Saying good things about our northern neighbor.

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The Shaman of suburbia.
HCL Supporter
Dec 13, 2017
Look behind you in that dark corner.
Well, I have to say the quality of their exports is far better than the stuff we get from Chyna or bumpokeistan by leaps and bounds, sometimes better than ours! They're decent, friendly, and mostly moral people who mind their own business, I have a couple of lifelong friends up there; I like Poutine and Molsen golden beer when I can find it, but really guys, much love here, your president sucks. Get rid of turdo so we can be best buds again. he's like a girlfriend who hates everybody you know!
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Well, I have to say the quality of their exports is far better than the stuff we get from Chyna or bumpokeistan by leaps and bounds, sometimes better than ours! They're decent, friendly, and mostly moral people who mind their own business, I have a couple of lifelong friends up there; I like Poutine and Molsen golden beer when I can find it, but really guys, much love here, your president sucks. Get rid of turdo so we can be best buds again. he's like a girlfriend who hares everybody you know!
well said, especiallythe get rid of turdboy,but also the whole left side if the government and the idiots that vote for the socialist idiots
I believe trade should be fair to all, from all I’ve read it hasn’t been. How the particulars get worked out…? that’s above my business acumen.

Also, I apologize up front for any slights I might have committed by painting all Canadians as Trudeau. To be fair many around the world painted all of us as biden, a natural thing to do… it wasn’t personal though it may have felt that way.

Soooo, a thought came to me yesterday after reading various articles on these trade matters. Specifically about anger from Canadians for various things trump has said or done.

There’s something I’ve sensed from our northern neighbors here in the forum over the last few years. The same frustration and resigned commiseration many of us felt and expressed under biden. Exasperation because there was little any of us could do about the insanity in washington. As bad as many of us felt having biden for 4 years our canadian friends have been stuck with trudeau for 10 years. From many of them I see resigned hopelessness… not knowing when the nightmare will end. Their national pride at an all time low from a couple polls I saw, as was ours.

One way to make this sense of hopelessness end is for canadains to get p**** off and get united. We did it here. Enough americans finally got p**** off and stood to put a stop to the our version of nonsense.

The thought or realization I had yesterday… Trump has p*** off a lot of canadains. Everyone knows the best way to unite a nation is to p*** them off! I wonder, is it enough to start a rebellion against their leadership? Are they angry enough to stand together and take their nation back from the radicals? Can trump make the case trudeau is the real problem here?

History teaches that all it takes is a spark to change a nation… It also teaches the spark is usually from a surprising source. Time will tell if trump has caused a spark on the northern side of our border. :)

Thought continued… I’ve seen several articles in the last few days that trudeau is trying to play this trade dispute to stay in power. Sounds reasonable, I’m sure he is.

Trump is all about securing our nation. How secure are we with trudeau guarding our back? Maybe this ‘trade dispute’ isn’t about trade at all. Maybe there’s a much bigger game underway?
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Don't much care for the cops up there. I was pulled over once near Creston just because the cop wanted to check the load of hay I was hauling. He didn't like the way I had it secured. He even waited around until I had it tied down to his satisfaction. Little POS wannabe dictator.
Growing up in Detroit I can say, what most people don't understand who are not familiar with the area is that the auto industry and MANY manufacturing businesses did 100 years ago was build manufacturing plants on both sides of the Detroit river to double their port capacity. If they used both sides of the river they could load and unload twice as many ships. As all these businesses expanded so did the cities and surrounding areas and new manufacturing facilities and new businesses in both countries.
Also, there are probably many hundreds or thousands of Canadians who cross the river to work in Detroit and just as many Michiganders wo cross the river to work in Windsor, Canada because their job was transferred or they accepted a new position or a promotion.
I suspect this is very similar along the St Lawrence seaway/river in the upper New England states. And possibly in some areas on our northern border, most likely in Washington where the bigger cities border Canada.

I don't have a problem with Canadian "imports" in these area, or even ranching or farming trades, and probably many others. Without disrespect we usually referred to Canada as "our little brother to the north", even though Windsor is actually south of Detroit.

It is the political BS of unfair trade agreements our prior admins made that benefitted Canada and penalized the USA that caused this current situation. It will be resolved, friendly and soon enough.
Don't much care for the cops up there. I was pulled over once near Creston just because the cop wanted to check the load of hay I was hauling. He didn't like the way I had it secured. He even waited around until I had it tied down to his satisfaction. Little POS wannabe dictator.
Growing up in Michigan, and certainly still true today, when you cross into Canada you OBEY every law, say "yes sir" or Yes ma'am" at the border and to everyone in authority, and know before you even get there they WILL enforce every law to the fullest.
I understand your point though. But the same thing when traveling here is some/many small towns, obey the laws and be polite. They don't "make" money fining the locals they "make" money fining the outsiders so new money can come in to the community. Dad taught us that, over and over again, when we were kids. I still follow these guidelines today.
Growing up in Michigan, and certainly still true today, when you cross into Canada you OBEY every law, say "yes sir" or Yes ma'am" at the border and to everyone in authority, and know before you even get there they WILL enforce every law to the fullest.
I understand your point though. But the same thing when traveling here is some/many small towns, obey the laws and be polite. They don't "make" money fining the locals they "make" money fining the outsiders so new money can come in to the community. Dad taught us that, over and over again, when we were kids. I still follow these guidelines today.
I didn't get a ticket, and I've never lost a load of hay before. I think the cop could tell that I knew what I was doing by the way I had the load tied down. It just wasn't Canada approved, whatever that was.
He was probably just bored.
Remember any and all Canadian anger toward Trump is greatly exaggerated by the media in both countries.
That's probably true but there is still some fun to be had with it.



And After:

Satan himself would run from Canadian geese.
By the way, we seem to have several million of your geese here in Georgia. Could you come get them as soon as possible? The local tree huggers get pissy when we BBQ them.

You're welcome to keep them, we have more than enough millions of them of our own. Give them to the tree huggers, they'll appreciate that.

Word of warning - I wouldn't handle or eat those geese. It would appear a lot of them are carrying the avian flu now. Last autumn we had a 14 y.o. girl here in BC who has achieved the distinction of becoming Canada's first human victim of contracting the bird flu from directly handling them. She got the bird flu from plucking and dressing some Canada geese (her family hunted them) and she ended up in hospital in Vancouver in the ICU extremely ill for 3 weeks. It was touch and go for her for awhile, she nearly died. I guess her family won't be hunting and eating any more Canada geese.


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