SE's guide to hunting Sheeple

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Silent Earth

Awesome Friend
Sep 25, 2013
watching from afar
How to hunt Sheeple
The Lesser spotted Sheeple (including the sub species the Blind Headdown Indenial and the Greater Crested Gear Freak) are preyed upon by gangs, extremists, totalitarian governments and preppers alike after TSHTF.
They are notoriously easy to track so they can be hunted and harvested for their useful plumage such as new shiny boots, glistening bright fire arms, expensive branded ruck sacks with all sorts of noisy and shiny bling attached to the outside glinting and rattling away merrily, which is believed to be used to try and attract a mate and to outshine other Gear Freaks in breeding season.
There are many are various tells to find nesting sheeple at night such as the sound of loud whispered conversation, the ripping of velcro fastenings, the clink of metal zipper tags, the smell and glow from camp fires and of course their favourite mate attracting habit of shining flashlights around at night. Sometime their nocturnal habits in their nest include them endlessly reaching for their two way radios and asking for " Radio Check Over"" at least once an hour.
When they move as a herd they often follow well worn paths used by previous generations which are called 'roads' and often the herd will blindly follow 'roads' even if they lead them into the waiting arms of predators. Some sub specials like to follow 'the tracks' but with the same result. Like some bison and large cloven hoof species when frightened they cluster together in tight groups often frozen to the spot and sometimes expressing the herds fear by shining flashlights everywhere which just attracts more predators.
Just like Lemmings they often display what is best described as suicidal tendencies such as part of the herd urinating, washing and defecating in the only water source that the rest of the herd is collecting water to drink and cook with thus frequently thinning the herd out with disease.
These nervous creatures can often be rendered calm and easily manageable (in the way chicken are rendered still by turning them on their sides whilst being held) by simply telling them " We are from the government and we are here to help you" this frequently allows the herd to be guided easily into corals for culling at your leisure.
One final comment about hunting Sheeple is their strange habit of even when seeing a threat to the herd or family group approaching like storms, wild fires or predators etc the herd stays blindly in place until they are told to flee by their "Friend from the government".
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How to hunt Sheeple
The Lesser spotted Sheeple (including the sub species the Blind Headdown Indenial and the Greater Crested Gear Freak) are preyed upon by gangs, extremists, totalitarian governments and preppers alike after TSHTF.
They are notoriously easy to track so they can be hunted and harvested for their useful plumage such as new shiny boots, glistening bright fire arms, expensive branded ruck sacks with all sorts of noisy and shiny bling attached to the outside glinting and rattling away merrily, which is believed to be used to try and attract a mate and to outshine other Gear Freaks in breeding season.
There are many are various tells to find nesting sheeple at night such as the sound of loud whispered conversation, the ripping of velcro fastenings, the clink of metal zipper tags, the smell and glow from camp fires and of course their favourite mate attracting habit of shining flashlights around at night. Sometime their nocturnal habits in their nest include them endlessly reaching for their two way radios and asking for " Radio Check Over"" at least once an hour.
When they move as a herd they often follow well worn paths used by previous generations which are called 'roads' and often the herd will blindly follow 'roads' even if they lead them into the waiting arms of predators. Some sub specials like to follow 'the tracks' but with the same result. Like some bison and large cloven hoof species when frightened they cluster together in tight groups often frozen to the spot and sometimes expressing the herds fear by shining flashlights everywhere which just attracts more predators.
Just like Lemmings they often display what is best described as suicidal tendencies such as part of the herd urinating, washing and defecating in the only water source that the rest of the herd is collecting water to drink and cook with thus frequently thinning the herd out with disease.
These nervous creatures can often be rendered calm and easily manageable (in the way chicken are rendered still by turning them on their sides whilst being held) by simply telling them " We are from the government and we are here to help you" this frequently allows the herd to be guided easily into corals for culling at your leisure.
One final comment about hunting Sheeple is their strange habit of even when seeing a threat to the herd or family group approaching like storms, wild fires or predators etc the herd stays blindly in place until they are told to flee by their "Friend from the government".
And don't forget about the growing herds of head-n-sandalot, closely related to the head-n-assalot. They don't hear or see well and are easy to hunt, but their numbers keep growing. About the only way to thin their numbers is with an aerial control program, or with M-44's.

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