Shooting of young Mr. Arbery

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Awesome Friend
Mar 5, 2020
Georgia Mountains
This young man was shot multiple times and killed many week ago. No arrests were made prior to a video being put out on social media. I normally assume on incidents like this that there isn’t enough information known for me to be deciding who was right or wrong...but it is so outrageous what was done to this poor young man that I’m just heartbroken for him and his mother. How can anyone say this was anything but murder? It appears to be racially motivated. I am not one of those type that normally pulls the race card. The only thing I disagree with is using the “hate crime” stuff. Anyone that murders another person, regardless of color, is committing a hate crime.

Frankly, I hope these two get the death penalty.
The 2 men said they were trying to make a citizens arrest, which is legal in Georgia under some circumstances. They suspected the deceased of being involved in a rash of thefts in the neighborhood.

Very slipper slope there. I have been involved in a citizen's arrest situation but there is a point where you step back and let the law take over. From what I have seen, these idiots are going to jail, for a very long time. SIASD
I've seen the video and it don't look good for the 2 men that confronted that young man.

The police were already called,
it was stated the son seen a video tape of the break in at a neighbors home a week earlier and said Arbery looks like one of the person that broke in, so when the father seen a black boy running on the road he called his son and that's when they decided to do an armed confrontation and drove ahead of Arbery and stopped the truck, one guy got out of the pickup with a shotgun and confronted Arbery after a shot was fired, if you look close at the video Arbery was already bleeding before the man confronted him in front of the truck meaning he was already shot before Arbery grabbed the shotgun in what appears Arbery trying to defend himself.

From what I seen Arbery was jugging and not running, it appears the father son confronted and killed the wrong man, I think GBI came to the same conclusion. What is going to go against these men is that they already called the police, instead of waiting they decided to get in the truck and chase him down armed and as the result we have a dead man and more than likely an innocent dead man. The local didn't botch the investigation they tried to bury it, the DA was friends with the father involved in the shooting, both the Chief and DA stated an outside agency doesn't need to be involved meaning they didn't want the GBI involved.

From what I read this morning the GBI may call in the FBI to investigate everyone from mayor to dog catcher, this isn't the first incident from that town according to the GBI. The police department investigated this for two weeks and stated there were no evidence for the arrest and listed it self defense, the local police also dismissed the video. GBI goes in to investigate and within 36 hours found more than enough evidence to arrest the two man on murder charges and state more arrest may be coming, they are also investigating the local investigators.
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The 2 men said they were trying to make a citizens arrest, which is legal in Georgia under some circumstances. They suspected the deceased of being involved in a rash of thefts in the neighborhood.

'Suspecting' doesn't fall under citizens arrest. if one is going to make a citizen arrest one better be an eye witness otherwise that constitutes false imprisonment false arrest
Don't you just love vigilantes?

In my mind, how is what happened all that different from a lynching?

In certain circumstances vigilantism has a place but this wasn't one of them. lynching, firing squad is not different, neither lynching nor being gun downed doesn't always imply race was a factor, I fail to understand why lynching was mentioned?
Also, there isn’t a death penalty for stealing that I know of. Frankly, the son looks like he’s a few cards short of a deck to me.

I hate thieves more than anything in the world and if a thief comes into my home he is dead, but that doesn't mean I'm going off property chasing him down to kill him.
I hate thieves more than anything in the world and if a thief comes into my home he is dead, but that doesn't mean I'm going off property chasing him down to kill him.

Absolutely agree and same at my house! You break into my home, I will shoot without even one question. And if this young man had been in these people’s home, I would be backing them 100%.
Now I’m interested to know the black dude’s criminal history. Was he as clean as a preacher’s sheets or dirty as a pig in a mud hole?
But that still doesn’t excuse gunning down in the street nor does mean he was the one doing the crime he was gun downed for, his past is not relevant for the outcome in this case.
The 2 men said they were trying to make a citizens arrest, which is legal in Georgia under some circumstances. They suspected the deceased of being involved in a rash of thefts in the neighborhood.
HOW as no crime had been commited? he was out jogging and they thought he MAY have been responsible for burglaries in recent weeks, but no other evidence cept for their inherent racism.
Wow , guilty of being black and a jogger or perhaps answering back to a white man, looks like the deep south has not changed that much since To Kill A Mockingbird.
HOW as no crime had been commited? he was out jogging and they thought he MAY have been responsible for burglaries in recent weeks, but no other evidence cept for their inherent racism.
Agree 100%.

