The police departments I worked for, and most others in the area, use
Adam, Baker, Charlie, David, Edward, Frank, George, Henry, Ida, John, King, Lincoln, Mary, Nora, Ocean, Paul, Queen, Sam, Tom, Union, Victor, William, X-ray, Yellow, Zebra.
Yes it is different than the military but most are common names and less confusing to "civilians" than some of the words like Juliette, Lima, and Papa. I know, simple words to emphasize the first letter but, common names catch the ear better to the untrained. I use it quite often when trying to spell things over the phone and even when in person while someone is trying to type it into the computer.
I can understand the military version but that is due to improvising based on my many years of experience. Is one better than the other? Maybe, maybe not, it will all depend on the situation and who you are talking to.