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I've got no use for these thin skinned whinny wimps who get their feelings hurt over a simple word or comment. They can kiss my ass. Even when I was working in the corporate world I always spoke my mind.
This doesn't mean that I can't have a civil conversation with someone that has a different opinion from mine. Fortunately we don't have many bed wetting snowflakes around where I live.
When I was growing up, if someone said something offensive we would say "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me!"
When I got my feelings hurt, my father would tell me "Let it roll off of you like water off of a duck's back."

If people said something you didn't like or agree with, we'd say "Well it's a free country."

"Common Sense" is now uncommon
pc speech is now used by the left to muzzle any opposing views, if you try to talk about immigration you are called a racist, that usually stops debate straight away.

This really is the (to many) unseen danger of being overly PC. It enforces a "groupthink" to where any opposing opinion is so socially ostracized, that true debate and innovation simply cannot take place. And it's a growing cancer in our society. Many of us saw this in 2016, and took a stab at halting its progress. But as the midterms showed, its a pretty deep problem.
"Stop acting like a little monkey". . . something I say to even my own little granddaughter when she is fidgety. I am direct and to the point. My granddaughter understands what I mean and yet she is only three. But if I say the exact same thing to another kid of a different race than I am, I am being racist and not PC. It makes no sense to me when I have to treat another differently than I would my own. . . . I am supposed to tip toe, my a@@. Sorry if I hurt someones feeling @Bluejoy. To me, I am treating everyone the same there with no special treatment. It is the person receiving that comment who may have the problem and it is normally not the child I am talking to but their parent who is not the one disciplining their child and letting them run amuck in the store climbing up on shelves and swinging from fixtures. If they break something, that cost the store money which will be passed along to consumers in the long run. Just another example. . .

Being 'PC' may have had good intentions when it was first introduced. Being mindful of another feelings and how it is perceived but like everything else it has been taken to the extreme. Who would have ever thought that the common statement I make would ever be considered racist. Or the fact that a church that put up a sign advertising their VBS in a mall would be considered offensive. The sign was of a man holding a book with no title on it. Had the VBS theme and location and times. That was it. Big stink and it had to come down. Statues have to come down of Southern Generals because some people believe that the the Civil war was about slavery and not state rights. A person is denied entrance to an art exhibit because she is wearing a kimono and not Japanese descent. . . the list goes on and on. . . .

You are no longer able to express yourself and voice your own opinion without offending someone out in the world. Has and will never happen. I was not talking about degrading or being mean to another just because they have different ideas than I do, like some do. I do not like or agree with that kind of behavior at all.

Re: 'little monkey'. I think that it would depend on the context. Saying it to kids in general shouldn't be a problem - we all share a common ancestor with other primates, after all. A White person tending to say it only towards Black kids, or to cast only Black kids as monkeys in a school play, etc., would be deeply suspect.
Or...we could all just not be a bunch of babies, and call each other any names we like. Call me anything, cracker, honkie, whatever.... I simply grant no power to such words, so they just don't do anything. There's a lesson there perhaps....

When you outlaw a word, you give it more power than it ever deserved. In the past, we understood that. Hell, we could even all laugh about it. (exhibit a) Blazing Saddles). But no...
Or we could be decent human beings and not treat each other like crap :) It's no skin off my nose not to use language that, for various reasons, is deeply hurtful to people. Just as I wouldn't bang on about knocking back pints to a friend trying to quit alcohol.
Words have no power unless you grant them power. Even yelling fire in a movie theater has no power if you do not panic. When I was a kid, we knew most if not all the racial slurs. When somebody used one, we would fall back on the old saying sticks and stones and then consider the source. Those that used the slurs were quickly ostracized by both the kids and their parents. We did not need a safe place, we did not whine and cry about somebody being mean to us. We ignored the offender and left them to their own devices.

When everything becomes racist, then it looses it importance or value. Over using the F bomb has lost the shock value, now it is just a sign of a poor vocabulary. Trigger phrases are the stupidest thing to come down the pike in a very long time. Insults are rude behavior but should not be construed with illegal behavior. It is just bad manners. When the freedom to use any word is banned, that is the first step to a loss of freedom. The P.C. Snowflakes do not stand a chance once the SHTF. There will not be any safe places and nobody will give a darn if they get their feeling hurt. The power you grant a word, phrase or concept is what gives it meaning, nothing else. You are in control of granting the power.
Or some of us could quit being thin skinned little crybabies. Call me whatever you want and I'll either laugh about it or knock your head off. I'm not about to tailor my language for fear that some limp wristed wimp will get his feelings hurt.
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Re: 'little monkey'. I think that it would depend on the context. Saying it to kids in general shouldn't be a problem - we all share a common ancestor with other primates, after all. A White person tending to say it only towards Black kids, or to cast only Black kids as monkeys in a school play, etc., would be deeply suspect.
and the only way to know a persons true heart is to be around that person on a regular basis. The problem comes when people jump to their own conclusions and normally those are the ones who have a chip on their shoulders already just looking for something to gripe about. As for the true haters in this world, I can not speak for them.
Words have no power unless you grant them power. Even yelling fire in a movie theater has no power if you do not panic. When I was a kid, we knew most if not all the racial slurs. When somebody used one, we would fall back on the old saying sticks and stones and then consider the source. Those that used the slurs were quickly ostracized by both the kids and their parents. We did not need a safe place, we did not whine and cry about somebody being mean to us. We ignored the offender and left them to their own devices.

When everything becomes racist, then it looses it importance or value. Over using the F bomb has lost the shock value, now it is just a sign of a poor vocabulary. Trigger phrases are the stupidest thing to come down the pike in a very long time. Insults are rude behavior but should not be construed with illegal behavior. It is just bad manners. When the freedom to use any word is banned, that is the first step to a loss of freedom. The P.C. Snowflakes do not stand a chance once the SHTF. There will not be any safe places and nobody will give a darn if they get their feeling hurt. The power you grant a word, phrase or concept is what gives it meaning, nothing else. You are in control of granting the power.
Quentin Tarantino and Samuel L. Jackson are probably about 98% responsible for overuse of the f-word.
I certainly was a "little monkey" when I was a kid. I was always climbing around, and up anything, etc. Hell, I could jump from branch to branch in most trees like Tarzan. I could run up walls, etc. and did that parkour (spelling?) stuff before there was even a term for it.

Never got the "slur" aspect of the monkey/ape thing. We're all just a stone's throw away (like less than 2% DNA) from a chimp anyhow. White, black, whatever.....
Re: 'little monkey'. I think that it would depend on the context. Saying it to kids in general shouldn't be a problem - we all share a common ancestor with other primates, after all.

Now I AM offended! I have no ancestors that were monkeys or anything other than a man or a woman. No monkeys. No apes. No non-human species. And definitely no transgenders.

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