Remember I'm curious not criticising. Guys if we accept the US has lots of guns both legal and illegal, and good people and bad people. So why dont US schools REGARDLESS of size do what many British schools have done, IE Accept young people do stupid things and FENCE off each school completely and only allow access through one or two entry points fitted with scanners / metal detectors or even campus cops? The shootings are not going to stop thats a simple fact but making it much harder for bad people to access the school grounds IS ACHIEVABLE ........ isnt it ?
Remember I'm curious not criticising. Guys if we accept the US has lots of guns both legal and illegal, and good people and bad people. So why dont US schools REGARDLESS of size do what many British schools have done, IE Accept young people do stupid things and FENCE off each school completely and only allow access through one or two entry points fitted with scanners / metal detectors or even campus cops? The shootings are not going to stop thats a simple fact but making it much harder for bad people to access the school grounds IS ACHIEVABLE ........ isnt it ?