I've been trying out some recipes other than boring flapjacks for lunchboxes. As son is unable to move, I'm trying to come up with healthy things with less sugar etc. I've been making these protein balls, and found something similar in bar form. The recipe has been abandoned in favour of what I need to use up, but here is a basic one, and a photo of what I made yesterday with no recipe. Yes, they are topped with chocolate - because life is short.
So in it is half a bag of dates, about 3 tablespoons of peanut butter, coconut, mixed Chopped nuts, goji berries, seeds, cinnamon and coconut oil. All into the food processor and then squashed into some bar molds, kept in the fridge.
So in it is half a bag of dates, about 3 tablespoons of peanut butter, coconut, mixed Chopped nuts, goji berries, seeds, cinnamon and coconut oil. All into the food processor and then squashed into some bar molds, kept in the fridge.