrating. I was recently told that the word "Gypsy" was considered offensive. Said it had negative connotations. That was a new one on me. As for the Asian/Oriental its considered acceptable to call objects Oriental but not people apparently. The people are Asians and the objects are Oriental. I heard that from an Asian woman who was asking for people to not call her Oriental bc she wasn't a rug and she was a person and she explained the difference. Ah semantics. I will say, if someone is part of the group and find being called something offensive I will respect their wishes. It's the people who are not part of the group who get offended on behalf of others that I have a problem with. Like those who accuse people of "cultural appropriation" over everything.

There's a little guy named Brad Williams-- standup comedian-- who has done quite a few comedy routines addressing political correctness. He said that being offended on behalf of someone else is offensive on its own bc its implying that the people they are supposedly defending are too stupid or helpless to defend themselves and that it is completely disrespectful. He also said that he had someone who was not small come up to him after a show and tell him that she was offended by him using the word "midget". She told him it was "as bad as the N-word". His response was "Midget please!"

Meanwhile, I'm now worrying about Mom since hearing about Gene Hackman's wife dying of Hantavirus. I need to form some plan to get her desk cleared off. I have to do it while she's there to tell me where stuff can go and have her decide what is trash and what is not so she won't scream at me and accuse me of losing her tax forms or something like she did last time (turns out they were in her purse-- she still refuses to apologize for that). She's had a persistent cough and her desk is filthy.

My other gripe is that my brother decided to use my blender to make salsa using ingredients to which I'm allergic. Mom saw him with onions and jalapeños and told him to not put them in my blender but he ignored her. I was feeding Rupert wet food at the time. The lingering smell in the kitchen made my eyes burn and now i'm nauseous. I saw the base of my blender but couldn't find the top half that holds stuff. It is a portable one so you can take the container part and use it to drink from. I eventually found it in the fridge soaking up all the stuff and I'm sure he won't wash it thoroughly after. He has his own blender in an unopened box that he could have used. I told him that I'm going to ninja his blender since he put that crap in my blender and I don't know how well it will wash out. I know they are designed to be washed out easily but sometimes its hard to get the stuff out and just knowing it was in there might cause a psychosomatic reaction.
It sounds like your new blender is your brother's unopened one in the box! He should keep the one he ruined.
The offensive word changes....It took me awhile to figure out the word for a normal woman who likes a man is called a Cisgender woman. I don't like that word, and to be called a white Cis really gets me going. People can't just going around changing words and expecting everyone to start using the new word because someone believes the old one is offensive. Totally retardo. Not awesome at all.
I'm bummed. I just found out one of my new friends is dying of cancer, he might have 6 months.
Why is it that when I make a new friend or get a girlfriend, they're dead within a year or something else happens to them? I'm starting to believe I'm the Flying Dutchman in human form over here!

