Wouldn't CB's or two-way Radios work? Will sound waves still work?
I don't understand your question..
Radio is radio is radio is radio..
It doesn't matter if it is a .250 watt cell phone or a 10,000 watt transmitter, if it uses microprocessors something has got to give.
A knowledgeable person with a crystal controlled, tube type cb radio can replace the crystals with other crystals, retune it and operate it in other bands - within reason.
If the tuning circuit allows it will operate with little difficulty on 10 or 12 meters - both amateur bands.
With some tweeking and some different components it could operate practically anywhere. BASICALLY the radio is just a transmitter and a receiver.
If a EMP was dropped, and if it had multiple warheads, it could quite possibly knock out all reliable communications other then what the government and the phone company has for back up. There isn't enough spare equipment laying around to replace what would be damaged on the cell towers and the televisions and radios for many years after the event.
If this was followed by some group that decided to JCB the backbone to the internet, the whole country would be in the dark in a matter of hours.
Things such as the banking industry - would run out of money.
Gas pumps would be pumped dry - because there would be no scheduled delivery.
Grocery stores would run out of food - because there would be no cash register receipt of sales - hence there would be no more food delivered and there would be no food sold - because no one would know how much it cost without a computer to tell them.
The whole country would fold up like a cheap card table.
How many times have to shopped in a grocery store or fast food restaurant and the sales clerk did not know how to count and or did not know how to make change.