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Awesome Friend
Dec 29, 2012
I shredded my cabbage heads and added pickling salt ( 3 tablespoons of salt is a rough guideline for 5 pounds of cabbage) The salt pulls water out of the cabbage. I put this into a 5 gallon bucket weight down with a plate and a couple jars filled with water and let it ferment for 4 weeks (your temp will alter)/ Put in prepared canning jars and processed for 35 minute
Sauerkaut. . . yes it is misspelled, sorry for any English majors sauerkraut
Was looking for canning recipe for Kraute . I had old preelectric directions where you use a layer of cabbage layer of salt over and over in a crock . It said you could can if you wanted or just leave sitting in crock until gone . Never tried this . I misspell or typo somthing on every post and no one has pointed it out yet don't think there is any English majors here . Have seen same on others and I didn't see the need to point it out .
how many cabbage heads we talking about here when it comes to 3 tablespoons of salt? or does it not matter?
Was looking for canning recipe for Kraute . I had old preelectric directions where you use a layer of cabbage layer of salt over and over in a crock . It said you could can if you wanted or just leave sitting in crock until gone . Never tried this . I misspell or typo somthing on every post and no one has pointed it out yet don't think there is any English majors here . Have seen same on others and I didn't see the need to point it out .
I tried keeping mine in a crock last year, but with our weather the way it is, hot and humid it does not keep that way.
how many cabbage heads we talking about here when it comes to 3 tablespoons of salt? or does it not matter?
It would really depend on the size of your heads. . . small of big 1 head can weigh up to 5 lbs
ok,that makes since..i guess is it safe t say 3 tablespoons of salt to every 5LB'S of cabbage?
Hubby and I just did 1 large head as an experiment. After just 4 days it's already good.
The recipe we used said to ferment 3-10 days. Start tasting at 3 and when it reached your taste cap for up yo 2 months.
The recipe we used said to ferment 3-10 days. Start tasting at 3 and when it reached your taste cap for up yo 2 months.

Yeah, we usually do ours for two weeks and we ferment it in a crock. But...this is Colorado, no heat and certainly no humidity!!
We also make Sweet German husband's Great-Grandmother's recipe. It has homemade applesauce mixed in with it! Its stellar!

Shenandoah,any chance for recipe over that sweet sauerkraut?? would love to try
Shenandoah,any chance for recipe over that sweet sauerkraut?? would love to try

Here is the entire recipe from my husband's Amish, Great-Grandma Stophel:
2 heads Cabbage
3 Tblsp Salt (non-iodized)
Cut Cabbage into thin slices & break apart, a handful at time. Put into a bowl & sprinkle each layer with salt until all Cabbage is in the bowl. Put into a crock, one handful at a time and mash it down as you go. Pack tightly. Boil 1 quart of water with 1/2 Tblsp salt and pour over the cabbage. Put your red oak disc on top of the cabbage and mash it down. Per Great-Grandma's recipe, "...get a goot heavy rock, washed for certain, and put the rock on top of ye disc." This keeps the cabbage in the brine it creates. Place lid on the crock. Every 2 days or so, remove the lid and mash the cabbage down, leaving the disc and rock in place.
After 1 week, open and remove the Cabbage Scum. Then put the disc and rock back on and again mashing the cabbage down every 2 days for another week. Takes a total of 2 weeks. Open and Enjoy!
German Sweet Kraut:
1 quart Kraut
1 quart Applesauce
1 onion
2 Tblsp Brown Sugar
1 Tsp Garlic Powder
1/2 Tsp Pepper
1 Tblsp Oil
Mix in saucepan, heat until the sugar is dissolved. That's it! I make this and can it, cans beautifully.

Here is the entire recipe from my husband's Amish, Great-Grandma Stophel:
2 heads Cabbage
3 Tblsp Salt (non-iodized)
Cut Cabbage into thin slices & break apart, a handful at time. Put into a bowl & sprinkle each layer with salt until all Cabbage is in the bowl. Put into a crock, one handful at a time and mash it down as you go. Pack tightly. Boil 1 quart of water with 1/2 Tblsp salt and pour over the cabbage. Put your red oak disc on top of the cabbage and mash it down. Per Great-Grandma's recipe, "...get a goot heavy rock, washed for certain, and put the rock on top of ye disc." This keeps the cabbage in the brine it creates. Place lid on the crock. Every 2 days or so, remove the lid and mash the cabbage down, leaving the disc and rock in place.
After 1 week, open and remove the Cabbage Scum. Then put the disc and rock back on and again mashing the cabbage down every 2 days for another week. Takes a total of 2 weeks. Open and Enjoy!
German Sweet Kraut:
1 quart Kraut
1 quart Applesauce
1 onion
2 Tblsp Brown Sugar
1 Tsp Garlic Powder
1/2 Tsp Pepper
1 Tblsp Oil
Mix in saucepan, heat until the sugar is dissolved. That's it! I make this and can it, cans beautifully.


