They just stopped by and he saud he really liked the 380. My daughter liked it so much she took it and gave him her Taurus.
His is a Ruger
Girls can be so mean some times. Right in the heart. So cruel.
They just stopped by and he saud he really liked the 380. My daughter liked it so much she took it and gave him her Taurus.
His is a Ruger
I have a 1955 Smith & Wesson 2" air weight Chiefs Special in .38 special . Yes it is the original . If I were recommending something new that you could go to most Gun Shops and pick up it would be the Ruger LCR in .357 Magnum . Light concealable and wide range of ammo .[/QUOTE
Thanks Psalm. Most revolvers I have seen have the long barrell I can't have in my purse. I've also noticed revolvers are more expensive. I assumed they would be cheaper. My bad.
Keep in mind that different ranges rent guns, and you can try a variety to see which ones work best for you.Great feedback TF. I carry in my purse and the 9mm S&W adds lots of weight. Maybe if I went with a 9mm with a small capacity it woyld help. My SIL has a 380 but I've never used it. My 9mm is rather hard to chamber.
I was thinking a revolver would be easier all around. If you cant the job done with 6 shots that's pretty bad. BUT, ther coyld be multiple assailants and I would need the 9 or 10 I can get into mine. I can't fill it because it's too hard.
Thank you.The Czechs made a Mak in 380 ACP, the CZ model 83 (identical to the model 82 which was in 9×18 Makarov)
Well made, not very expensive (you can find them in good shape for under $400)