My location is impossible to secure. The condo is in a nice area, but... the ones I would worry about live right here with me!
There are some Vietnamese who live downstairs who have their ducks in a row. We garden together, and they are completely preppers in all but name. They buy bulk, they have a HUGE community of relatives, friends, and ex-pats in the area. Some of the older guys seem like they would be nasty if the chips were down.
But the rest? Single older women, younger single moms, a couple drug dealers who think it's convenient to work right in the condo parking lot. A couple older guys, seem like alcoholics, and non functional (I like a beer, I'm not bad mouthing drinking. One of the guys is on his 9th DUI! Didn't even know that was possible.). I've never seen anyone else here carry a rifle case and range bag to the car to go out for a day of shooting.
No way me and the Wife and Daughter are out of here, I wouldn't even try to defend this place. Now, a bad storm, or something temporary? Yeah, I am stocked up for that. Anything else? Gone. Besides, this is an incredibly liberal, progressive college town and I am a rural, conservative guy. I have walked through marches and seen women dressed as vaginas holding signs and eyeballing me like they expect me to do something terrible, because I am white? and male? I guess. I felt less like the enemy walking around the Middle East.
No, this place will be fine without me. BOL here I come baby!