If in a post SHTF event and we are in a longterm lawless world . On a LPRP and scouting for suplies you come across a seemingly abandoned house and thruogh survaliance you decide the property is clear you have to clear the house room by room . It would be best if you could do this from the top down but no chopper so that ain't happening . If you are by yourself or your companion is not a great combattant they stack behind you . you get to the door a side or rear door would be prefered and listen stay low and to the side with the door knob no noise . you have to commit to opening that door . Not locked use the door knob as with most common doors if locked a strong shoulder will open it . Once the door is opened stay back just a little clear (visibly) everything you can first see then clear to the left then right then step up to the door clear left then right step on in . find the doorway to the next room same proceadure Hallway then living room clearing behind any large furniture or any closet . leave each door open to rooms cleared and leave a chair or somthing in the dooway so it want close so you know where you have cleared . Now upstairs look up clear visibly what you can see then commit to the climb clear left then right same room proceadures as brfore . Dangerous work keep in mind when you come to a corner stay off the wall and ease around the corner looking through your weapon site both eyes open clearing as you go steping around the corner but off the wall mid way of the walk way do not bend and peak . Keep normal shooting stance with a little crouch some say a Groucho walk ( not sure of the comeidians name spelling ) You are sliceing the pie as you corner . The big secrete to room clearing that many spend $$$$ on hireing a "instructor" to teach is Gutts , observe , alert , . Slow is smooth smooth is fast .
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