Thanks for sharing! Will have to try this one out. Do you still process at 35 minutes? It looks like it since I don't see any probs to can for a longer period.

thank you so much,you should se my face,it's a big grinn from ear to ear :D
35 minutes is just fine!

I was talking to an old timer, of course after I canned my kraut and he was telling me about how his grandma used to put sugar in hers. He was never allowed in the kitchen while she was canning but couldn't really give specifics. I saw in the circular that cabbage was on sell in the store for 38 cents a pound and I have to say I was very tempted, but I am saving your recipe to try when I put my own cabbage in the garden for the fall weather. The sell is going on thru Tuesday, so you never know, I may actually end up changing my mind. . . but hey I am female, I'm allowed right?
I had a great Aunt that would use Red Cabbage . She would have shelfs full of red and white speckeled Kraut it was actualy pretty and had a very good tast .
I shredded my cabbage heads and added pickling salt ( 3 tablespoons of salt is a rough guideline for 5 pounds of cabbage) The salt pulls water out of the cabbage. I put this into a 5 gallon bucket weight down with a plate and a couple jars filled with water and let it ferment for 4 weeks (your temp will alter)/ Put in prepared canning jars and processed for 35 minute
I just started my first batch of sauerkraut last night. It's allready stinking up the wine closet! I only did 5 cabbage heads as I only planted ten as a test in the greenhouse this spring. I was surprised at how large they got, will do some re figuring on spacing this fall. I also pickeled my first beets last night as well. I was suprised at how good they were raw in a salad, crispy and sweet. But I've always loved pickeled beets. I'll let these marinate for a while and will let you know how they turn out.
. Oh, by the way, I dehydrated some beet chips, yuck! Don't bother! I guess if the end of the world was here and that was the last thing to eat, then maybe, otherwise forget it.
Yeah, we usually do ours for two weeks and we ferment it in a crock. But...this is Colorado, no heat and certainly no humidity!!
We also make Sweet German husband's Great-Grandmother's recipe. It has homemade applesauce mixed in with it! Its stellar!

I've got to try that, although it's hard to beat a sausage dog smothered in kraut, onions and spicy mustard! Perfection is hard to mess with.;)
The only way I can get hunny to get kraut is in Surprise Bundles, which is kraut, mixed with sausage and spices enclosed in some homemade rolls. . . I didn't tell the guys what exactly I used, so that was the surprise part. I have learned, do not let the guys know or see you cook whatever. . . it's just better for them. I love a good dog with kraut or sausage n apples with kraut
I just started my first batch of sauerkraut last night. It's allready stinking up the wine closet! I only did 5 cabbage heads as I only planted ten as a test in the greenhouse this spring. I was surprised at how large they got, will do some re figuring on spacing this fall. I also pickeled my first beets last night as well. I was suprised at how good they were raw in a salad, crispy and sweet. But I've always loved pickeled beets. I'll let these marinate for a while and will let you know how they turn out.View attachment 2429. Oh, by the way, I dehydrated some beet chips, yuck! Don't bother! I guess if the end of the world was here and that was the last thing to eat, then maybe, otherwise forget it.
You can always rehydrate to try in a salad or even pickle. . . maybe a little tougher though
My mom use to pickle beets I may try that. My dad use to have huge crocks full of salt pork, and kraut when I was a kid. I may have to try some in a bucket then can it. I am taking it when canning the kraut I wont need the pressure cooker??? My kids are not into kraut but I figure if the SHTF they will eat most any thing.
thats the funny thing about people when it comes to what they won't even normally touch much less eat.let the amount of food in the home run down.then you'll see um eating what they rather not eat to begin with
I opened the first jar of beets for dinner tonight. Amazing! These were a little spicier than any I've had but really, really good. I used apple cider vinegar and ball pickling spice, with a little sugar. Most recipes called for clove, but as I didn't have any I found this recipe without it. Can't wait till fall and I'm planting a lot more beets!
I opened the first jar of beets for dinner tonight. Amazing! These were a little spicier than any I've had but really, really good. I used apple cider vinegar and ball pickling spice, with a little sugar. Most recipes called for clove, but as I didn't have any I found this recipe without it. Can't wait till fall and I'm planting a lot more beets!
I love love love spicy beets! I have never used apple cider vinegar in mine or the ball pickling spice. . . may have to try that one.
I love love love spicy beets! I have never used apple cider vinegar in mine or the ball pickling spice. . . may have to try that one.
I read that a diffuser, or small pouch to hold the pickling spice while the liquid is heating is a good idea. I have a few leaves floating in the juice! I've never had a homemade beet before so it's hard to compare, but it blows away the canned stuff. How's the three legged goat getting along?

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