Sheeple panic in London UK

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if the people here dont get a backbone soon and abide by the rules then we are really going to see what a pandemic can do, especially with the new variant which is stronger than the original.
what has already happened will be nothing to what is to come if they dont all stop acting like idiots.
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Ireland, Italy, Austria, Bulgaria, Germany join Belgium and Holland in banning travel from UK, I fear they are already to late because the selfish middle classes from the south of england are already on their way to their second homes, lodges, gites, chalets etc all across Europe.

The UK government should have stopped the planes, trains etc and closed the roads BEFORE abnnouncing the Tier4 lockdown
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The problem in Europe is that there are no more borders and controls within Europe, once you are here you can move freely. I think the new virus is as good as introduced, there will be a very big new chaos. There are probably tough curfews here, although nobody can monitor this in Switzerland, too few police and too few soldiers, here in the country anyway, for me and my few friends this is an advantage.
Makes little or no difference stopping the British entering France and a few other places if there are other countries Brits can go to that still have access to the EU.
You are being lied to, bamboozled, ***********! This is part of there get vaccinated campaign.

A non vaccine that's really a medical trojan horse DNA tracker.

I was reading somewhere that the UK government was saying lockdown restrictions will continue until at least 50% get the vaccine. That is how they will get people to take it. They can choose between a police state with lockdown or a police state with a dna tracker.
You are being lied to, bamboozled, ***********! This is part of there get vaccinated campaign. A non vaccine that's really a medical trojan horse DNA tracker.

And this video touches on the subject of why the Chinese want their huge database of U.S. population DNA. Video: International Expert on China Describes Deeper Effort by Communists to Influence the 2020 Election,

I had a gut feeling years ago when Ancestry, 23 and Me, and all those DNA testing sites kept advertising so aggressively on TV for people to go "give it up". I said it back then and despite my Cherokee Yahoo group's urging me to go get a test done to find out what % of Cherokee I am (I pretty much already know I'm 1/8), I said NO WAY to any DNA testing! I just knew those companies would one day sell such valuable data either to the government, a company (for profit) or a foreign nation downstream. Looks like I WAS RIGHT! You may find out your heritage with a test, but you are giving up your most important asset to the highest/most powerful "bidders".

Frankly, I see the PCR COVID-19 tests as the same thing..............collecting DNA. Said that on day one when Fauci et al said they needed to test more people.......then he was soon saying (right along with Trump, I might add) we needed to test everybody. I just KNEW there was a hidden plan behind the testing and still think there is. My husband nor I have been tested. Don't plan to be voluntarily either. Don't think the tests tell a da#% thing (they know it and now, we know it, too). If I get real symptoms and actually sick, I'll see a doctor for RX's and treatment and not one minute before.
Back in the middle of the 90s, there was a series of "mysterious deaths" of a group of scientists where 4 of the 5 working on a DNA type of killer virus suddenly died in accidents. The one who survived was fearing for his life after the other 4 had died so suddenly. His story was that the Israeli gov't had hired them to develope a disease, not unlike sickle-cell-anemia, which only attacks certain types of DNA. Blacks suffered most under SCA. Was it possible to develope a new disease which would concentrate on ARAB types of DNA??
One good way to rid yourself of the Israel/Arab problem...get them sick and if and when they were dying left and right, just say it was an act of God (like AIDS to homosexuals). No war, no attacks and no way to trace it back to its roots....
These rules are pointless, responsible people will use their common sense regardless of rules but follow them anyway. Irresponsible people will break the rules as they see fit. It’s like keeping the whole class in at break time because 3 or 4 kids misbehave. I’m so sick of bloody idiots. If everyone followed the rules in the first lockdown and didn’t flock to the beaches or take part in demonstrations we wouldn’t be here. And they’re doing it again. The government have handled this... well they haven’t handled it, their interventions have made things worse 😣 the only effective thing they’ve done is ensure all their mates get millions for ineffective PPE
These rules are pointless, responsible people will use their common sense regardless of rules but follow them anyway. Irresponsible people will break the rules as they see fit. It’s like keeping the whole class in at break time because 3 or 4 kids misbehave. I’m so sick of bloody idiots. If everyone followed the rules in the first lockdown and didn’t flock to the beaches or take part in demonstrations we wouldn’t be here. And they’re doing it again. The government have handled this... well they haven’t handled it, their interventions have made things worse 😣 the only effective thing they’ve done is ensure all their mates get millions for ineffective PPE

About the last thing I have seen is anyone using common sense.
maybe it is, it seems to affect more people of a Black or Asian background than it does Whites, not that Whites dont die of it, we do, but when you see photos of the ones who died, especially in the medical front line it is really noticeable.
????? what would they do with our DNA ? I don't think they would want to clone me :rolleyes:
Not talking about covid, I'm talking about a new designer virus made specifically to target certain DNA. Your DNA can be collected during a covid test, an donation.....
Or even the Chinese hacking into medical databases that have your DNA
YES! The Chinese have been doing genetic-targeted bio-weapon research for some time now........admit it openly. They were probably behind the huge medical database hack a couple years back (forget the name of the company, but many major hospitals use their medical software). The Chinese own several of the DNA testing companies, per a video I was just watching yesterday. They want to medically ID every person on the planet. They want to know everything about everybody............not just whether you have been vaxed or not. They want to let loose a bio-weapon that targets caucasians in the U.S. without killing any Asians, so they can then move right in and finish colonizing it with their excess population. They covet our land and resources........always have. Taking over the U.S. has always been their end goal. That's why they hack our military and science databases, so they can gain an adversarial advantage toward that end.

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