No worries, internet people seem to be safe until we meet.
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Rant #2 in two days... PEACHES!
So there I am, eating my fruit salad, and I notice the peaches taste a bit "off," some kind of chemical taste, and I'm not liking it! So I dug my can out of the trash, and lo and behold... PRODUCT OF CHINA!
I live in the f*king peach state, for crying out loud. What does a man have to do to get a can of peaches that don't taste like formaldehyde? Even now, it's burning my tongue, and damn it, I bought a case of these f*king things! Do we not even can the stuff we grow here anymore?!
Rant #2 in two days... PEACHES!
So there I am, eating my fruit salad, and I notice the peaches taste a bit "off," some kind of chemical taste, and I'm not liking it! So I dug my can out of the trash, and lo and behold... PRODUCT OF CHINA!
I live in the f*king peach state, for crying out loud. What does a man have to do to get a can of peaches that don't taste like formaldehyde? Even now, it's burning my tongue, and damn it, I bought a case of these f*king things! Do we not even can the stuff we grow here anymore?!
That got me kind of curious, so I checked a couple of our cans of fruit. Our peaches and pears are grown in the US. The mandrian oranges are from China or Thailand. It pays to check the labels before buying.
Rant #2 in two days... PEACHES!
So there I am, eating my fruit salad, and I notice the peaches taste a bit "off," some kind of chemical taste, and I'm not liking it! So I dug my can out of the trash, and lo and behold... PRODUCT OF CHINA!
I live in the f*king peach state, for crying out loud. What does a man have to do to get a can of peaches that don't taste like formaldehyde? Even now, it's burning my tongue, and damn it, I bought a case of these f*king things! Do we not even can the stuff we grow here anymore?!
Nope. Blame inflation and regulations.
I get tired of people changing words that are acceptable or not acceptable. Words that were acceptable in the past, but are now deemed bad by someone.
Retard is one of those, so I use it often in protest. Oriental is another, that word has been changed to Asian. Except on Ramon Noodles packs. That still says oriental.
and yet those Rugs that get "Walked On" are still called Oriental Rugs...?!?
eBay and PayPal have made over 25% of what I have in last few days, and that's a sizeable chunk of change.
Me "Thinks" maybee You should increase Your S/H fees to include Packing Material(Ins) and offset what eBay and PP make off of Your Sales...?!? :lightbulb:
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Having been a contractor to Federal Agencies for several decades, the thing that I hated most was when we were told to evaluate this technology but this is the "correct answer" we want to support... In other words, support our agenda by miss-representing the truth. I was never good at this type of lying, but many University professors were willing to take the money to deliver the right answer. One thing I saw a lot was to never give a full picture, say only provide information for every 3 years so you can't see the real trend. The other thing is to claim impacts using data from 20 years ago, but failing to disclose that you are using old data to support your assumptions about a technology today.

Anyway now I am hearing that the government wants to change they are calculating GDP, so it tells the "correct story". I think that this is bad for everyone. It is lying at the official level. Yes, all the political people do it but lying is always wrong and I hate to see it in any form... That's my rant.. Sorry it is a little political and I acknowledge that...
That got me kind of curious, so I checked a couple of our cans of fruit. Our peaches and pears are grown in the US. The mandrian oranges are from China or Thailand. It pays to check the labels before buying.
I did. the boxes said nothing!
Got a brand for me on them peaches and fruit?
Having been a contractor to Federal Agencies for several decades, the thing that I hated most was when we were told to evaluate this technology but this is the "correct answer" we want to support... In other words, support our agenda by miss-representing the truth. I was never good at this type of lying, but many University professors were willing to take the money to deliver the right answer. One thing I saw a lot was to never give a full picture, say only provide information for every 3 years so you can't see the real trend. The other thing is to claim impacts using data from 20 years ago, but failing to disclose that you are using old data to support your assumptions about a technology today.

Anyway now I am hearing that the government wants to change they are calculating GDP, so it tells the "correct story". I think that this is bad for everyone. It is lying at the official level. Yes, all the political people do it but lying is always wrong and I hate to see it in any form... That's my rant.. Sorry it is a little political and I acknowledge that...
There IS Always One...!!! :ghostly:
It sounds like your new blender is your brother's unopened one in the box! He should keep the one he ruined.
The offensive word changes....It took me awhile to figure out the word for a normal woman who likes a man is called a Cisgender woman. I don't like that word, and to be called a white Cis really gets me going. People can't just going around changing words and expecting everyone to start using the new word because someone believes the old one is offensive. Totally retardo. Not awesome at all.
If you use the words "cis" or "cisgender" on Twitter your tweets get hidden or deleted and you get temp banned apparently. Even asking "What is cisgender" triggers the algorithm to penalize you.
Oh, and our canned grapefruit is from Mexico.
Well, I never have to worry about that since I never liked grapefruit and can't eat it bc I take statins.

Daylight savings time is not helping me to get on a regular schedule. LOL. Think I've got a kidney stone on my right side now.