I compared it to lynching earlier, as it seems that a vague crime with no evidence was used as an excuse to gun down a man who had the "wrong" skin color.

It turns out after further review that there were no burgleries in the area within a 5 mile radius of the scene withing the past 3 months, with the exception of a car being broken into and a 9mm pistol was stolen.

This event was kissing cousins to a lynching.

Lynching used to be advertised in the newspaper so that people would show up for the entertainment. Photos would be taken, and sold as postcards and keepsakes.

I'm sometimes asked why I have such little faith in humanity . . . and it's things like this that get me so disgusted with people in general.
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'Suspecting' doesn't fall under citizens arrest. if one is going to make a citizen arrest one better be an eye witness otherwise that constitutes false imprisonment false arrest
Exactly. . . If they saw someone actually committing a crime, like in the act of mugging someone, that would be one thing. But from what it seems like, he was jogging (which was a common activity for this young man and many other people of various races) and is certainly not a criminal act. Even "running away" wouldn't be a criminal act worthy of this level of force, and unless they JUST SAW him commit a crime wouldn't be a reason for this (it might be suspicious behavior and might warrant a call to police). And even if they confronted him with shotguns and he attacked them -- that would be called self-defense . . . on the jogger's part.
Exactly. . . If they saw someone actually committing a crime, like in the act of mugging someone, that would be one thing. But from what it seems like, he was jogging (which was a common activity for this young man and many other people of various races) and is certainly not a criminal act. Even "running away" wouldn't be a criminal act worthy of this level of force, and unless they JUST SAW him commit a crime wouldn't be a reason for this (it might be suspicious behavior and might warrant a call to police). And even if they confronted him with shotguns and he attacked them -- that would be called self-defense . . . on the jogger's part.
Agree 100%.

The worst part was how the cops covered for these two morons.

Cronyism kills.
GBI investigating a third person

Arbery was gunned down on Feb. 23 after being chased by Gregory McMichael, 64, and Travis McMichael, 34. According to the Glynn County police report, the McMichaels said they chased down Arbery because they thought he was responsible for a string of recent burglaries in the area, alleged crimes that never actually happened.

Georgia cops say no string of burglaries and no robberies for weeks before Ahmaud Arbery shooting. Police report records appear to contradict what the father and son told cops .

Larry English, the owner of a home under construction near where Arbery was killed, said someone stole $2,500 in fishing gear from him earlier this year. However, English told The Daily Beast that he never reported the theft to the police. English said his surveillance system captured a man who appeared to be Arbery "coming onto his property" on Feb. 23, but he declined to share the clips according to CNN.
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Wow , guilty of being black and a jogger or perhaps answering back to a white man, looks like the deep south has not changed that much since To Kill A Mockingbird.

Let me assure you Bill I have lived in many states in this great nation of ours and the "South" has not cornered the market on racism. The most racist locations I have ever lived have been far North of the Mason Dixon line. And things have changed a great deal in the South. Maybe not enough but they have changed. The road I grew up on had KKK painted right on the black top at both ends of the road. The sun never sat on a black man on that road. Spook Hill was where the lynchings took place. The black of the community had their own schools and I was one of the whites bused to a black school to even out the numbers. Jr high. So indeed a great deal has changed. Just not enough maybe. And there will always be racists. Hoping just not as many. So please don't paint the South as all these raving racists. Try it some time for a visit it might grow on ya.
The 2 in the truck did everything wrong . Sure call the Police and have Someone checked out if there has been a recent crime spree . But let the Police handle it from there .
There was absolutely no thought process and obviously no experience in approaching a suspect .
I stop People frequently that are causing trouble or committing a crime as part of My job at work . These 2 had no business trying what they did . 1 bad decision and it snowballed into ending 1 life and destroying 2 others and not to mention the Families of all 3 .

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