This was my Brother's Ranger, I believe it was a 96. He redid the whole interior, cut the springs to lower it, added huge tires with Cragers on it, added headers and a few other engine mods, redid the front screen. Then some Illegal ran a red light and smashed into the drivers side front. Hit it so hard the engine rolled out, split the frame in 2 places. Both front tires and wheels blew apart and the drivers side rear cracked. The Illegal, of course, had no insurance, no license, nothing. Fortunately, a Police officer saw it and knew that he did run the light, not my Brother. Broke my Brothers hand, slight concussion and he kept what was left of the truck! Why I don't know, he still has the engine, transmission 5 speed and interior parts in his garage. His insurance paid a little but basically he got screwed. It was a Nice truck!